The script can be used to transform an Excel file to a CISO Assistant library.
Have a look to the given examples.
To launch it, open a shell in a command line, and type:
python your_library_file.xlsx
This will produce a file name your_library_file.yaml
This is documented in the header of the python file. Please note the notion of level is not yet implemented in CISO Assistant.
| means a cell separation, <> means empty cell
The first tab shall be named "library_content" and contain the description of the library in the other tabs
library_urn | <urn>
library_version | <version>
library_locale | <en/fr/...>
library_ref_id | <ref_id>
library_name | <name>
library_description | <description>
library_copyright | <copyright>
library_provider | <provider>
library_packager | <packager>
library_dependencies | <urn1, urn2...
framework_urn | <urn>
framework_ref_id | <ref_id>
framework_name | <name>
framework_description | <description>
reference_control_base_urn | <base_urn> | id
threat_base_urn | <base_urn> | id
tab | <tab_name> | levels
tab | <tab_name> | requirements | <section_name>
tab | <tab_name> | threats | <base_urn>
tab | <tab_name> | reference_controls | <base_urn>
For levels:
A "levels" tab enumerates levels. If it exists, it shall be placed before the correponding framework.
The first line is a header, with the following possible fields (* for required):
- level(*)
- ref_id(*)
- name
- description
- annotation
For requirements:
If no section_name is given, no upper group is defined, else an upper group (depth 0) with the section name is used.
The first line is a header, with the following possible fields (* for required):
- assessable(*): non-empty (e.g x) if this is a requirement
- depth(*): 1/2/3/... to describe the tree
- ref_id
- name
- description
- level
- maturity
- threats
- reference_controls
- annotation
The normal tree order shall be respected
If multiple threats or reference_control are given for a requirements, they shall be separated by blank or comma.
They shall be prefixed by the id of the corresponding base_urn and a semicolumn.
For reference controls:
The first line is a header, with the following possible fields (* for required):
- depth(*): 1/2/3/.. for requirement groups, empty for a requirement.
- ref_id(*)
- name
- description
- category (policy/process/techncial/physical).
- annotation
A library has a single locale. Translated libraries have the same urns, they are merged during import.
Dependencies are given as a comma or blank separated list of urns.
Currently, the name of the Excel file shall be consistent with the library URN. For example, if the URN is urn:intuitem:risk:library:dfs-500-2023-11, then the filename shall be dfs-500-2023-11.xlsx.
If this rule is not followed, then importing a library will fail with no clear message, and displaying the library will fail with a "undefined" error. This will be fixed in a future version.