- #9 Fix gov hub do not well handle when the target account is not contract
- #7 Implement governance mechanism to update parameters in build-in system contract
- #12 Implement token unbind mechanism
- #21 Support miniToken cross chain transfer
- #28 Add more events about token bind and transfer to facilitate reconciliation
- #29 Implement a mechanism enable or disable channel through governance
- #3 Check sequence first to save gas for relayers
- #13 Refactor cross chain architecture, communication layer: verify proof and manage sequence, application layer: focus on detailed application scenario
- #14 Gov/Validator/Slash modification for refactor of cross chain mechanism
- #19 Optimize rlp decoding and encoding library to save gas
- #22 Add fail ack handler for transferOut
- #24 Split tokenhub contract into tokenhub(for cross chain transfer) and tokenManager(for token bind and unbind)