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User Guide

Supper Strikers is a desktop application for managing your supper orders. It is targeted at students living in NUS for ordering delivery from supper stretch. While it has a GUI (Graphical User Interface), most of the user interactions happen using a CLI (Command Line Interface).

  • Table of Contents {:toc}

  1. Download the latest supperstrikers.jar from here.

  2. Copy the jar to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your SupperStrikers.

  3. Open a command window. Run the java -version command to ensure you are using Java 11. If not, please install Java 11 to ensure you are able to safely launch the jar file.

  4. Launch the jar file using the java -jar supperstrikers.jar command (do not use double-clicking). The GUI similar to the one below should appear in a few seconds.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • vendor : List all the vendors available.
    • vendor 1 : Select the first vendor to make a supper order for.
    • add 1 2 : Adds two quantity of the item at the 1st index from the vendor's menu to your supper order.
    • remove 1 1 : Removes 1 quantity of the item at the 1st index from your order.
    • preset save My First Preset : Saves your current order items locally as a preset with the name "My First Preset", which you can call it back easily by:
    • preset load My First Preset : Loads the preset with the name "My First Preset" to your supper strikers app!
    • exit : Exits the app.
  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.


**Notes about the command format:**
  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    E.g. in find KEYWORD, KEYWORD is a parameter which can be used as find spicy.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    E.g add INDEX [QUANTITY] can be used as add 3 2 or as add 3.

  • Friendly syntax is supported! For any command, typing the prefix of the command will already be recognized, unless there is any ambiguity.

    • E.g. help only requires the user to type h to be recognized, while sort will require user to at least type so since typing s by itself will conflict with another command submit (The commands will be explained below. To minimize confusion, the whole command will be shown instead of the prefix.)
  • Extra whitespaces in between arguments will be ignored.

The application is divided into two modes, vendor mode and menu mode. Vendor mode is when a vendor is not yet selected, as seen by the section on the left displaying a list of vendors. In vendor mode, only vendor related commands can be executed. In menu mode, vendor, menu and order commands can be executed.


Getting Started: help

Shows the user instructions on how to use the application.

Format: help

  • Note that anything written after the help command will be ignored.

Exit application: exit

See you next time!

Note that any arguments written after the exit command will be ignored.

  • exit and exit 1 is treated as the same command
  • This also applies to all other commands with no arguments

Format: exit

  • This command closes the jar file.

Vendor related commands

View/select vendor: vendor

Displays the list of all vendors or selects the specified vendor.

Format: vendor [INDEX]

  • If no INDEX is specified, it displays the list of all vendors and returns to vendor mode.
  • If an INDEX is specified, the corresponding vendor is selected, and its menu will be shown.
  • If there is an existing supper order, it will be deleted.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer and must not exceed the size of the vendor list.


  • vendor: Changes back to vendor mode.
  • vendor 2: Selects the 2nd vendor in the list.

Menu related commands

Displaying supper menu: menu

Displays the default menu from the selected vendor.

  • Can be used to display the menu after a sort / find / price command.
  • Note that any arguments written after the menu command will be ignored, and menu will be listed as intended.

Format: menu


  • menu: Displays the full menu of the selected vendor.

Sorting the menu: sort

Sorts the menu by either price or name.

Format: sort MODE [DIRECTION]

  • MODE dictates which mode it will sort by, with format:

    • n: sorts by name
    • p: sorts by price
  • DIRECTION dictates which direction it will sort by, with format:

    • a: sort in ascending order
    • d: sort in descending order
    • t: toggles the direction, if previous sort was ascending, new direction is descending. If no direction was previously specified, sort in ascending order.
  • If DIRECTION is not specified, it will be treated as a toggle, and ascending direction will be sorted as descending order and vice versa.


  • sort n a: sorts the menu by name in ascending direction.
  • sort p: sorts the menu by price in opposite direction as last sorted.

Find menu item: find

Finds and lists all menu items containing any of the specified keywords in their name.


  • KEYWORD are NOT case-sensitive.
  • Tags will also be detected.
  • Note that keywords with spaces will be are treated as separate keywords (see example below). This is to avoid user mistake.


  • find milo: lists all menu items containing the word 'milo' in their name.
  • find milo dinosaur: lists all menu items containing the word 'milo' or 'dinosaur' in their name.

Filter menu item by price: price

Filters all menu item within a specified price range.


  • INEQUALITY is an inequality sign, of the below formats:
    • <: Strictly less than
    • <=: Less than or Equal to
    • >: Strictly greater than
    • >=: Greater than or Equal to
  • PRICE must be a non-negative real number. Only up to 2 decimal places will be considered, anything from third decimal places onward will be ignored.


  • price < 3: lists all menu items with price less than $3.
  • price <= 2: lists all menu items with price less than or equal to $2.
  • price > 4.123: lists all menu items with price greater than $4.12

Order related commands

Adding an order item: add

Adds an order item for the user according to the index from the menu to the user's supper order.

Format: add INDEX [QUANTITY]

  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown on the displayed menu list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer and must not exceed the size of the menu list.
  • QUANTITY can be specified to indicate the number of item to be added. Otherwise, it adds one quantity of the item at the specified index.


  • add 1 1: add item at INDEX 1, of QUANTITY 1.
  • add 2 3: add item at INDEX 2, of QUANTITY 3.
  • add 1: add item at INDEX 1, of default QUANTITY 1.

Removing an order item : remove

Removes the specified item from the supper order.

Format: remove INDEX [QUANTITY]

  • INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed supper order list.
  • INDEX must be a positive integer and must not exceed the size of the supper order list.
  • QUANTITY can be specified to indicate the number of item to be deleted (has to be less than or equal to the current quantity).
  • If QUANTITY is not specified, it removes all items of the specified index.


  • remove 2: remove all items at INDEX 2.
  • remove 1 2: remove item at INDEX 1, of quantity 2.

Tag an order item: tag

Tags an order item with remark.

Format: tag INDEX REMARK

  • The INDEX refers to the index number of the order item.
  • INDEX must be positive number and must not exceed the size of the order list.
  • REMARK is any non-empty string.
  • If the REMARK being added to the order item already exists, it would not be added.
  • Unlimited tags can be added, and is left up to the user's discretion.


  • tag 5 2 no egg: tags the order item at INDEX 5 with the REMARK '2 no egg'.

Untag an order item: untag

Clears all tags of the specified order item.

Format: untag INDEX

  • The INDEX refers to the index number of the order item.
  • INDEX must be positive number and must not exceed the size of the order list.


  • untag 1: clears all tags for the order item at INDEX 1.

Clearing the order: clear

Removes everything from the order.

Format: clear


  • clear: clears all items on current order.

Undo changes to order: undo

Undoes last change to the order. Note that it does not affect commands unrelated to order.

Format: undo

  • Note that any arguments written after the undo command will be ignored.
  • Note that an error message will be returned to the user if there are no changes left to undo.


  • undo: undoes previous command and returns order back to its previous state.

Calculate total: total

Displays the total cost of the order currently.

Format: total

  • Note that any arguments written after the total command will be ignored.
  • Note that an error message will be returned to the user if the order is empty.


  • total: returns the total cost of all items from current order.

Profile Details: profile

Add delivery address and phone number for submission.

Format: profile PHONE ADDRESS

  • PHONE represents your contact number and must be a valid phone number (First digit must start with a 6/8/9 and must be exactly 8 digits long).

  • ADDRESS represents your delivery address.


  • profile 92030888 25 Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119081: Saves your PHONE number as '92030888' and your ADDRESS as '25 Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119081'.

Generate order text: submit

Displays a copy-paste-able text of profile with order. A profile must be set up before using submit.

Format: submit

  • Text obtained will be copied to clipboard if possible.
  • Note that an error message will be returned to the user if the order is empty.
  • Note that any arguments written after the submit command will be ignored.


  • submit: returns a text form of the order

Preset supper orders: preset

Saves or Loads a preset of the user's supper order.

Format: preset MODE [NAME]

  • MODE dictates what the system will perform for the user's supper orders, represented by the formats:
    • save: Used to save a preset. (If used without a NAME, will save with a default preset name of 'MyPreset')
    • load: Used to load a preset. (If used without a NAME, will list all saved presets for the current vendor)
    • delete: Used to delete a preset. (NAME must be specified)
  • NAME is the preset name which the system will save the preset as, or tries to load the given preset by the given name.
    • if NAME already exists and preset is in save mode, the new preset will overwrite the existing preset.
    • NAME is case-sensitive and supports space characters.
    • if NAME does not exist and preset is in delete mode, an error message will be returned to the user.
  • Presets are split by vendors, therefore running preset save PresetName for two different vendors will not affect one another. Similar for preset load.


  • preset save: saves the user's supper order with the default preset name.
  • preset load MyPreset: loads the current default preset if it exists.
  • preset save vegan: save the user's supper order with a preset NAME of 'vegan'.
  • preset load vegan: loads the preset supper order with the preset NAME 'vegan'.
  • preset delete vegan: deletes the preset supper order with the preset NAME "vegan".


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer? A: Overwrite your current data file with your old data file.

Q: Why are some pictures missing on the menu? A: These are intended as an example of what is shown if vendors lack a picture for a menu item.

Q: Why am I not allowed to add vendors or menu items? A: We realised that allowing users to add vendors or menu items from the command line is unfeasible, as each vendor will have many menu items, and it would be extremely time-consuming for the user. However, the user is able to manually add vendors or menu items in the json file, but the user must ensure that all details are included correctly.

Command summary

Action Format
Help help
Exit exit
Vendor vendor [INDEX]
Menu menu
Remove remove INDEX [QUANTITY]
Untag untag INDEX
Clear clear
Undo undo
Total total
Profile profile PHONE ADDRESS
Submit submit
Preset preset MODE [NAME]