This is BPATTY, which stands for Brian's Pentesting and Technical Tips for You. It's basically my collection of tech/security tips, tricks and scripts that once upon a time I saved to OneNote, Evernote, Notepad, Stickies, Notepad++, Dropbox Paper...deep breath...Leafpad, Post-it notes, etc.
I made a big effort last year to throw all this crud in one place on my blog but realized that for people (especially me) to actually use it, a Github repository and Wiki makes more sense. So here we are!
I sincerely hope BPATTY can help you in your IT and infosec journey. If you have any suggestions/edits for BPATTY contact, please raise an issue and I'll respond!
Just in that they are both delicious and not necessarily healthy for you.
Wait, wait! There are already way, way, WAY better documents, tools and collections like this out there!
My response (substitute "microphone" for "documentation project") is this.
Not as often as I'd like. But check out the change log if you want to keep tabs on things.
Hi, I'm Brian and I blog/podcast about information security at 7 Minute Security. I also run a security consulting company.
Head to the 7MS Slack channel and punch away!