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CommandClass Compatibility Flags

Justin Hammond edited this page Jun 1, 2019 · 5 revisions



Device Configuration Files can often have special configuration variables applied to the whole device, or individual CommandClasses to alter their behaviour, or fix bugs that might exist in the devices firmware. Below is a list of possible configuration values we currently support and when to use them.

  • action ** All CC ** Remove a CommandClass from a Device
  • base ** ThermostatSetPoint ** Adjust where the Counting for Support Nodes start from. 0, or 1
  • override_precision ** All CC ** When converting values from a device to a Float (Decimal) adjust where the . is.
  • scenecount ** Central Scene ** Internal. Do not use.
  • typeInterpretation ** ThemostatSetPoint ** How the different SetPoints are represented by the device. Either A or B
  • exposeRawUserCodes bool ** UserCode CC ** Expose the UserCodes as a Raw ValueType rather than String.
  • create_vars bool ** All CC ** Stop the CC from creating ValueID's.
  • setasreport bool ** Basic CC ** Convert "Set" messages we recieve to "Report" messages. This is useful when the Basic CC is used in Assocation Groups.
  • ignoremapping bool ** Basic CC ** Often Basic Messages are mapped to other CommandClasses. This option stops that mapping.
  • getsupported bool ** ManufacturerProprietary, Alarm, SwitchToggleMultiLevel, Clock, Language, Protection, PowerLevel, EnergyProduction, SensorMultiLevel, Color, ThermostatMode, TimeParameters, ZWavePlusInfo, SwitchMultiLevel, DoorLock, MultiChannelAssociation, Meter, ManufacturerSpecific, Configuation, ThermostatSetpoint, SwitchBinary, ThermostatFanState, Battery, SoundSwitch, Lock, Association, NodeNaming, Indicator, ThermostatFanMode ** Stop OZW from issuing GET requests to these commandclasses.
  • classgetsupported bool ** Version CC ** Stop Version CommandClass from getting CommandClass Versions
  • coloridxbug bool ** Color CC ** Some Devices do not properly report their color capabilities. This is a workaround.
  • forceUniqueEndpoints bool ** MultiInstance CC ** Force the CommandClass to treat all Endpoints/Instances as identical
  • ForceInstances bool ** MultiInstanceAssociation ** Force all assocations to contain a instance target as well as node number.
  • refreshonwakeup bool ** All CC ** Will refresh all Dynamic Values when a device wakes up
  • delay_no_more_info miliseconds ** WakeUp CC ** Delay sending the WakeUpNoMoreInfo message to a node by X milliseconds.
  • ignoreUnsolicitedMultiChnCapReport bool ** MultiInstance CC ** Some Devices send spurious MultiChannelCapabilityReports. Ignore these.