# CommonGateway\CoreBundle\Service\RequestService Handles incoming request from endpoints or controllers that relate to the gateways object structure (eav). ## Methods | Name | Description | |------|-------------| |[__construct](#requestservice__construct)|The constructor sets al needed variables.| |[checkEmbedded](#requestservicecheckembedded)|If embedded should be shown or not.| |[createResponse](#requestservicecreateresponse)|Creating the response object.| |[getId](#requestservicegetid)|Get the ID from given parameters.| |[getSchema](#requestservicegetschema)|Get the schema from given parameters returns false if no schema could be established.| |[getScopes](#requestservicegetscopes)|Get a scopes array for the current user (or of the anonymus if no user s logged in).| |[proxyHandler](#requestserviceproxyhandler)|| |[proxyRequestHandler](#requestserviceproxyrequesthandler)|Determines the proxy source from configuration, then use proxy handler to proxy the request.| |[realRequestQueryAll](#requestservicerealrequestqueryall)|A function to replace Request->query->all() because Request->query->all() will replace some characters with an underscore.| |[requestHandler](#requestservicerequesthandler)|Handles incomming requests and is responsible for generating a response.| |[serializeData](#requestserviceserializedata)|Determines the right content type and serializes the data accordingly.| |[shouldWeUnsetEmbedded](#requestserviceshouldweunsetembedded)|Handle the Application Endpoint Configuration for embedded. If embedded should be shown or not.| ### RequestService::__construct **Description** ```php public __construct (\EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, \GatewayResourceService $resourceService, \MappingService $mappingService, \ValidationService $validationService, \CacheService $cacheService, \ResponseService $responseService, \ObjectEntityService $objectEntityService, \LogService $logService, \CallService $callService, \Security $security, \EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher, \SerializerInterface $serializer, \SessionInterface $session, \LoggerInterface $requestLogger, \DownloadService $downloadService) ``` The constructor sets al needed variables. **Parameters** * `(\EntityManagerInterface) $entityManager` * `(\GatewayResourceService) $resourceService` * `(\MappingService) $mappingService` * `(\ValidationService) $validationService` * `(\CacheService) $cacheService` * `(\ResponseService) $responseService` * `(\ObjectEntityService) $objectEntityService` * `(\LogService) $logService` * `(\CallService) $callService` * `(\Security) $security` * `(\EventDispatcherInterface) $eventDispatcher` * `(\SerializerInterface) $serializer` * `(\SessionInterface) $session` * `(\LoggerInterface) $requestLogger` * `(\DownloadService) $downloadService` **Return Values** `void`
### RequestService::checkEmbedded **Description** ```php public checkEmbedded (object|array $result) ``` If embedded should be shown or not. **Parameters** * `(object|array) $result` : fetched result **Return Values** `array|null`
### RequestService::createResponse **Description** ```php public createResponse ( $data) ``` Creating the response object. **Parameters** * `() $data` **Return Values** `\Response`
### RequestService::getId **Description** ```php public getId (void) ``` Get the ID from given parameters. **Parameters** `This function has no parameters.` **Return Values** `string|false`
### RequestService::getSchema **Description** ```php public getSchema (array $parameters) ``` Get the schema from given parameters returns false if no schema could be established. **Parameters** * `(array) $parameters` **Return Values** `\Entity|false`
### RequestService::getScopes **Description** ```php public getScopes (void) ``` Get a scopes array for the current user (or of the anonymus if no user s logged in). **Parameters** `This function has no parameters.` **Return Values** `array`
### RequestService::proxyHandler **Description** ```php proxyHandler (void) ``` **Parameters** `This function has no parameters.` **Return Values** `void`
### RequestService::proxyRequestHandler **Description** ```php public proxyRequestHandler (array $parameters, array $configuration) ``` Determines the proxy source from configuration, then use proxy handler to proxy the request. **Parameters** * `(array) $parameters` : The parameters of the request. * `(array) $configuration` : The configuration of the action. **Return Values** `array` > The result of the proxy.
### RequestService::realRequestQueryAll **Description** ```php public realRequestQueryAll (string|null $queryString) ``` A function to replace Request->query->all() because Request->query->all() will replace some characters with an underscore. This function will not. **Parameters** * `(string|null) $queryString` : A queryString from a request if we want to give it to this function instead of using global var $_SERVER. **Return Values** `array` > An array with all query parameters.
### RequestService::requestHandler **Description** ```php public requestHandler (array $data, array $configuration) ``` Handles incomming requests and is responsible for generating a response. **Parameters** * `(array) $data` : The data from the call * `(array) $configuration` : The configuration from the call **Return Values** `\Response` > The modified data **Throws Exceptions** `\Exception`
### RequestService::serializeData **Description** ```php public serializeData (array $data, mixed $contentType) ``` Determines the right content type and serializes the data accordingly. **Parameters** * `(array) $data` : The data to serialize. * `(mixed) $contentType` : The content type to determine. **Return Values** `string` > The serialized data.
### RequestService::shouldWeUnsetEmbedded **Description** ```php public shouldWeUnsetEmbedded (object|array $result, array $embeddedConfig) ``` Handle the Application Endpoint Configuration for embedded. If embedded should be shown or not. Configuration Example: ['global']['out']['embedded']['unset'] = true Configuration Example 2: ['global']['out']['embedded']['unset']['except'] = ['application/json+ld', 'application/ld+json']. **Parameters** * `(object|array) $result` : fetched result * `(array) $embeddedConfig` : Application configuration ['out']['embedded'] **Return Values** `array|null` > The updated result.