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902 lines (744 loc) · 79.8 KB

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902 lines (744 loc) · 79.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and we follow Semantic Versioning.



  • Fixed transaction witness set 'attach' functions. Previously, the updated witness set was incorrectly appended to the existing set, causing performance degradation when processing constraints for complex transactions. (#1653)



  • cardano-testnet Lovelace supply has been raised to uint64 max value (#1644)

  • cardano-testnet cleanup logic: nodes spawned by cardano-testnet should now be correctly cleaned up after test execution or upon receiving SIGINT or SIGTERM signals (#1644)

  • Nix shell for darwin platforms (x86_64-darwin and aarch64-darwin). Note that the CTL runtime is not provided for darwin due to the lack of support in cardano.nix (#1644)




  • cardano-serialization-lib has been updated to v12.0.0 (#1647)



  • CIP-95 methods for querying the connected wallet account's public DRep key and its registered and unregistered public stake keys: ownDrepPubKey, ownDrepPubKeyHash, ownRegisteredPubStakeKeys, ownUnregisteredPubStakeKeys. These new functions can be imported from Contract.Wallet. WARNING: KeyWallet does not distinguish between registered and unregistered stake keys due to the limitations of the underlying query layer. This means that all controlled stake keys are returned as part of ownUnregisteredPubStakeKeys, and the response of ownRegisteredPubStakeKeys is always an empty array. (#1638)

  • New examples demonstrating various interactions with the Cardano governance system: Gov.DelegateVoteAbstain, Gov.ManageDrep, Gov.ManageDrepScript, Gov.SubmitVote, Gov.SubmitVoteScript. (#1638)


  • signData for KeyWallet: Previously, the supplied address was discarded, and the wallet's address was used as part of the COSE Sig_structure. Now, the provided address is inspected, and the keys associated with that address are used. Additionally, KeyWallet now supports signing with the DRep key as specified in CIP-95. Keep in mind that if the wallet does not have the required keys, an error will be thrown. (#1638)


  • Constructors for individual wallets (like Nami or Eternl) from WalletSpec. Use ConnectToGenericCip30 with the right wallet identifier instead. To obtain the identifier of a known wallet, refer to KnownWallet and walletName from Contract.Config. (#1638)


  • getRewardAddresses for KeyWallet now returns actual reward addresses without the payment part. (#1638)


This version provides basic Conway support and replaces Plutip with cardano-testnet.

  • cardano-node: 9.1.0
  • ogmios: 6.5.0
  • kupo: 2.9.0
  • @mlabs-haskell/cardano-serialization-lib-gc: 12.0.0-alpha.31 (wraps the same version of CSL)
  • @mlabs-haskell/uplc-apply-args: 1.0.29-alpha (wraps the same version of the uplc crate)


  • Contract.Transaction.getTxAuxiliaryData for querying transaction data (#1624).


  • IMPORTANT Contract.TxConstraints.mustPayTo* functions no longer automatically include datums in the witness set - use Contract.TxConstraints.mustIncludeDatum. This change may require updating existing code to ensure datums are included properly (#1624).
  • Contract.Test.Plutip is replaced with Contract.Test.Testnet that uses cardano-testnet instead of Plutip. As a result, we reduced the dependency footprint (cardano-testnet is distributed with cardano-node, so there are no internal Haskell components anymore in CTL) (#1624)


  • Contract.Transaction.getTxMetadata - use getTxAuxiliaryData (#1624)


  • Non-deterministic ClientHttpError raised during tests on rare occasions (#1624).




IMPORTANT Constraints interface (Contract.TxConstraints & Contract.ScriptLookups) has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use purescript-cardano-transaction-builder (via Contract.Transaction.buildTx) for new contracts. The motivation for deprecation is that it was unnecessarily complex, not flexible enough, and existed only because of the desire to provide code-level compatibility with PAB. See this Catalyst proposal for more info.


  • Contract.Transaction.buildTx :: Array TransactionBuilderStep -> Contract Transaction that provides a Contract-based interface for the new transaction builder.
  • Contract.Transaction.submitTxFromBuildPlan :: UtxoMap -> BalanceTxConstraintsBuilder -> Array TransactionBuilderStep -> Contract Transaction - a convenience function that executes the whole transaction creation pipeline starting from a build plan for the new transaction builder.
  • Contract.ClientError.pprintClientError to provide readable error reports.
  • Contract.Staking.getStakeCredentialDelegationsAndRewards utility function


  • IMPORTANT UnbalancedTx type has been removed. This change was motivated by the fact that UnbalancedTx existed simply to tie together transaction building and balancing by keeping extra context. Now that transaction builder is placed in its own package, there is no more need in UnbalancedTx, that is not used with the new builder.
  • IMPORTANT balanceTxWithConstraints, balanceTxWithConstraintsE - use balanceTx
  • IMPORTANT balanceTxsWithConstraints - use balanceTxs
  • IMPORTANT withBalancedTxWithConstraints, withBalancedTxWithConstraints - use withBalancedTxs
  • IMPORTANT Contract.Scripts.applyArgs - use Cardano.Plutus.ApplyArgs.applyArgs from purescript-uplc-apply-args.
  • Contract.Transaction.submitTxFromConstraintsReturningFee - too niche use case to be allowed in the public API.
  • Contract.Transaction lens values. Use lenses from Cardano.Types.Transaction


  • Bumped Ogmios to version 6.0.3 (#1626)
  • Contract.Transaction.mkUnbalancedTx now returns a tuple: a transaction and the UTxOs it used.
  • Contract.Transaction.balanceTx accepts two extra argument: a list of used UTxOs (set to Data.Map.empty if none of them are coming from the outside of the wallet) and balancer constraints (set to mempty if not needed)
  • Default synchronization parameters: all wallet <-> query layer synchronization primitives are now off by default. The reason is that the runtime overhead made the users unhappy and it was not worth it for most of the users. If your dApp sends transactions in quick succession, consider enabling the synchronization again by using softSynchronizationParams (old behavior) or strictSynchronizationParams.
  • BalanceTxConstraintsBuilder has been renamed to BalancerConstraints. It is still available under the old name as a type synonym.



In this version, we've refactored CTL and split it into multiple reusable sub-packages, most notably:

  • this package
  • purescript-cardano-types - (Cardano.Types.*) - domain types for Cardano ledger
  • purescript-cardano-serialization-lib - (Cardano.Serialization.Lib.*) - PureScript wrapper for CSL
  • purescript-plutus-types - (Cardano.Plutus.*) - Plutus-style domain types used only for ToData/FromData instances.

See the cardano-purescript repo for a complete list of new packages.

These packages maintain their own public API, so the interfaces you should use are not necessarily namespaced under Contract.* anymore. E.g. Cardano.Types.* from purescript-cardano-types is public.

Starting from this version, CTL does not use Plutus-domain types anymore. This change comes with some downsides (e.g. the need to provide NetworkId in Addresses), but the benefit of not caring about conversions for basic functionality will hopefully be more noticeable. The only case when a conversion is needed is when the developer wants to use purescript-plutus-types, which is a package that offers PlutusData encodings compatible with Plutus. Its main purpose is to be used when there is a need to apply arguments to parametrized scripts.



  • Replaced custom CIP-30 wrapper code with purescript-cip30-typesafe - (#1583)
  • Renamings for better conformity with CSL:
    • TokenName renamed to AssetName
    • NonAdaAsset renamed to MultiAsset
    • CurrencySymbol renamed to ScriptHash
  • Coin now wraps BigNum instead of BigInt (in line with CSL)
  • NoOutputDatum variant has been removed from OutputDatum: instead, it was made optional via Maybe in TransactionOutput
  • TransactionMetadatum constructor naming change, in PS and in JSON encoding: MetadataMap -> Map, MetadataList -> List
  • Contract.PlutusData.Redeemer has been renamed to RedeemerDatum (to resolve naming conflict with cardano-ledger-style redeemer)
  • Contract.PlutusData.Datum has been deprecated, use Cardano.Types.PlutusData
  • plutusScriptV1FromEnvelope, plutusScriptV2FromEnvelope have been replaced with plutusScriptFromEnvelope (the script is tagged with its language anyway)


  • Plutip cluster's Kupo instances don't share the same working folder anymore - (#1570)
  • WebAssembly memory leaks (csl-gc-wrapper used to depend on unstable wasm-bidngen API that got changed) (#1595)


  • [IMPORTANT] Removed use of conditional code rewriting based on BROWSER_RUNTIME env variable during bundling (#1595). This change simplifies the bundling process, but it requires a number of updates for all CTL-dependent projects:

    • WebPack users should make this change to the webpack config:
        plugins: [
    -      new webpack.DefinePlugin({
    -        BROWSER_RUNTIME: isBrowser
    -      }),
    • Esbuild users should make this change:
    const config = {
    -    define: {
    -      BROWSER_RUNTIME: isBrowser ? "true" : '""'
    -    },
    • All users should update the runtime dependencies:
    -    "@emurgo/cardano-message-signing-browser": "1.0.1",
    -    "@emurgo/cardano-message-signing-nodejs": "1.0.1",
    +    "@mlabs-haskell/cardano-message-signing": "1.0.1",
    -    "apply-args-browser": "0.0.1",
    -    "apply-args-nodejs": "0.0.1",
    +    "@mlabs-haskell/uplc-apply-args": "1.0.0",
    +    "isomorphic-ws": "^5.0.0",
    -    "ws": "8.4.0",
    +    "ws": "^8.16.0",
    +    "web-encoding": "^1.1.5",
  • NPM runtime dependencies:

     "bip39": "^3.1.0",
-    "blakejs": "1.2.1",
     "bufferutil": "4.0.5",
-    "jssha": "3.2.0",
     "puppeteer-core": "^15.3.2",
  • Contract.Address utilities to work with Address - use mkAddress and machinery from Cardano.Types.Address
  • Contract.RewardAddress - use Cardano.Types.RewardAddress
  • Contract.Transaction:
    • Removed newtypes for Transaction:
      • BalancedSignedTransaction
      • FinalizedTransaction
  • Contract.Scripts:
    • MintingPolicy type. It was not used anywhere except of mintingPolicy lookup. Use plutusMintingPolicy and nativeMintingPolicy lookups instead.
  • Contract.ScriptLookups:
    • synonyms for lookup functions that use Maybe have been removed: mintingPolicyM, ownPaymentPubKeyHashM, ownStakePubKeyHashM, unspentOutputsM, validatorM
  • Contract.Credential renamings:
    • PubKeyCredential -> PubKeyHashCredential
    • ScriptCredential -> ScriptHashCredential
  • ModifyTx error: made conversion functions total and removed the need to handle it
  • Contract.CborBytes utils:
    • cborBytesToByteArray
    • cborBytesFromByteArray
    • cborBytesFromAscii
    • cborBytesToIntArray
    • cborBytesFromIntArray
    • cborBytesFromIntArrayUnsafe
    • cborBytesToHex
    • cborByteLength
    • hexToCborBytes
    • hexToCborBytesUnsafe
    • rawBytesAsCborBytes
  • ToData/FromData Instances for purescript-noble-secp256k1 types (PS does not allow orphans)
  • ToMetadata/FromMetadata instance for BigInt: it was partial and unsafe
  • Cardano.Types.BigNum.toInt' method
  • Contract.Address:
    • scriptHashAddress - use Contract.Address.mkAddress
    • payPubKeyHashBaseAddress - use Contract.Address.mkAddress
    • payPubKeyHashEnterpriseAddress - use Contract.Address.mkAddress
  • Contract.Value:
    • flattenNonAdaAssets - use Cardano.Types.Value.flatten.
  • Contract.PlutusData:
    • Datum: removed, use Cardano.Types.PlutusData
    • unitDatum
  • Contract.TextEnvelope:
    • plutusScriptV1FromEnvelope - use plutusScriptFromEnvelope
  • Contract.Hashing
  • Contract.Transaction:
    • TransactionOutputWithRefScript - use Cardano.Types.TransactionOutput. It comes with refscript included.
    • getTxFinalFee
  • Contract.Numeric.NatRatio - the module was not used in the library.
  • Contract.AssocMap - use Cardano.Plutus.Types.Map from purescript-plutus-types
  • CIP-25 metadata machinery (we need to keep the API surface thin for CTL)



  • esbuild bundler support.
    • To update your package to use esbuild, add new devDependencies to your package.json:
+    "esbuild": "0.18.11",
+    "esbuild-plugin-polyfill-node": "^0.3.0",
+    "esbuild-plugin-wasm": "^1.1.0",

Then consult with the template's build scripts - also see the new Makefile setup and NPM scripts.


  • PureScript compiler version has been updated to v0.15.8. (#1521)
    • PureScript v0.15.x outputs and expects ES modules (instead of CommonJS), which means that FFI code in dependent projects should be updated to use ES module-style imports and exports, and consumers of CTL-based bundles should expect ES modules as well.
    • Due to limitations of ES modules (inability to patch at runtime), CTL now uses vendored versions of CSL for node and the browser:
-    "@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-browser": "11.2.1",
-    "@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-nodejs": "11.2.1",
+    "@mlabs-haskell/cardano-serialization-lib-gc-browser": "^1.0.6",
+    "@mlabs-haskell/cardano-serialization-lib-gc-nodejs": "^1.0.6",
  • Our vendored version of json-bigint should be updated:
-    "@mlabs-haskell/json-bigint": "1.0.0",
+    "@mlabs-haskell/json-bigint": "2.0.0",
  • utf-8-validate NPM package has been added (used during bundling):
+    "utf-8-validate": "^5.0.10",
  • WebPack bundling machinery updates:
-    "webpack": "5.67.0",
-    "webpack-cli": "4.10",
-    "webpack-dev-server": "4.7.4"
+    "webpack": "5.88.1",
+    "webpack-cli": "5.1.4",
+    "webpack-dev-server": "4.15.1"
  • Nix machinery refactorings (#1521):
    • buildPursDependencies is a new function that allows to build everything except the source files of a project itself. It allows to skip rebuilding all the dependencies when using Nix every time. buildPursProject calls buildPursDependencies automatically.
    • censorCodes and strictComp arguments have been removed from purescriptProject and added to buildPursDependencies and buildPursProject for more granular control.
    • runPursTest: new psEntryPoint argument, for PureScript-level entry point function ("main" by default).
    • runE2ETest: new runnerMain and runnerPsEntryPoint arguments to control which module should be the runner.
    • runE2ETest: new arguments for configuring the E2E test suite: envFile, emptySettingsFile and testTimeout.
    • bundlePursProjectEsbuild is a bundling function that uses newly introduced esbuild.
    • bundlePursProject is renamed to bundlePursProjectWebpack
  • Data.BigInt (purescript-bigints) dependency was replaced with JS.BigInt (purescript-js-bigints), that uses native JavaScript BigInt instead of BigInteger.js library. You can remove big-integer NPM dependency from your project, if you don't use it elsewhere. (#1551)



  • Temporarily removed buildSearchablePursDocs and launchSearchablePursDocs from nix machinery - see #1578 for context. Use buildPursDocs for now. (#1521)



  • mkUnbalancedTxE, balanceTxE and balanceTxWithConstraintsE as non-throwing versions of mkUnbalancedTx, balanceTx and balanceTxWithConstraints (#1545
  • explainMkUnbalancedTxError and explainBalanceTxError, which prettyprint MkUnbalancedTxError and BalanceTxError for a more human-readable output. (#1545
  • Contract.Time.getCurrentEra and Contract.Time.normalizeTimeInterval, providing an improved interface for eras and time ranges (#1542).
  • Added extraSources and data features to CTL's Nix build function (#1516)
  • Added several Ring-like numeric instances for Coin (#1485)
  • Added ToData and FromData instances for PoolPubKeyHash (#1483)
  • [IMPORTANT] New machinery to achieve better synchronization between wallets and query layer has been added. This affects all CTL-based apps when light wallet browser extensions are in use. See here for more info (#1440)
  • Local Blockfrost runtime based on run-your-own version of Blockfrost - see here for more info (#1395)
  • Lace wallet support - (#1477)
  • Automatic retries for 503 Service Unavailable Kupo request errors. Retry attempts happen with exponentially increasing intervals (#1436)
  • New functions in the assertion library to track changes in CIP-30 wallet total balance - see Contract.Test.Assert (#1440)
  • Added start-runtime npm script to the template, to simplify UX (#1440)
  • Configuration options for Kupo in buildCtlRuntime (deferDbIndexes and pruneUtxo) (#1448)
  • Contract.JsSdk module containing helper functions for developers who want to use CTL from JS. See also: this new guide (#1453)
  • New docs for contract environment (#1453)
  • Cluster configuration options to PlutipConfig: epochSize, maxTxSize and raiseExUnitsToMax - see Plutip docs (#1494)
  • HD wallet support with mnemonic seed phrases (#1498)
  • Ogmios-specific functions for Local TX Monitor Ouroboros Mini-Protocol in Contract.Backend.Ogmios (#1508)
  • New mustSendChangeWithDatum balancer constraint that adds datum to all change outputs (#1510)
  • Support for generic CIP-30 wallets by name (#1524)
  • Full additional utxos support for Blockfrost backend (#1537)
  • New submitTxE, an error returning variant of submitTx
  • Allow providing a custom set of UTxOs for collateral selection, overriding the wallet (mustUseCollateralUtxos balancer constraint) (#1513)


  • [IMPORTANT] Ogmios has been updated and it must be started with --include-transaction-cbor. CTL relies on CBOR variants being available in the responses.
  • [IMPORTANT] It is no more recommended to use utxosAt to get UTxOs at light wallet addresses. It may be a source of application bugs in some cases due to how wallets operate. Please see Synchronization and wallet UTxO locking section here (#1440)
  • scriptCurrencySymbol no longer returns Maybe (#1538
  • Slot to/from POSIXTime conversion functions now live outside of Effect (#1490)
  • All uses of utxosAt call have been replaced with getWalletUtxos in the balancer (#1440)
  • Naming changes in Contract.Test.Assert for consistency with other functions (#1440):
    • checkNewUtxosAtAddress -> assertNewUtxosAtAddress
    • assertLovelaceDeltaAtAddress -> checkLovelaceDeltaAtAddress
    • assertValueDeltaAtAddress -> checkValueDeltaAtAddress
  • New fields added to ContractParams: ContractTimeParams and ContractSynchronizationParams. Default values are Contract.Config.defaultTimeParams and Contract.Config.defaultSynchronizationParams . See docs on query layers configuration for more info. (#1440)
  • getWalletBalance is now implemented via getWalletUtxos (#1440)
  • PoolPubKeyHash is now a wrapper over PubKeyHash instead of Ed25519KeyHash (#1440)
  • Contract.Wallet.Key.publicKeyFromPrivateKey uses PublicKey type from public API (#1440)
  • Contract.Test.Blockfrost.executeContractTestsWithBlockfrost does not require optional CtlBackendParams value (it is now constructed from environment variables).
  • plutip-server has been moved from Plutip repo to CTL (#1415)
  • UnattachedUnbalancedTx has been renamed and moved to Contract.UnbalancedTx.UnbalancedTx, the old UnbalancedTx type has been removed as not needed. mkUnbalancedTx function has been moved to Contract.UnbalancedTx (#1462)
  • Default NodeJS stable version is now v18 (#1453)
  • Do not require light wallet collateral for all interactions (#1477)
  • Removed re-exports of wallet-related functions from Contract.Utxos and Contract.Address (use Contract.Wallet) (#1477)
  • ownPaymentPubKeysHashes renamed to ownPaymentPubKeyHashes, ownStakePubKeysHashes renamed to ownStakePubKeyHashes and both moved to Contract.Wallet (#1477)
  • runContractTestsWithKeyDir now exposed from Contract.Test (#1549)
  • Pretty-printing improvements: UTxO lists and combined input/output/mint/fee values are now being pretty-printed instead Shown in the balancer (#1531)
  • mkUnbalancedTx, balanceTx and balanceTxWithConstraints now throw instead of returning in Either (#1545)
  • mkUnbalancedTx isn't exported from Contract.ScriptLookups anymore; get it from Contract.UnbalancedTx instead. (#1545)
  • Types changed: TxEvaluationFailure, PoolParametersR, due to ogmios update (#1532).
  • Updated versions of ctl-runtime services: Ogmios to 6.0.0, Blockfrost to v1.7.0.


  • UseMnemonic and ConnectToGenericCip30 constructors now exported from Contract.Config ([#1546])(#1546))
  • waitUntilSlot can now be used with a slot far in the future (#1490)
  • Unable to convert Slot to POSIXTime error of waitUntilSlot doesn't omit important error details anymore (#1458)
  • Performance issues when using Eternl in multi-address mode (#1440)
  • ConnectToNuFi now reexported in Contract.Wallet (#1435)
  • Fix a bug in UTxO selection in Cip30Mock (that affected Cip30Mock users) (1437)
  • Fixed bundlePursProject crashing if build output directory exists (#1438)
  • Better reporting for WebSocket errors (#1403)
  • Contract.Test.Assert: handle exceptions coming from callbacks that calculate expected values (in checkLovelaceDeltaAtAddress, checkTokenDeltaAtAddress, checkLovelaceDeltaInWallet and checkTokenDeltaInWallet), propagate original error messages correctly (#1440)
  • Fixed collateral selection - sort the UTxOs by ADA value in descending order, before selecting them for collateral, to ensure that if a combination that satisfies the requirements is possible, it will be selected. The bug affected CIP-30 wallets. (#1440)
  • Output correct reward address in CIP-30 mock (#1440)
  • Add a single-slot wait at Plutip startup before attempting to query any wallet UTxOs (#1470)
  • Index Reward redeemers properly (#1419, #1462)
  • A problem with collateral selection not respecting mustNotSpendUtxosWithOutRefs (#1509)
  • A problem with too many change UTxOs being generated (#1530)
  • A problem where tx evaluation with additional utxos failed with an Ogmios AdditionalUtxoOverlap exception if some additional utxos got confirmed in the meantime (#1537)
  • Contract.PlutusData.redeemerHash definition (#1565)


  • mkUnbalancedTxM and balanceTxM (#1547)
  • E2E_SKIP_JQUERY_DOWNLOAD configuration variable for E2E test suite. It is not needed, because it's expected value can be determined from the environment, and thus it can be an implementation detail (#1440)
  • reindexSpentScriptRedeemers function from the public API - if there is a need to modify the Transaction in a way that breaks redeemer indices, it should be done before balancing (#1462)
  • Typed scripts and constraints interface. In practice, it means that the following types now have no type-level arguments: TxConstraints, ScriptLookups.
  • Removed error variants (no more needed) (#1545):
    • ImpossibleError
    • CannotConvertPaymentPubKeyHash, CannotHashMintingPolicy, CannotHashValidator and CannotHashDatum variants of MkUnbalancedTxError
    • InvalidInContext
    • CannotGetBigIntFromNumber' and CannotGetBigNumFromBigInt' variants of PosixTimeToSlotError



  • Blockfrost support - see (#1260)
  • A test runner interface for Blockfrost (Contract.Test.Blockfrost). See (#1420)
  • blake2b224Hash and blake2b224HashHex functions for computing blake2b-224 hashes of arbitrary byte arrays (#1323)
  • bundlePursProject allows passing of includeBundledModule flag to export the bundled JS module spago bundle-module outputs
  • Contract.Transaction exports mkPoolPubKeyHash and poolPubKeyHashToBech32 for bech32 roundtripping (#1360)
  • Contract.isTxConfirmed function to check if a transaction is confirmed at the moment.


  • Contract interface change: Contract does not have a row type parameter anymore. Use ReaderT or pass values explicitly to access them during runtime.
  • Contract interface change: ConfigParams r is replaced by ContractParams with the same purpose.
  • SystemStart now has DateTime (rather than String) as the underlying type (#1377)
  • EraSummaries now does not have an EncodeAeson instance. Consider wrapping it in OgmiosEraSummaries for Aeson encoding. (#1377)
  • Testing interface is re-implemented. Assertion functions from Contract.Test.Utils are moved to Contract.Test.Assert. See the docs for info on the new interface. (#1389)
  • Balancer no longer selects UTxOs which use PlutusV2 features when the transaction contains PlutusV1 scripts (#1349)
  • startPlutipCluster error message now includes cluster startup failure details. (#1407)
  • PlutipTest is now known as Contract.Test.ContractTest. It has been semantically untied from Plutip, because we now have another test runner for tests that rely on particular funds distributions - Blockfrost. See Contract.Test.Blockfrost.runContractTestsWithBlockfrost (#1260)
  • Contract.Staking.getPoolParameters has been moved to Contract.Backend.Ogmios.getPoolParameters. This function only runs with Ogmios backend, because Blockfrost does not provide all the required values (#1260)
  • Use of CIP-40 collateral output is now enabled with CIP-30 wallets (#1260).
  • reindexSpentScriptRedeemers is no longer in Contract (it's pure) (#1260)


  • Important Ogmios Datum Cache is no longer a runtime dependency of CTL, as well as its Postgres DB - if updating, remove them from your runtime.


  • CIP-25 strings are now being split into chunks whose sizes are less than or equal to 64 to adhere to the CIP-25 standard (#1343)
  • Critical upstream fix in purescript-bignumber
  • OutputDatum aeson encoding now roundtrips (#1388)
  • Fix incorrect redeemer indexing for Plutus stake validator scripts (#1417)

Runtime Dependencies

[v4.0.2] - 2023-01-17


  • Fixed nix build issue on MacOS systems

[v4.0.1] - 2022-12-20


  • Added a SECP256k1 explainer document (#1346)

[v4.0.0] - 2022-12-15


  • NuFi wallet support (#1265)
  • Add submitTxFromConstraints and submitTxFromConstraintsReturningFee in Contract.Transaction. submitTxFromConstraints builds a transaction that satisfies the constraints, then submits it to the network. It is analogous to submitTxConstraintsWith function in Plutus and replaces Helpers.buildBalanceSignAndSubmitTx.
  • Support for CIP-49 crypto primitives: SECP256k1 ECDSA and Schnorr (verification functions, signing and key generation) (1273)


  • Running plutip servers attaches on SIGINT handlers and therefore node will not exit by default. (#1231).
  • TestPlanM, interpret and interpretWithConfig are now public in Contract.Test.Mote and our custom consoleReporter in Contract.Test.Mote.ConsoleReporter. (#1261).
  • Internal datum conversions are now total, resulting in some datum-related Contract functions dropping the use of Maybe, for example datumHash, convertPlutusData and their related functions. (#1284).
  • CIP-25 policy_id and asset_name metadata keys no longer include a 0x prefix for compatibility with Blockfrost (#1309).
  • purescript-aeson package has been updated:
    • the performance has generally been improved
    • encodeAeson' is now encodeAeson (and it returns just Aeson instead of an AesonEncoder)
    • Number type is not supported anymore (due to NaN and +/-Infinity) - use Aeson.finiteNumber function


  • ctl-server, a haskell binary that was providing ability to apply arguments to parametrized scripts, was replaced by an implementation that uses WASM library (Contract.Scripts.applyArgs) (#483)


  • Added missing stakePoolTargetNum ("nOpt") protocol parameter (see CIP-9) (#571)
  • CIP-30 signData response handling (#1289)

Runtime Dependencies

[3.0.0] - 2022-11-21


  • Support passing the initial UTxO distribution as an Array and also get the KeyWallets as an Array when writing Plutip tests. (#1018). An usage example can be found here.
  • New Contract.Test.Utils assertions and checks: assertOutputHasRefScript, checkOutputHasRefScript, checkTxHasMetadata (#1044)
  • Parallel instance to Contract monad. Parallel capabilities are in the associated ParContract datatype (#1037)
  • Balancer constraints interface (check Building and submitting transactions and examples/BalanceTxConstraints.purs for reference) (#1053)
  • New Contract.Transaction functions accepting balancer constraints as a parameter: balanceTxWithConstraints, balanceTxsWithConstraints, withBalancedTxWithConstraints, withBalancedTxsWithConstraints (#1053)
  • New functions addressWithNetworkTagFromBech32 and addressFromBech32 in Contract.Address, the second checking that address network Id corresponds to the contract environment network Id. (#1062)
  • Contract.CborBytes for CBOR-related functionality. (#850)
  • ToData & FromData instances for PublicKey in Cardano.Types.Transaction (#998)
  • Contract.Keys module that exposes smart constructors for PublicKey & Ed25519Signature, namely: mkEd25519Signature, mkPubKey.
  • Contract.createAdditionalUtxos to build an expected utxo set from transaction outputs, useful for transaction chaining (#1046)
  • DecodeAeson instance for NativeScript data type (#1069).
  • Contract.Wallet exports mkWalletBySpec (#1157)
  • ctl-server NixOS module (#1194). See nix/test-nixos-configuration.nix for example usage and nix/ctl-server-nixos-module.nix.
  • Ability to run E2E tests on private Plutip testnets using CIP-30 wallet mock - see the docs (#1166)
  • Contract.Plutarch.Types module with PRational type which is a newtype of Rational with ToData and FromData instance which are compatible with Plutarch (#1221)
  • New constraints for stake operations (#1060):
    • Pool registration (mustRegisterPool)
    • Pool retirement (mustRetirePool)
    • Stake credential registration (mustRegisterStakePubKey, mustRegisterStakeScript)
    • Stake delegation (mustDelegateStakeNativeScript, mustDelegateStakePlutusScript, mustDelegateStakePubKey)
    • Staking rewards withdrawal (mustWithdrawStakePubKey, mustWithdrawStakePlutusScript, mustWithdrawStakeNativeScript)
    • Stake credential deregistration (mustDeregisterStakePubKey, mustDeregisterStakePlutusScript, mustDeregisterStakeNativeScript)
  • New query layer functions to retrieve staking-related info from Ogmios (#1060):
    • Contract.Staking.getPoolIds
    • Contract.Staking.getPoolParameters
    • Contract.Staking.getPubKeyHashDelegationsAndRewards
    • Contract.Staking.getValidatorHashDelegationsAndRewards
  • Contract.Test.Plutip.testPlutipContracts to run multiple Mote Plutip tests on the same Plutip cluster, saving on cluster startup time. (#1154).
  • EncodeAeson and DecodeAeson instances for TransactionInput, TransactionOutput/TransactionOutputWithRefScript and PaymentPubKeyHash(#1138)
  • mustSendChangeToAddress balancer constraint, allowing to explicitly set the address to send all generated change to (#1243)
  • mustUseUtxosAtAddress and mustUseUtxosAtAddresses balancer constraints, allowing to specify addresses that should be treated like utxos sources during balancing (#1243)
  • Add ability to provide extra browser CLI arguments in E2E test suite (#1253)
  • The configuration option for plutip clusters: slot length can be adjusted using clusterConfig field of PlutipConfig. epoch size must currently remain at 80 however due to (#1272)


  • Bumped cardano-serialization-lib dependencies to version 11.1.1-alpha.1 (#1163)
  • Contract.Transaction.calculateMinFee and Contract.Transaction.calculateMinFeeM now accept additional UTxOs.
  • Reorganised the library into new namespaces. Namely: library internals, tests, and examples are now under Ctl.Internal.*, Test.Ctl.*, and Ctl.Examples.* respectively. Documentation and comments have been updated to use these new names, but not entries of previous releases in the changelog. (#1039)
  • Switched to preview testnet by default (#1030)
  • addressFromBech32 checks that address network Id corresponds to the contract environment Id and is therefore lifted to the Contract monad (#1062)
  • keyWalletPrivatePaymentKey and keyWalletPrivateStakeKey are now in to the public Contract.Wallet.Key API. (#1094)
  • Completely new E2E (headless browser) test suite. It is now both easier to set up and use, and less flaky. The shell script has been removed (and re-implemented in PureScript). The suite can now be configured using environment variables (test/e2e.env) or CLI arguments. It is no more required to provide an accompanying tester script for each of the Contracts to be tested. (#1058, #986)
  • The logLevel from the config parameters is passed to the customLogger to allow consistent filtering of the logs. (#1110).
  • Functions for working with BigNum are now in the public Contract.Numeric.BigNum API (#1109).
  • PublicKey and Ed25519Signature types now wrap RawBytes instead of Bech32String.
  • TypeLevel.Nat, needed to implement HasPlutusSchema, gets exported in Contract.PlutusData (#1143).
  • MintingPolicy to an enum consisting of PlutusScript or NativeScript (#1069)
  • Contract.Scripts applyArgs is now monomorphic on the script parameter (#1069)
  • Adapted Gero wallet extension to preview network in E2E test suite (#1086)
  • Contact.TextEnvelope how provides more type safe interface with simplified error handling (#988)
  • Forbid minting zero tokens. (#1156)
  • Modified functions getWalletAddress, ownPubKeyHash, ownStakePubKeyHash, getWalletAddressWithNetworkTag and ownPaymentPubKeyHash to return Contract r (Array Address). (#1045)
  • pubKeyHashAddress and scriptHashAddress now both accept an optional Credential that corresponds to the staking component of the address (#1060)
  • utxosAt and getUtxo now use Kupo internally, utxosAt returns UtxoMap without Maybe context. The users will need to set kupoConfig in ConfigParams. (#1185)
  • Interval type is redesigned to restrain some finite intervals to be expressed in the system (#1041)


  • balanceAndSignTxE, balanceAndSignTx, balanceAndSignTxs, balanceTxWithAddress, balanceTxsWithAddress, withBalancedAndSignedTx and withBalancedAndSignedTxs from Contract.Transaction (#1053)
  • ScriptOutput is removed and therefore not exported by Contract.Address anymore. also, Contract.Transaction doesn't export scriptOutputToTransactionOutput anymore (#652).
  • Contract.TxConstraints.TxConstraint type from public API. The users should rely on domain functions instead (#1135)
  • Contract.Address.enterpriseAddressScriptHash, enterpriseAddressValidatorHash - use Contract.Address.addressPaymentValidatorHash that works for base addresses as well, or addressStakeValidatorHash to get the stake component validator hash (#1060)
  • Contract.Address.enterpriseAddressMintingPolicyHash and enterpriseAddressStakeValidatorHash - these functions didn't make much sense (too specific, a very rare use case). (#1060)
  • ScriptHash type from the Contract interface (use ValidatorHash) (#1060)
  • Contract.Address re-exports from Contract.Scripts (#1060)
  • Contract.Address.ownPubKeyHash and ownPubKeyHashes - these are not needed, use ownPaymentPubKeyHash / ownPaymentPubKeyHashes (#1211)
  • mustBalanceTxWithAddress and mustBalanceTxWithAddresses balancer constraints - use a combination of mustUseUtxosAtAddresses and mustSendChangeToAddress to get the same behaviour (#1243)


  • Fix absence of getUtxos method in CIP-30 mock (#1026)
  • awaitTxConfirmedWithTimeout not respecting its timeout (#1021)
  • Absence of serializeData in Plutip (#1078)
  • Fix excessive reconnection attempts after Contract runtime finalization (#965)
  • Fix wallet extension error terminating the whole test suite (#1209)
  • Now we can process multiple time constraints (#1124)
  • E2E test suite didn't apply settings archive CLI option properly (#1254)

Runtime Dependencies

[2.0.0] - 2022-09-12


  • Plutip integration to run Contracts in local, private testnets (#470)
  • Ability to run Contracts in Plutip environment in parallel - Contract.Test.Plutip.withPlutipContractEnv (#800)
  • withKeyWallet utility that allows to simulate multiple actors in Plutip environment (#663)
  • withStakeKey utility that allows providing a stake key to be used by KeyWallets in Plutip environment (#838)
  • Alt and Plus instances for Contract.
  • Contract.Utxos.getUtxo call to get a single utxo at a given output reference
  • Contract.Monad.withContractEnv function that constructs and finalizes a contract environment that is usable inside a bracket callback. This is the intended way to run multiple contracts. (#731)
  • Contract.Monad.stopContractEnv function to finalize a contract environment (close the WebSockets). It should be used together with mkContractEnv, and is not needed with withContractEnv. (#731)
  • Contract.Config module that contains everything needed to create and manipulate ConfigParams, as well as a number of ConfigParams fixtures for common use cases. (#731)
  • Contract.Monad.askConfig and Contract.Monad.asksConfig functions to access user-defined configurations. (#731)
  • Contract.Config.WalletSpec type that allows to define wallet parameters declaratively in ConfigParams, instead of initializing wallet and setting it to a ContractConfig (#731)
  • Faster initialization of Contract runtime due to parallelism. (#731)
  • purescriptProject's shell parameter now accepts packageLockOnly, which if set to true will stop npm from generating node_modules. This is enabled for CTL developers
  • Contract.Transaction.awaitTxConfirmed and Contract.Transaction.awaitTxConfirmedWithTimeout
  • Contract.TextEnvelope.textEnvelopeBytes and family to decode the TextEnvelope format, a common format output by tools like cardano-cli to serialize values such as cryptographical keys and on-chain scripts
  • Contract.Wallet.isNamiAvailable and Contract.Wallet.isGeroAvailable functions (#558])
  • Contract.Transaction.balanceTxWithOwnAddress and Contract.Transaction.balanceTxsWithOwnAddress to override an Address used in balanceTx internally (#775)
  • Contract.Transaction.awaitTxConfirmedWithTimeoutSlots waits a specified number of slots for a transaction to succeed. (#790)
  • Contract.Transaction.submitE like submit but uses an Either (Array Aeson) TransactionHash to handle a SubmitFail response from Ogmios
  • Contract.Chain.waitNSlots, Contract.Chain.currentSlot and Contract.Chain.currentTime a function to wait at least N number of slots and functions to get the current time in Slot or POSIXTime. (#740)
  • Contract.Transaction.getTxByHash to retrieve contents of an on-chain transaction.
  • project.launchSearchablePursDocs to create an apps output for serving Pursuit documentation locally (#816)
  • Contract.PlutusData.IsData type class (ToData + FromData) (#809)
  • A check for port availability before Plutip runtime initialization attempt (#837)
  • Contract.Address.addressToBech32 and Contract.Address.addressWithNetworkTagToBech32 (#846)
  • doc/ describes the process of E2E testing. (#814)
  • Added unzip to the devShell. New flag withChromium also optionally adds Chromium to the devShell (#799)
  • Added paymentKey and stakeKey fields to the record in KeyWallet
  • Added formatPaymentKey and formatStakeKey to Wallet.KeyFile and Contract.Wallet for formatting private keys
  • Added privatePaymentKeyToFile and privateStakeKeyToFile to Wallet.KeyFile and Contract.Wallet.KeyFile for writing keys to files
  • Added bytesFromPrivateKey to Serialization
  • Improved error handling of transaction evaluation through Ogmios. This helps with debugging during balancing, as it requires the transaction to be evaluated to calculate fees. (#832)
  • Contract.Hashing.transactionHash to calculate the hash of the transaction (#870)
  • Flint wallet support (#556)
  • Support for NativeScripts in constraints interface: mustPayToNativeScript and mustSpendNativeScriptOutput functions (#869)
  • Contract.Test.Cip30Mock module to mock CIP-30 wallet interface using KeyWallet. The mock can be used for testing without a wallet (even in NodeJS environment). This increases test coverage for CTL code. (#784)
  • Plutus.Types.AssocMap.AssocMap now has TraversableWithIndex, FoldableWithIndex, FunctorWithIndex instances (#943)
  • The return value of purescriptProject now includes the project with its compiled output and its generated node_modules (under the compiled and nodeModules attributes, respectively) (#956)
  • Contract.Utxos.getWalletUtxos function that calls CIP-30 getUtxos method. (#961)
  • Lode wallet support (#556)
  • Added Contract.Transaction.lookupTxHash helper function (#957)
  • Contract.Test.Utils for making assertions about Contracts. (#1005)
  • Examples.ContractTestUtils demonstrating the use of Contract.Test.Utils. (#1005)
  • mustNotBeValid constraint which marks the transaction as invalid, allowing scripts to fail during balancing and for Ogmios to allow submission. (#947)
  • Constraints for creating outputs with reference scripts: mustPayToScriptWithScriptRef, mustPayToPubKeyAddressWithDatumAndScriptRef, mustPayToPubKeyAddressWithScriptRef, mustPayToPubKeyWithDatumAndScriptRef, mustPayToPubKeyWithScriptRef (#946)
  • Constraints for using reference validators and minting policies: mustSpendScriptOutputUsingScriptRef, mustMintCurrencyUsingScriptRef, mustMintCurrencyWithRedeemerUsingScriptRef (#946)
  • Constraint for attaching a reference input to a transaction: mustReferenceOutput (#946)
  • DatumPresence data type, which tags paying constraints that accept datum, to mark whether the datum should be inline or hashed in the transaction output. (#931)
  • Utility conversion functions serializeData and deserializeData between PlutusData and CborBytes to Contract.PlutusData. (#1001)
  • Added CIP-30 methods: getNetworkId, getChangeAddress, getRewardAddresses, getUnusedAddresses, signData, isWalletAvailable, isEnabled, apiVersion, name and icon to Contract.Wallet (#974)


  • PlutusScript is now aware of which version of Plutus the script is for. The JSON representation has thus changed to reflect this and is not compatible with older JSON format.
  • CTL's overlay no longer requires an explicitly passed system
  • Switched to CSL for utxo min ada value calculation (#715)
  • Upgraded Haskell server to fully support Babbage-era transactions (#733)
  • Improved the collateral selection algorithm for KeyWallet (#707)
  • Switched to CSL for PlutusScript hashing (#852)
  • runContract now accepts ConfigParams instead of ContractConfig (#731)
  • mkContractConfig has been renamed to mkContractEnv. Users are advised to use withContractEnv instead to ensure proper finalization of WebSocket connections. (#731)
  • ConfigParams is now a type synonym instead of a newtype. ContractConfig has been renamed to ContractEnv.
  • Moved logging functions to Contract.Log from Contract.Monad (#727
  • Renamed Contract.Wallet.mkKeyWalletFromPrivateKey to Contract.Wallet.mkKeyWalletFromPrivateKeys.
  • ServerConfig accepts a url path field (#728).
  • Examples now wait for transactions to be confirmed and log success (#739).
  • Updated CSL version to v11.0.0 (#801)
  • Better error message when attempting to initialize a wallet in NodeJS environment (#778)
  • The ctl-scaffold repository has been archived and deprecated and its contents moved to templates.ctl-scaffold in the CTL flake (#760).
  • The CTL overlay output has been deprecated and replaced by overlays.purescript, overlays.runtime, and overlays.ctl-server (#796 and #872).
  • buildCtlRuntime and launchCtlRuntime now take an extraServices argument to add docker-compose services to the resulting Arion expression (#769).
  • Use cardano-serialization-lib for fee calculation, instead of server-side code.
  • balanceAndSignTx no longer silently drops error information via Maybe. The Maybe wrapper is currently maintained for API compatibility, but will be dropped in the future.
  • Made it impossible to write unlawful EncodeAeson instances (#490)
  • The ctl-server component of the runtime is now optional and is only required when using the applyArgs endpoint (#872). Related changes include:
    • The ctlServerConfig fields of both ConfigParams and PlutipConfig now take a Maybe ServerConfig. In the case of PlutipConfig, a Just value will spawn the service inside the Plutip test. For the ConfigParams type, calls to applyArgs will fail when the field is set to Nothing.
    • The config accepted by launchCtlRuntime and buildCtlRuntime now takes a ctl-server.enable field. If false, ctl-server will not be launched.
  • SlotLength and RelativeTime in EraSummary from Ogmios are now of type Number instead of BigInt. Also add Maybe around some functions in Type.Interval or changed it's signature to use Number. (#868)
  • The ProtocolParameters introduced in Alonzo (prices, maxTxExUnits, maxBlockExUnits, maxValueSize, collateralPercent and maxCollateralInputs) are no longer of type Maybe because we don't support pre-Alonzo eras. (#971)
  • Renamed UtxoM to UtxoMap (#963)
  • KeyWallet's selectCollateral field now allows multiple collateral to be selected, and is provided with coinsPerUtxoByte and maxCollateralInputs from the protocol parameters. (#947)
  • mustPayWithDatumToPubKey, mustPayWithDatumToPubKeyAddress, and mustPayToScript now expect a DatumPresence tag in their arguments to mark whether the datum should be inline or hashed in the transaction output. ((#931)[#931))
  • Switched to blakejs for blake2b hashing. blake2b256Hash and blake2b256HashHex functions are now pure (#991)
  • Updated ODC version, this includes a new function getDatumsByHashesWithErrorsthat does not discard errors, unlike getDatumsByHashes. This update also changes the way we store transactions in the local database, meaning that we need to drop the transactions table.


  • Contract.Monad.traceTestnetContractConfig - use Contract.Config.testnetNamiConfig instead (or other variants of testnet...Config for other wallets).
  • runContract_ - use void <<< runContract.
  • Contract.Aeson module - use Aeson (#938)


  • Endless awaitTxConfirmed calls (#804)
  • Bug with collateral selection: only the first UTxO provided by wallet was included as collateral (#723)
  • Bug with collateral selection for KeyWallet when signing multiple transactions (#709)
  • Bug when zero-valued non-Ada assets were added to the non-Ada change output (#802)
  • Error recovery logic for SubmitTx if the WebSocket connection is dropped (#870)
  • Properly implemented CIP-25 V2 metadata. Now there's no need to split arbitrary-length strings manually to fit them in 64 PlutusData bytes (CTL handles that). A new Cip25String type has been introduced (a smart constructor ensures that byte representation fits 64 bytes, as required by the spec). Additionally, a new Metadata.Cip25.Common.Cip25TokenName wrapper over TokenName is added to ensure proper encoding of asset_names. There are still some minor differences from the spec:
    • We do not split strings in pieces when encoding to JSON
    • We require a "version": 2 tag
    • policy_id must be 28 bytes
    • asset_name is up to 32 bytes. See cardano-foundation/CIPs#303 for motivation
  • ogmios-datum-cache now works on x86_64-darwin
  • TypedValidator interface (#808)
  • Contract.Address.getWalletCollateral now works with KeyWallet.
  • Removed unwanted error messages in case WebSocket listeners get cancelled (#827)
  • Bug in CostModel serialization - incorrect Int type (#874)
  • Use logger settings on Contract initialization (#897)
  • Disallow specifying less than 1 ADA in Plutip UTxO distribution (#901)
  • Bug in TransactionMetadatum deserialization (#932)
  • Fix excessive logging after the end of Contract execution (#893)
  • Add ability to suppress logs of successful Contract executions - with new suppressLogs config option the logs will be shown on error (#768)
  • Fix runPlutipTest not passing custom buildInputs (#955)
  • Problem parsing ogmios SlotLength and RelativeTime in era Summaries if those include non integer values. (#906)
  • Use docs-search-0.0.12 that properly lists modules consisting only of re-exports (#973)
  • Inline datum in Ogmios transaction outputs are now parsed and preserved when converting to CTLs respective type. (#931)

[2.0.0-alpha] - 2022-07-05

This release adds support for running CTL contracts against Babbage-era nodes. Note: this release does not support Babbagge-era features and improvements, e.g. inline datums and reference inputs. Those feature will be implemented in v2.0.0 proper.


  • Support for using a PrivateKey as a Wallet.
  • mkKeyWalletFromFile helper to use cardano-cli-style skeys
  • Single Plutus.Conversion module exposing all (Type <-> Plutus Type) conversion functions (#464)
  • logAeson family of functions to be able to log JSON representations
  • EncodeAeson instances for most types under Cardano.Types.* as well as other useful types (Value, Coin, etc.)
  • getProtocolParameters call to retrieve current protocol parameters from Ogmios (#541)
  • Contract.Utxos.getWalletBalance call to get all available assets as a single Value (#590)
  • balanceAndSignTxs balances and signs multiple transactions while taking care to use transaction inputs only once
  • Ability to load stake keys from files when using KeyWallet (#635)
  • Implement utxosAt for KeyWallet (#617)
  • FromMetadata and ToMetadata instances for Contract.Value.CurrencySymbol
  • Contract.Chain.waitUntilSlot to delay contract execution until local chain tip reaches certain point of time (in slots).


  • FromPlutusType / ToPlutusType type classes. (#464)
  • Contract.Wallet.mkGeroWallet and Contract.Wallet.mkNamiWallet - Aff versions should be used instead
  • Protocol param update setters for the decentralisation constant (set_d) and the extra entropy (set_extra_entropy) (#609)
  • AbsSlot and related functions have been removed in favour of Slot
  • Modules Metadata.Seabug and Metadata.Seabug.Share
  • POST /eval-ex-units Haskell server endpoint (#665)
  • Truncated test fixtures for time/slots inside AffInterface to test time/slots not too far into the future which can be problematic during hardforks #676
  • d and extraEntropy protocol parameters from protocol parameters update proposal


  • Updated ogmios-datum-cache - bug fixes (#542, #526, #589)
  • Improved error response handling for Ogmios (#584)
  • balanceAndSignTx now locks transaction inputs within the current Contract context. If the resulting transaction is never used, then the inputs must be freed with unlockTransactionInputs.
  • Updated ogmios-datum-cache - bug fixes (#542, #526, #589).
  • Made protocol parameters part of QueryConfig.
  • Refactored Plutus.Conversion.Address code (utilized CSL functionality).
  • Changed the underlying type of Slot, TransactionIndex and CertificateIndex to BigNum.
  • Moved transaction finalization logic to balanceTx.
  • Upgraded to CSL v11.0.0-beta.1.
  • purescriptProject (exposed via the CTL overlay) was reworked significantly. Please see the updated example in the documentation for more details.
  • Switched to Ogmios for execution units evaluation (#665)
  • Changed inputs inside TxBody to be Set TransactionInput instead Array TransactionInput. This guarantees ordering of inputs inline with Cardano (#641)
  • Upgraded to Ogmios v5.5.0
  • Change inputs inside TxBody to be Set TransactionInput instead Array TransactionInput. This guarantees ordering of inputs inline with Cardano (#641).


  • Handling of invalid UTF8 byte sequences in the Aeson instance for TokenName
  • Types.ScriptLookups.require function naming caused problems with WebPack (#593)
  • Bad logging in queryDispatch that didn't propagate error messages (#615)
  • Utxo min ada value calculation (#611)
  • Discarding invalid inputs in txInsValues instead of yielding an error (#696)
  • Locking transaction inputs before the actual balancing of the transaction (#696)

[1.1.0] - 2022-06-30


  • Changed utxoIndex inside an UnbalancedTx to be a Map with values TransactionOutput instead of ScriptOutput so there is no conversion in the balancer to ScriptOutput. This means the balancer can spend UTxOs from different wallets instead of just the current wallet and script addresses.

[1.0.1] - 2022-06-17


  • mustBeSignedBy now sets the Ed25519KeyHash corresponding to the provided PaymentPubKeyHash directly. Previously, this constraint would fail as there was no way to provide a matching PaymentPubKey as a lookup. Note that this diverges from Plutus as the paymentPubKey lookup is always required in that implementation.

[1.0.0] - 2022-06-10

CTL's initial release!