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194 lines (167 loc) · 15.3 KB

File metadata and controls

194 lines (167 loc) · 15.3 KB

Command-line apps

  • np - Better npm publish.
  • npm-name - Check whether a package name is available on npm.
  • gh-home - Open the GitHub page of the repo in the current directory.
  • npm-home - Open the npm page of a package.
  • trash - Safer alternative to rm.
  • speed-test - Test your internet connection speed and ping.
  • emoj - Find relevant emoji from text on the command-line.
  • pageres - Capture website screenshots.
  • cpy - Copy files.
  • vtop - More better top, with nice charts.
  • empty-trash - Empty the trash.
  • is-up - Check whether a website is up or down.
  • is-online - Check if the internet connection is up.
  • public-ip - Get your public IP address.
  • clipboard-cli - Copy & paste on the terminal.
  • XO - Enforce strict code style using the JavaScript happiness style.
  • Standard - JavaScript Standard Style — One style to rule them all.
  • ESLint - The pluggable linting utility for JavaScript.
  • dev-time - Get the current local time of a GitHub user.
  • David - Tells you when your package npm dependencies are out of date.
  • http-server - Simple, zero-config command-line HTTP server.
  • Live Server - Development HTTP-server with livereload capability.
  • bcat - Pipe command output to web browsers.
  • normit - Google Translate with speech synthesis in your terminal.
  • fkill - Fabulously kill processes. Cross-platform.
  • pjs - Pipeable JavaScript. Quickly filter, map, and reduce from the terminal.
  • license-checker - Check licenses of your app's dependencies.
  • browser-run - Easily run code in a browser environment.
  • tmpin - Adds stdin support to any CLI app that accepts file input.
  • wifi-password - Get the current wifi password.
  • wallpaper - Change the desktop wallpaper.
  • brightness - Change the screen brightness.
  • torrent - Download torrents.
  • kill-tabs - Kill all Chrome tabs to improve performance, decrease battery usage, and save memory.
  • alex - Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing.
  • pen - Live Markdown preview in the browser from your favorite editor.
  • subdownloader - Subtitle downloader for movies and TV series.
  • dark-mode - Toggle the macOS Dark Mode.
  • iponmap - IP location finder.
  • Jsome - Pretty prints JSON with configurable colors and indentation.
  • itunes-remote - Interactively control iTunes.
  • mobicon - Mobile app icon generator.
  • mobisplash - Mobile app splash screen generator.
  • diff2html-cli - Pretty git diff to HTML generator.
  • Cash - Cross-platform Unix shell commands in pure JavaScript.
  • trymodule - Try out npm packages in the terminal.
  • jscpd - Copy/paste detector for source code.
  • atmo - Server-side API mocking.
  • auto-install - Auto installs dependencies as you code.
  • lessmd - Markdown in the terminal.
  • cost-of-modules - Find out which dependencies are slowing you down.
  • localtunnel - Expose your localhost to the world.
  • svg-term-cli - Share terminal sessions via SVG.
  • gtop - System monitoring dashboard for the terminal.
  • themer - Generate themes for your editor, terminal, wallpaper, Slack, and more.
  • carbon-now-cli - Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal.
  • cash-cli - Convert between 170 currencies.
  • taskbook - Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat.
  • discharge - Easily deploy static websites to Amazon S3.

Command-line utilities

  • chalk - Terminal string styling done right.
  • meow - CLI app helper.
  • yargs - Command-line parser that automatically generates an elegant user-interface.
  • ora - Elegant terminal spinner.
  • get-stdin - Easier stdin.
  • log-update - Log by overwriting the previous output in the terminal. Useful for rendering progress bars, animations, etc.
  • Ink - React for interactive command-line apps.
  • listr - Terminal task list.
  • conf - Simple config handling for your app or module.
  • ansi-escapes - ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal.
  • log-symbols - Colored symbols for various log levels.
  • figures - Unicode symbols with Windows CMD fallbacks.
  • boxen - Create boxes in the terminal.
  • terminal-link - Create clickable links in the terminal.
  • terminal-image - Display images in the terminal.
  • string-width - Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display it.
  • cli-truncate - Truncate a string to a specific width in the terminal.
  • first-run - Check if it's the first time the process is run.
  • blessed - Curses-like library.
  • Inquirer.js - Interactive command-line prompt.
  • yn - Parse yes/no like values.
  • cli-table3 - Pretty unicode tables.
  • drawille - Draw on the terminal with unicode braille characters.
  • update-notifier - Update notifications for your CLI app.
  • ascii-charts - ASCII bar chart in the terminal.
  • progress - Flexible ascii progress bar.
  • insight - Helps you understand how your tool is being used by anonymously reporting usage metrics to Google Analytics.
  • cli-cursor - Toggle the CLI cursor.
  • columnify - Create text-based columns suitable for console output. Supports cell wrapping.
  • cli-columns - Columnated unicode and ansi-safe text lists.
  • cfonts - Sexy ASCII fonts for the console.
  • multispinner - Multiple, simultaneous, individually controllable CLI spinners.
  • omelette - Shell autocompletion helper.
  • cross-env - Set environment variables cross-platform.
  • shelljs - Portable Unix shell commands.
  • sudo-block - Block users from running your app with root permissions.
  • loud-rejection - Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail.
  • sparkly - Generate sparklines ▁▂▃▅▂▇.
  • Bit - Create, maintain, find and use small modules and components across repositories.
  • gradient-string - Beautiful color gradients in terminal output.
  • oclif - CLI framework complete with parser, automatic documentation, testing, and plugins.
  • term-size - Reliably get the terminal window size.
  • Cliffy - Framework for interactive CLIs.

Build tools

  • parcel - Blazing fast, zero config web app bundler.
  • webpack - Packs modules and assets for the browser.
  • rollup - Next-generation ES2015 module bundler.
  • gulp - Streaming and fast build system that favors code over config.
  • Broccoli - Fast, reliable asset pipeline, supporting constant-time rebuilds and compact build definitions.
  • Brunch - Front-end web app build tool with simple declarative config, fast incremental compilation, and an opinionated workflow.
  • Start - Functional task runner with shareable presets.
  • ygor - Promising task runner for when npm run isn't enough and everything else is too much.
  • FuseBox - Fast build system that combines the power of webpack, JSPM and SystemJS, with first-class TypeScript support.
  • pkg - Package your Node.js project into an executable.


  • pretty-bytes - Convert bytes to a human readable string: 13371.34 kB.
  • pretty-ms - Convert milliseconds to a human readable string: 133700000015d 11h 23m 20s.
  • ms - Tiny millisecond conversion utility.
  • pretty-error - Errors with less clutter.
  • read-art - Extract readable content from any page.


  • get-port - Get an available port.
  • ipify - Get your public IP address.
  • getmac - Get the computer MAC address.
  • DHCP - DHCP client and server.
  • netcat - Netcat port in pure JS.


  • Drivers

  • ODM / ORM

    • Sequelize - Multi-dialect ORM. Supports PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL.
    • Bookshelf - ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 in the style of Backbone.js.
    • Massive - PostgreSQL data access tool.
    • Mongoose - Elegant MongoDB object modeling.
    • Waterline - Datastore-agnostic tool that dramatically simplifies interaction with one or more databases.
    • OpenRecord - ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite3 and RESTful datastores. Similar to ActiveRecord.
    • pg-promise - PostgreSQL framework for native SQL using promises.
    • Objection.js - Lightweight ORM built on the SQL query builder Knex.
    • TypeORM - ORM for PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, SQLite, and more.
  • Query builder

    • Knex - Query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.
  • Other

    • NeDB - Embedded persistent database written in JavaScript.
    • Lowdb - Small JavaScript database powered by Lodash.
    • Keyv - Simple key-value storage with support for multiple backends.
    • Finale - RESTful endpoint generator for your Sequelize models.
    • database-js - Wrapper for multiple databases with a JDBC-like connection.
    • Mongo Seeding - Populate MongoDB databases with JavaScript and JSON files.


  • Nodemailer - The fastest way to handle email.

  • emailjs - Send text/HTML emails with attachments to any SMTP server.

  • email-templates - Create, preview, and send custom email templates.

Natural language processing

  • retext - An extensible natural language system.
  • franc - Detect the language of text.
  • leven - Measure the difference between two strings using the Levenshtein distance algorithm.
  • natural - Natural language facility.


  • robotjs - Desktop Automation: control the mouse, keyboard and read the screen.