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The Chocolate Factory

API documentation

choc.__version__ - currently-loaded library version

choc.__version__ is a string consisting of three parts, major/minor/revision, such as "1.6.4". See What's New for details on what changed in each version.

choc - Construct a DOM element

element = choc("TAG", attributes, contents);
  • The tag should be a string, either with no colon (case insensitive, HTML tag), or of the form "namespace:tagname" for XML tags. Namespace aliases can be used (see xmlns_xlat below), or include the full namespace URI.
  • attributes - optional object mapping attribute names to their desired values. If omitted/null/empty, no attributes will be set.
    • Attributes will be set using element.setAttribute or by direct assignment where this is more suitable.
    • Force an attribute to be set by assignment by prefixing its name with a dot eg {".foo": 42} to set = 42
    • Force the use of setAttribute (not usually necessary) by prefixing the name with an at sign eg {"@onclick": "hello?"}
    • Attributes set by assignment are any that begin "on" (event handlers), plus the following: volume, value, disabled, checked.
    • For convenience, htmlFor and for have the same effect, as do class and className.
  • contents - optional collection of children. See set_content below. Calling choc("TAG", attr, contents) is broadly equivalent to calling set_content(choc("TAG", attr), contents) (but see 'Special Cases' below).

In additional to the above syntax, this notation is also supported:

element = choc.TAG(attributes, contents);

A destructuring import makes this more convenient:

const {TAG} = choc;
element = TAG(attributes, contents);

This is the recommended idiom, and can be managed by use of the chocimport script.

DOM - Locate a DOM element

element = DOM(selector);
  • If precisely one element matches this selector, it is returned.
  • If nothing matches, returns undefined.
  • If multiple elements match, throws an error.

Note that this is very similar - but not identical - to both document.querySelector and jQuery's selection. Their behaviours differ when zero or multiple elements match:

  • document.querySelector will return the first match, ignoring any others.
  • jQuery will always return a collection and then apply changes to them all. This is not an error if no elements match, and changes will be applied to no elements.

set_content - Populate a DOM element

element = set_content(elem_or_sel, contents);
  • elem_or_sel is either a DOM element or a selector. Passing a selector is equivalent to calling element = set_content(DOM(sel), contents); but will throw if there is no such element.
  • contents may be any of the following:
    • Any falsy value (null, undefined, "", or 0) - no content at all
    • Any string or (non-zero) number - the given text. This does not support HTML and is thus safe against injection attacks.
    • A Node (including an Element as constructed by choc()) - moves the node from its current location in the document (if any) into here
    • An array of zero or more valid types of content
    • Note that nested arrays are valid, but arrays containing themselves are not, and will get your page stuck in an infinite loop :)

on - Respond to DOM events

idx = on(event, selector, callback, options);
  • event - name of an event such as "click" or "paste"
  • selector - CSS selector to identify matching elements. The elements do not have to exist at the time the event handler is established.
  • callback - JavaScript function to call when the event occurs.
  • options - normally omit this, but if additional options are needed, they can be provided. Not compatible with multiple uses of the same event handler.

The event will be attached to the document. Elements rendered in the document are capable of triggering these events.

Inside the callback, the event object is exactly the one given by the browser, with one additional attribute:

  • match - the element which matched the selector

For example, on("click", ".thing", e => set_content(e.match, "Hi!")); will change the contents of the element clicked on, regardless of the presence of other elements with the same selector.

This is similar to e.currentTarget but due to technical limitations, currentTarget will always be document during these event handlers.

NOTE: Asynchronous event handlers are fully supported; however, as the event object is not reconstructed for each handler, the match attribute is only available during the initial, synchronous, part of the function. For example:

on("click", "button", async e => {
    console.log(e.match); //Works
    const self = e.match;
    await something();
    console.log(e.match); //Is now null
    console.log(self); //This will work though

//the same is true for other forms of asynchronicity:
on("click", "button", e => {
    console.log(e.match); //Works
    setTimeout(() => {
        console.log(e.match); //Is now null
    }, 1000);

apply_fixes - Provide extra functionality and compatibility for dialogs

    close_selector: selector,
    click_outside: false | true | "formless",

Improves support for the <dialog> element in browsers that lack it, such as older versions of Firefox. Regardless of the options provided, this will add the showModal and close methods to all dialog elements, with a basic level of functionality. Additional features can be selected, all are optional:

  • close_selector - a CSS selector for clickable elements which should cause a dialog to be immediately closed. For example, set a CSS class on all your close buttons, and quickly and easily close the correct dialog with one event handler.
  • click_outside - if true, clicking outside any dialog (on the shaded background where it's blocking access to the rest of the document) will close the dialog. If the string "formless", this applies only when the dialog doesn't contain a form element.
  • methods - if true, will add methods to all DOM elements. Use value of 1, as future expansion may give different meaning to higher numbers. See below for methods added.

Note that this function can be imported and called under the name fix_dialogs for compatibility with older versions of the Chocolate Factory.

Additional DOM methods added

apply_fixes({methods: 1}) will add the following method to all DOM elements:

  • elem.closest_data("foo") is approximately equivalent to elem.closest("[data-foo]") but will return null if no parent element has this data attribute.

lindt - Construct an element template

template = lindt("TAG", attributes, contents);

Analogous to choc() but for templated usage.

  • Like choc(), can be called with attributes and/or contents omitted.
  • Like choc(), can be called as lindt.TAG(attributes, contents) and is thus suitable for destructuring imports.
  • Unlike choc(), contents will not be immediately applied to the element, but are retained as part of the template.
  • Unlike choc(), does not return an actual DOM element. The resulting template can only be used with replace_content.
  • lindt recognizes a special attribute key which can guide the template matching (see below), and can construct pseudo-element groupings with no tag such as lindt({key: "some_key"}, contents). These are equivalent to arrays but have keys associated with them.

The lindt function is useful only in conjunction with replace_content.

replace_content - Apply an element template

element = replace_content(elem_or_sel, template);

Analogous to set_content() but for templated usage.

  • elem_or_sel is either a DOM element or a selector. Passing a selector is equivalent to calling element = replace_content(DOM(sel), template);. Passing null will coalesce the template into an actual DOM element and return it, allowing it to be used in other ways. Note that this requires a non-array template.
  • template may be any of the following:
    • Any falsy value (null, undefined, "", or 0) - no content at all
    • Any string or (non-zero) number - the given text. This does not support HTML and is thus safe against injection attacks.
    • A Node (including an Element as constructed by choc()) - moves the node from its current location in the document (if any) into here
    • A template created by lindt()
    • An array of zero or more valid types of content
    • Note that nested arrays are valid, but arrays containing themselves are not, and will get your page stuck in an infinite loop :)

When using templates, replace_content will attempt to reuse DOM elements as much as possible. Repeatedly calling replace_content on the same element with similar templates will apply only those changes, keeping other elements unchanged.

Recommended best practice:

  • Aim to match existing elements where appropriate. If matching fails, the old element will be discarded and a new one created.
  • Be consistent. Arrays can be used anywhere, but an array will never match a non-array.
  • If elements might be reordered, consider giving each one a unique key. This is optional, but if keys are given, they will be used for matching.
  • Avoid having multiple arrays next to each other, unless they will ALWAYS be present. For optional arrays, use pseudo-elements instead - construct a lindt template with no tag, which will behave like an array of elements but can be given a key.

xmlns_xlat - Translate namespace aliases into URIs

(New in 1.7.0)

xmlns_xlat.math = "";

This mapping of aliases to URIs may be externally mutated to create new aliases as needed. It comes prepopulated with the alias svg for

Compatibility features

The five primary functions choc, set_content, on, DOM, and fix_dialogs are made available on the window object as pseudo-globals, for the convenience of non-module code (where an import statement is not available). These may therefore also be used from the browser console.

Special cases

Though Chocolate Factory tries its best to be generic and handle everything the same way, there are occasionally quirks that are best handled in their own way.

  1. Normally an element is constructed, then given its attributes, then given its children. (This parallels the order of parameters.) However, constructing a SELECT element with a value attribute will reapply the value after adding the children, since valid values for a drop-down list are defined by its children.
  2. TODO: Look for any others that need to be documented. There aren't many.