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Neovim + Neovide

Neovim + Neovide

lualine.nvim lualine.nvim
lazy.nvim mason.nvim
LSP + nvim-cmp undotree
ccc.nvim mini.files
vim-floaterm + oh-my-zsh vim-floaterm + oh-my-zsh
lsp-config vim-floaterm + lazygit
vim-floaterm + lazygit telescope.nvim
telescope.nvim telescope.nvim
treesitter playground LSP + nvim-cmp
which-key.nvim cellular-automaton.nvim

Cool Features

  • A Neovim/Vim config with full LSP support that I have refined for 10+ years
  • Fullscreen overlay terminal with <c-i> (use iTerm3 plist)
  • ZSH autocompletion with <c-e>
  • Snippet storage via pet list. Type prev to store previous command
  • Zoxide (previously autojump) to common directories with j <partial name>
  • Lots of Mac optimizations

Basic Setup

Set a super fast keyboard repeat

defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 1

If you're on a Mac, I recommend remapping your Caps Lock key to a Control key in keyboard settings.

iTerm 3

Download and install iTerm3

Install the Dracula color scheme and activate it.

Open iTerm preferences, and choose General > Preferences. Check the box for load preferences from custom folder and choose the iTerm folder which includes com.googlecode.iterm2.plist. Before loading, you may want to change zesty to your own home folder via find/replace.


sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions


/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

brew analytics off
brew update
brew install make cmake git python zoxide ripgrep fzf fd curl wget tmux
brew install lazygit tmux jq tldr httpie htop diff-so-fancy
brew install saulpw/vd/visidata
brew install knqyf263/pet/pet

Node + Global Packages

brew install pnpm node@20 # LTS
pnpm -g install neovim nuxi@latest wrangler


brew install rbenv
rbenv install 3.3.1 # latest
gem install neovim
bundle config --global jobs 15 # 1 less than `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`


brew install rustup
rustup toolchain install nightly --allow-downgrade

To update:

rustup update


cd ~/.local/share/nvim
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install neovim pynvim

Neovide from source

cargo install --path .

To create a icon that will always link to the current version, create an "Application" in Automator with the following:

Make sure to pass input as arguments, and for shell use /bin/zsh

# only pass the first argument (file) to neovide launcher if multiple files are dragged
/bin/zsh -l -c "~/.zsh/bin/n \"$1\""


Install the fonts in Library/Fonts

Vim (Legacy)


Once you install MacVim, start it and install/update plugins


To create a icon that will always link to the current version, create an "Application" in Automator with the following:

Make sure to pass input as arguments, and for shell use /bin/zsh

open -a /opt/homebrew/opt/macvim/ "$@"

Now save that in /Applications to have a version for the Applications folder that you can link other apps to.

Spacemacs (Legacy)

brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
brew install emacs-plus --with-24bit-color --with-natural-title-bar --without-spacemacs-icon
yarn global add tern # for the javascript layer

Helpful tips in here