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Crank Benchmarks Controller


Usage: crank [options]

  -?|-h|--help                                          Show help information

  These options are not specific to a job instance.

  --config <filename>                                            Configuration file or url. Can be used multiple times.
  --scenario <scenario>                                          Scenario to execute.
  --profile <profile>                                            Profiles to apply. Can be used multiple times.
  --variable <key=value>                                         A global variable. Can be used multiple times. e.g. --variable connections=16
  --variable-json <key=json>                                     A global variable in JSON format. Can be used multiple times. e.g. --variable-json "customHeaders=['accept-encoding:deflat']"
  --compare <filename>                                           An optional filename to compare the results to. Can be used multiple times.
  --session                                                      A logical identifier to group related jobs.
  --description                                                  A string describing the job.
  --property <key=value>                                         Some custom key/value that will be added to the results, e.g. --property arch=arm --property os=linux
  --sql                                                          Connection string or environment variable name of the SQL Server Database to store results in.
  --table                                                        Table or environment variable name of the SQL Database to store results in.
  --es                                                           Url or environment variable name of the Elasticsearch server to store results in.
  --index                                                        Index name or environment variable name of the Elasticsearch server to store results in.
  --json <filename>                                              Store the results as json in the specified file.
  --csv <filename>                                               Store or append the results as csv in the specified file.
  --no-metadata                                                  Don't record metadata in the stored document.
  --no-measurements                                              Don't record measurements in the stored document.

  -m|--interval                                                  The measurements interval in seconds. Default is 1.
  -i|--iterations <n>                                            The number of times to repeat the jobs to get average results. By default the last job only is repeated, unless '--repeat' is set. 
  --repeat <job>                                                 The job to repeat using the '--duration' or '--iterations' argument.
  --span <HH:mm:ss>                                              The duration while the job is repeated.
  --auto-flush                                                   Runs a single long-running job and flushes measurements automatically.
  -x|--exclude                                                   Excludes the specified number of high and low results, e.g., 1, 1:0 (exclude the lowest), 0:3 (exclude the 3 highest)
  -xo|--exclude-order                                            The result to use to detect the high and low results, e.g., 'load:http/rps/mean'
  --chart                                                        Renders a chart for multi-value results.
  --chart-type [bar (default) | hex]                             Type of chart to render. Values are 'bar' (default) or 'hex'
  --chart-scale [off (default)| auto]                            Scale for chart. Values are 'off' (default) or 'auto'. When scale is off, the min value starts at 0.
  --script [name]                                                Execute a named script available in the configuration files. Can be used multiple times.
  --debug <filename>                                             Saves the final configuration to a file and skips the execution of the benchmark, e.g., '-d debug.json'
  --relay <connection_string>                                    Connection string or environment variable name of the Azure Relay namespace used to access the Crank Agent endpoints. e.g., 'Endpoint=sb://;...', 'MY_AZURE_RELAY_ENV';
  --command-line-property                                        Saves the final crank command line in a custom 'command-line' property, excluding all unnecessary and security sensitive arguments.

  These options are specific to a job instance. Replace [JOB] by the name of the service in the scenario (usually "application").

  --[JOB].endpoints <url>                                                  An endpoint on which to deploy the job definition, e.g., http://asp-perf-lin:5001. Can be used multiple times.

  ## Sources location

  --[JOB].source.repository                                                The git repository containing the source code to build, e.g.,
  --[JOB].source.branchOrCommit                                            A branch name or commit hash, e.g., my/branch, my/branch#commit-hash
  --[JOB].source.initSubmodules                                            Whether to init submodules when a git repository is used, e.g., true
  --[JOB].source.localFolder                                               The local path containing the source code to upload to the server. e.g., /code/mybenchmarks

  ## .NET options

  --[JOB].source.project <filename.csproj>                                 The project file to build, relative to the source code base path, e.g., src/Benchmarks/Benchmarks.csproj
  --[JOB].sdkVersion <version>                                             The version of the .NET SDK to install and use. By default the latest available build is used.
  --[JOB].runtimeVersion <version>                                         The version of the .NET runtime to install and use. It is defined as MicrosoftNETCoreAppPackageVersion in the build arguments. By default the latest available build is used. Setting this value forces the app to be deployed as stand-alone.
  --[JOB].aspNetCoreVersion <version>                                      The version of the ASP.NET runtime to install and use. It is defined as MicrosoftAspNetCoreAppPackageVersion in the build arguments. By default the latest available build is used.  Setting this value forces the app to be deployed as stand-alone.
  --[JOB].noGlobalJson <true|false>                                        Whether to not emit any global.json file to force the .NET SDK version to use. Default is false, meaning whatever version of the .NET SDK is chosen, it will be set in a global.json file.
  --[JOB].framework <tfm>                                                  The framework version to use in case it can't be assumed from the .NET runtime version. e.g., net8.0
  --[JOB].buildArguments <argument>                                        An argument to pass to msbuild. Can be used multiple times to define multiple values.
  --[JOB].selfContained <true|false>                                       Whether to deploy the app as stand-alone. Default is true.
  --[JOB].useMonoRuntime <jit|llvm-jit|llvm-aot>                           Use a specific mono runtime instead of the dotnet core runtime.
  --[JOB].packageReferences <package=version>                              A package reference to add to the csproj. Can be used multiple times to define multiple values.
  --[JOB].patchReferences <true|false>                                     Whether to patch the TFM of project references. Default is false.

  ## Docker options

  --[JOB].source.dockerFile                                                The local path to the Docker file, e.g., frameworks/Rust/actix/actix-raw.dockerfile
  --[JOB].source.dockerImageName                                           The name of the docker image to create, e.g., actix_raw
  --[JOB].source.dockerContextDirectory                                    The folder in which the Docker file is built relative to, e.g., frameworks/Rust/actix/
  --[JOB].source.dockerFetchPath                                           The path in the Docker container that contains the base path for the --fetch option, e.g., ./output
  --[JOB].source.dockerLoad                                                The path of an image to use for 'docker load', e.g, "./myimage.tar"
  --[JOB].source.dockerPull                                                The image name to pull and run, e.g, "redis", ""
  --[JOB].source.dockerCommand                                             The 'docker run' command, e.g, "./"
  --[JOB].buildArguments <argument>                                        An argument to pass to 'docker build' as a '--build-arg' value. Can be used multiple times to define multiple values.

  ## Diagnostics

  --[JOB].dotnetTrace <true|false>                                         Whether to collect a diagnostics trace using dotnet-trace. An optional profile name or list of dotnet-trace providers can be passed. e.g., true
  --[JOB].dotnetTraceProviders <profile|provider|clrevent>                 A comma-separated list of trace providers. By default the profile 'cpu-sampling' is used. See for details. e.g., "Microsoft-DotNETCore-SampleProfiler, gc-verbose, JIT+Contention".
  --[JOB].options.traceOutput <filename>                                   The name of the trace file. Can be a file prefix (app will add *.DATE*.zip) , or a specific name and no DATE* will be added e.g., c:\traces\mytrace
  --[JOB].options.collectCounters <true|false>                             Whether to collect dotnet counters. If set and 'counterProviders' is not, System.Runtime will be used by default.
  --[JOB].options.counterProviders <provider>                              The name of a performance counter provider from which to collect. e.g., System.Runtime, Microsoft-AspNetCore-Server-Kestrel, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections, Grpc.AspNetCore.Server, Grpc.Net.client, Npgsql
  --[JOB].collectStartup <true|false>                                      Whether to include the startup phase in the traces, i.e after the application is launched and before it is marked as ready. For a web application it means before it is ready to accept requests.
  --[JOB].collect <true|false>                                             Whether to collect native traces. Uses PerfView on Windows and Perf/PerfCollect on Linux.
  --[JOB].collectArguments <arguments>                                     Native traces arguments, default is "BufferSizeMB=1024;CircularMB=4096;TplEvents=None;Providers=Microsoft-Diagnostics-DiagnosticSource:0:0;KernelEvents=default+ThreadTime-NetworkTCPIP", other suggested values: "...;GcOnly"
  --[JOB].options.dumpType <full|heap|mini>                                The type of dump to collect.
  --[JOB].options.dumpOutput <filename>                                    The name of the dump file. Can be a file prefix (app will add *.DATE*.zip) , or a specific name and no DATE* will be added e.g., c:\dumps\mydump
  --[JOB].collectDependencies <true|false>                                 Whether to include the list of project dependencies in the results.
  --[JOB].options.downloadOutput <true|false>                              Whether to download the job output
  --[JOB].options.downloadOutputOutput <filename>                          The name of the output file. Can be a file prefix (app will add *.DATE*.log) , or a specific name and no DATE* will be added e.g., c:\outputs\myoutput
  --[JOB].options.downloadBuildLog <true|false>                            Whether to download the build log
  --[JOB].options.downloadBuildLogOutput <filename>                        The name of the build log file. Can be a file prefix (app will add *.DATE*.log) , or a specific name and no DATE* will be added e.g., c:\builds\mybuild

  ## Environment

  --[JOB].environmentVariables <key=value>                                 An environment variable key/value pair to assign to the process. Can be used multiple times to define multiple values.
  --[JOB].options.requiredOperatingSystem <linux|windows|osx>              The operating system the job can only run on.
  --[JOB].options.requiredArchitecture <x64|arm64>                         The architecture the job can only run on.
  --[JOB].memoryLimitInBytes <bytes>                                       The amount of memory available for the process.
  --[JOB].cpuSet <cpu-set>                                                 The list of CPUs available for the process, e.g., "0", "0-3", "1,3-4"
  --[JOB].cpuLimitRatio <number>                                           The amount of CPU available for the process, e.g., "0.5". For a 12 cores machines this value would result in 50% out of 1200% total available CPU time.

  ## Debugging

  --[JOB].noClean <true|false>                                             Whether to keep the work folder on the server or not. Default is false, such that each job is cleaned once it's finished.
  --[JOB].options.fetch <true|false>                                       Whether the benchmark folder is downloaded. e.g., true. For Docker see '--[JOB].source.dockerFetchPath'
  --[JOB].options.fetchOutput <filename>                                   The name of the fetched archive. Can be a file prefix (app will add *.DATE*.zip) , or a specific name (end in *.zip) and no DATE* will be added e.g., c:\publishedapps\myApp
  --[JOB].options.displayOutput <true|false>                               Whether to download and display the standard output of the benchmark.
  --[JOB].options.displayBuild <true|false>                                Whether to download and display the standard output of the build step (works for .NET and Docker).
  --[JOB].options.downloadFiles <filename|pattern>                         The name of the file(s) to download. The working directory is the published folder. Use '~/' to use the project's location as the base folder.
  --[JOB].options.downloadFilesOutput <path>                               A path where the files will be downloaded.

  ## Files

  --[JOB].options.buildFiles <filename>                                    Build files that will be copied in the project folder before the build occurs. Accepts globing patterns and recursive marker (**). Format is 'path[;destination]'. Path can be a URL. e.g., c:\images\mydockerimage.tar, c:\code\Program.cs. If provided, the destination needs to be a folder name, relative to the project path.
  --[JOB].options.outputFiles <filename>                                   Output files that will be copied in the published folder after the application is built. Accepts globing patterns and recursive marker (**). Format is 'path[;destination]'. Path can be a URL. e.g., c:\build\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.dll, c:\files\samples\picture.png;wwwroot\picture.png. If provided, the destination needs to be a folder name, relative to the published path.
  --[JOB].options.reuseSource <true|false>                                 Reuse local or remote sources across benchmarks for the same source.
  --[JOB].options.reuseBuild <true|false>                                  Reuse build files across benchmarks. Don't use with floating runtime versions.
  --[JOB].options.beforeScript <commandline>                               A command line to execute before the job is started. Current directory is the same as the project or docker file.
  --[JOB].options.afterScript <commandline>                                A command line to execute after the job is stopped. Current directory is the same as the project or docker file.
  --[JOB].options.stoppingScript <commandline>                             A command line to execute after the job is stopped. Current directory is the same as the project or docker file.
  --[JOB].options.noGitIgnore <true|false>                                 Whether to ignore the .gitignore file when upload local source or build files. Default is false, meaning the local gitignore file is respected.

  For script based arguments the following environment variables are available: 

  When using shell commands, ensure that they exit the shell. Example usage:
  --application.stoppingScript "cmd.exe /C echo hello %CRANK_PROCESS_ID% > hello.txt"

  Another example using bash to extract some process information and download it from the controller:
  --application.StoppingScript '/bin/bash -c "cat /proc/$CRANK_PROCESS_ID/smaps > smaps.txt"' --application.downloadFiles smaps.txt
  ## Timeouts

  --[JOB].timeout                                                          Maximum duration the job in seconds. Defaults to 0 (unlimited).
  --[JOB].buildTimeout                                                     Maximum duration of the build phase. Defaults to 00:10:00 (10 minutes).
  --[JOB].startTimeout                                                     Maximum duration of the start phase. Defaults to 00:03:00 (3 minutes).
  --[JOB].collectTimeout                                                   Maximum duration of the collect phase. Defaults to 00:05:00 (5 minutes).

  ## Measurements

  --[JOB].options.discardResults <true|false>                              Whether to discard all the results from this job, for instance during a warmup job.