First, make sure you are using python 3.7 or later:
`pipenv --python /usr/local/bin/python3.7 shell`
Install all dependencies:
`pipenv install --dev`
Second, change directory to test folder before running the tests:
`cd docs/course_materials/exercises/test_exercises`
For getting the Help use:
`python --help`
For the list of all available check files use -e
or --exercises
`python -e`
For checking an exercise, you should use -t
or --test_exercise
in combination
with the test name. For example:
`python -t <exercise_name>`
If you need to run on a directory different from HOME use -s
or --set_dir
It should include all student homework files:
`python -t <exercise_name> -s <student _homework_dir>`
You can watch the following demo: exercise check demo