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462 lines (380 loc) · 25.3 KB

File metadata and controls

462 lines (380 loc) · 25.3 KB



  • (#512) Added a number of small improvements to the AB, users can now copy existing LCA setups. Additionally, multiple activities can now be duplicated, deleted or copied to other databases at once.


  • (#492) Split the massive controller into a number of smaller QObject controllers. This will make it easier to debug problems with the controller.
  • (#506) Refactor the AB code to increase the separation between brightway code, PySide2 code and Javascript/HTML/CSS code.
  • (#519, #520) Small fixes to the look of the AB for large database names and small A matrices from @marc-vdm.


  • (#505) The AB will now correctly create activity parameters for activities with parentheses (round brackets) in the name.
  • (#513) Fix a regression which hid the scenario product/addition choice for the Scenario LCA setup.
  • (#525) Fix broken figure exporting signals, thanks for @angelajanenagle pointing this out!
  • (#530) Correct broken github issue reporting functionality.

2.6.3 - 2021-01-21


  • (#488) Added some small tests for the settings wizard.
  • (#485) Added a tree-view for the impact categories, this includes being able to drop entire families of categories into an LCA setup at once!
  • (#496) Add in-app version information. This makes it easier for users to see which version they are using.


  • (#483) Released the numpy version pin, SALib has released a new version on conda.
  • (#487) Change the top-level classes to directly subclass the class/object they represent.


  • (#497, ) Ensure future users of AB can continue using the AB. See this issue in brightway2-io for more details.
  • (#501) Fix the relinking not working with more than one database when importing Excel datasets.

2.6.2 - 2020-12-14


  • (#454) Allow for multiple databases to be relinked during the database relink action.
  • (#457) Explicitly use the brightway2 default fields for importing/exporting of Excel files, as this is something that will cause messes when not correctly lined up.
  • (#472) Improve the copying of values from tables in the AB, table headers are now included if the user is pressing the 'SHIFT' button. Also, simplify the database importer by creating a new separate 7z extraction method and routing the related methods through that.


  • (#464) Fixed an issue where the Monte Carlo analysis was unable to distinguish production and technosphere type changes made to the A matrix.
  • (#479) A number of bugfixes related to how parameters are handled, saved and deleted.

2.6.1 - 2020-09-28


  • (#445) Added importing of databases (and related parameters) through excel files. Added a way for users to relink databases with other databases after creating them.
  • (eeb7a16) Added a link to Youtube tutorials for the Activity Browser! See the README.


  • (#445) Alter the import wizard to better separate 'download' options from 'local' import options. Some minor tweaks are included to improve the wizard.
  • (#453) Allow the renaming of an imported BW2Package database to take place within the import flow. This should drastically improve the speed for larger imports due to no longer requiring a copy db & delete db call.


  • (#452) Alter the parameterize_exchanges call to avoid performing a direct lookup on ActivityParameter objects, this should fix an issue where the parameter setup breaks when a parameter goes missing.
  • (c84e762) Correct the axis order in the LCA results barchart.

2.6.0 - 2020-08-31


  • (#425) Added Global Sensitivity Analysis to the Activity Browser! This feature allows the user to run a filtered GSA on the results of an earlier Monte Carlo sampling. This lets them have a closer look at which process and biosphere flows most affect the score of a particular reference flow and impact category combination.
  • (#393) Added special tooling that allows the Activity Browser to construct its own presamples-like arrays. These 'flow scenario' or 'superstructure' arrays allow users to construct their scenarios outside of python, allowing for quick testing and iteration of ideas.
  • (#394) Added logic to the parameter scenarios calculation button to allow exporting the resulting array into a flow scenario file.
  • (#416) Added a special export button to the LCA results overview tab that allows users to export results for all different scenarios at once. (Only visible if the user is doing Presamples or Scenario LCAs)
  • (#428) Added tools to allow for 'on-the-fly' relinking of process flows as they are being imported with the 'local brightway file' import. This should make it even easier to share database files as the individual names of dependent databases are now no longer required to be completely the same.


  • (#412) It is now possible to have different kinds of the LCA calculation tabs of the same calculation setup open.
  • (#431) Users can now open the Activity Detail tab from the Calculation setup tab.


  • (#411) Make sure to only revert to the begin screen if the tab we're actually looking at is being hidden/deleted.
  • (#415) Plots/tables now stay hidden when the checkbox is unchecked and a tab is updated.
  • (#420) Fixed an error that would cause the AB to choke if the same reference flows from different databases (ie, copies) are run through an LCA calculation together.
  • (#423) Fixed the plot export button no longer doing anything. Export signalling is now rebuilt every time the plot is deleted and rebuilt.
  • (#426) Deleting an activity that has parameters attached to it will now correctly delete these parameters.
  • (#435) The activity description text is now correctly being updated when the user clicks outside the text box.

2.5.1 - 2020-04-30


  • (#356) Added Characterization Factor uncertainty handling. This allows users to edit the uncertainty of flows in Impact Category methods.
  • (#392) Allow removal of presamples packages through the Activity Browser.


  • (#376) The Monte Carlo calculation now allows fine-grained control over which uncertainties are sampled during the run.
  • (#383) Floats are now shortened to 5 significant decimals. More than one method can be removed at a time from the calculation setup methods table.


  • (#357, #366, #379) A number of fixes related to the uncertainty wizard and editing uncertainty.
  • (#364) Fixes an issue with contribution analysis that could cause the calculation to slow down dramatically.
  • (#363) Attempt fix to MacOS platform that causes figures to be drawn incorrectly.
  • (#368) Near-complete refactoring of the code related showing the Sankey diagram. This should fix an issue where the graph was not being drawn correctly on initially opening the graph.
  • (#386) The AB now correctly generates contribution plots for processes from the FORWAST database.

2.5.0 - 2020-01-23


  • (#352) Added uncertainty wizard, which guides users in adding or changing the uncertainty of a process exchange or parameter. This addition includes some changes in how uncertainty is shown, by adding additional columns and hiding all uncertainty columns in exchange and parameter tables by default.
  • (cf04f2e) A link to a scientific publication on the Activity Browser is now included in the readme.
  • (#341) Added the brightway2 bw2test decorator as a pytest fixture, allowing tests which use that fixture to be performed in a new and completely separate environment which is torn down after the test completes. Also includes tests for the new presamples Qt objects and some of the on-demand Qt widgets.
  • (#330) Added scenario analysis! It is now possible to create scenarios for parameters and store the calculated new exchange amounts for each scenario as a presamples package. It is also possible to select presamples packages created outside of the Activity Browser for use in LCA calculations.
  • (#323) Make use of the builtin import/export fuctionality of brightway to allow quick imports and exports of databases. Note that there are a lot of rules and complications involved!


  • (9352758) Always show the MonteCarlo tab in LCA results, show a warning when running MonteCarlo on databases with incorrect uncertainty data.
  • (#348) Moved metadata-changing signal connections out of the MetaDataStore class and into the Controller class.
  • (#345, #349) Improvements to the (code) documentation and layout of the LCA results tab and added tooltips for many of the related buttons. With thanks to @e4BdSBmUzHowFico5Ktn.
  • (#322) Updating the biosphere through the menu-option will now warn the user that the action is not reversible.
  • (#325) Changing the naming of 'LCIA methods' into 'Impact Categories'.
  • (#312) Slight changes to the main drop-down menu's, adding relevant icons to functionality.
  • (#315) Refactor code to use PySide2, use LGPL license.


  • (#344, #347, #351) Numerous fixes related to the functioning of the dataset/database import wizard. Includes: a fix for #333 and fixes aggregation of LCA results #331.
  • (#340) It is now again possible to open multiple activities at once when selecting them from the database table.
  • (#339) Clearing the formula in the formula delegate will now properly signal the parameter recalculation, ensuring the same functionality as the 'clear formula' action in the right-click menu.
  • (b08b9a8) Fixed typo, clarified division button, use default value of 1.0 for new parameters to avoid sudden division by 0 errors.
  • (#327) Indexes in ParameterWizard now correctly set. Uncertainty type is grabbed from the exchanges instead of processes, as it should be. Code improvements to ensure filenames are 'safe' when exporting figures.

2.4.0 - 2019-10-30


  • (#260) Exposed the brightway2 parameterization functionality through the Activity Browser. This includes a custom formula creation delegate used by the existing exchange tables and the parameter tables in the new 'Parameters' tab. Please see the brightway2 documentation for a rundown of how to use parameters.
  • (#308) Added a small biosphere3 updater for users with long-running projects. This will allow users to update their biosphere3 database allowing the importer to correctly link never versions of ecoinvent. Also includes an exception handler which explicitly explains what to do when an ecoinvent import fails.


  • (#297) Refactored settings code and moved relevant code from app/bwutils/ into the settings classes themselves.


  • (#300) Perform searches on complete database inventory instead of previous search results.
  • (#306) Fixes a number of reported issues. The checkbox should now be working correctly on MacOS.
  • (#309) Corrects an edge-case bug which causes the AB to complain when a calculation setup could not be found.
  • (#310) Fixes an edge-case issue caused by copying a process with only technosphere exchanges to a new database. Fixes the copy to a different db command, and add minor changes to ensure that copying to a large database is snappy.

2.3.4 - 2019-10-16


  • (#279) and a follow-up commit (6edb798) disable the custom paint-delegate, due to it not functioning correctly on MacOS (issue #278).
  • (#281) A number of under-the-hood code tweaks were made which either streamline code or remove non-functional parts in the inventory table classes.
  • (#282) Closed a TODO in the tests, a mouseclick is now used to select the row and trigger a signal.
  • (#291) By splitting the test fixture into parts it became possible to unpin the the pytest version, allowing automated tests to take place on python 3.6 and up!


  • (#283) Introduced a workaround for users with custom-bases databases which do not use a location field.
  • (#290) Link ecoinvent dataset-type to version explicitly to avoid key-errors.
  • (#293) With parameterization coming closer, a number of additional bugs and issues cropped up during testing. These fixes should remove most of the problems that arose by refactoring the tables to custom QTableViews.

2.3.3 - 2019-08-27


  • (#259) Subclassed the Icons class into QIcons which directly returns QIcon objects of the icon figures.


  • (#256) Do not open the activity tab for activities without a product (ie. biosphere flows).
    • Includes tests!
  • (#258, #261) Refactor the dataframe Model/View code to allow a lot of customization.
  • (#273) Filtering activities in the databases table is now case-insensitive: 'Gold' will now also find activities with 'gold' in them.
  • Refactored all ABTableWidget classes to implement them as ABDataFrameView classes. See #264, #265, #266, #271, #274. This fixes the issue of tables being sorted incorrectly.


  • (#246) Added a workaround for running LCA on databases with missing or unset uncertainty.
  • (#262) Database will no longer be deleted if the user selects No in the delete_database question dialog.
  • (#263) Add separate check of database_changed signal to ensure the correct table is refreshed.
  • (#267) Updating the metadata (by updating activities) will no longer throw errors.
  • (#231) Tables sorted on float or integer-type columns will now do so correctly instead of sorting the column by string.


  • (#272) Removed ConvenienceData class as it has been completely replaced by the MetaDataStore class.
  • (#275) Removed unused ABTableWidget and ABTableItem classes, these have been completely replaced with the more flexible model/view implementation.

2.3.2 - 2019-07-03


  • It is now possible to unpack tuple columns in the MetaDataStore, creating additional columns. (#237)
  • The results in the elementary flows and process contributions tabs can now be aggregated by their relevant columns. (#239)
  • This changelog file! (#240)


  • Documented MLCA and Contributions classes according to numpydoc standards. (#236)
  • Importing the biosphere3 database now casts all categories values to tuples. (07a1cc3 in #237)
  • Added methods to MetaDataStore class to simplify handling of the dataframe object inside. (f95483c in #236)


  • Cleaning up removed project directories (#194, #198) can now be done by running the activity-browser-cleanup command in the anaconda prompt.
  • Removed the line in the README file recommending people use the development version. Strip 'development' line from the recipe yaml when building a stable version. (#241)
  • Added method to ProjectSettings class to ensure the read-only-databases key is always present in the settings (#235, #242). This fix also includes adding methods and calls to ensure new databases are added to- and removed from the settings.
  • Allow users to add all (default) biosphere types to an activity instead of only exchanges of type 'emission'. (#244)

2.3.1 - 2019-04-15


  • Travis now correctly receives and handles a version tag.

2.3.0 - 2019-04-12


  • Major overhaul of the GUI. See #218 for details.
  • New conda stable and development builds (activity-browser, activity-browser-dev) can now be found in the bsteubing channel.