Bravo (ACCCE) => Arbitrary Cartesi Composability Code Execution
[X] encode & decode hex input and output [X] eval python code [X] emit a voucher to CALLBACK_FUNCTION_SELECTOR given an address [X] generic address call [X] send input from frontend-console (yarn start input send --payload '{"address":"0xF8C694fd58360De278d5fF2276B7130Bfdc0192A", "body":"7+1"}' --address "0xF8C694fd58360De278d5fF2276B7130Bfdc0192A") [X] post the voucher [X] check notice from frontend-console (yarn start notice list) [X] check vouchers from frontend-console (yarn start voucher list) [X] production mode ready [X] use the new way to build the cartesi dapp [X] add a contract to be called [X] get the value of CALLBACK_FUNCTION_SELECTOR [X] implement in the given contract a standard method to manage the callback [X] manage a call from a contract instead of yarn start input send [X] trigger the time advance (done in the docker compose conf 30s) [X] trigger the voucher execution (yarn start voucher execute --id 1) [X] change name in docker bake and compose [X] name & logo [X] architecture [X] presentation ( [] submit
💩 yarn hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network localhost