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Static code analysis for R

lintr is an R package offering static code analysis for R. It checks adherence to a given style, syntax errors and possible semantic issues, see the animation below. In this README find out


What to do with lintr output?

If you need a bit automatic help for re-styling your code, have a look at the styler package

Available linters

  • Syntax errors: reported by parse.
  • Misencoded files: check that files are read using the correct encoding.
  • absolute_path_linter: check that no absolute paths are used (e.g. "/var", "C:\System", "~/docs").
  • assignment_linter: check that <- is always used for assignment
  • assignment_spaces_linter: checks that assignments only have one space before and after
  • backport_linter: checks for usage of unavailable functions. Not reliable for testing r-devel dependencies.
  • camel_case_linter: check that objects are not in camelCase.
  • closed_curly_linter: check that closed curly braces should always be on their own line unless they are followed by an else.
  • commas_linter: check that all commas are followed by spaces, but do not have spaces before them.
  • commented_code_linter: check that there is no commented code outside of roxygen comments.
  • cyclocomp_linter: check for overly complicated expressions.
  • duplicate_argument_linter: check that no duplicate arguments are supplied to function calls.
  • equals_na_linter: check for x == NA
  • extraction_operator_linter: check that the [[ operator is used when extracting a single element from an object, not [ (subsetting) nor $ (interactive use).
  • function_left_parentheses_linter: check that all left parentheses in a function call do not have spaces before them.
  • implicit_integer_linter: check that integers are explicitly typed using the form 1L instead of 1.
  • infix_spaces_linter: check that all infix operators have spaces around them.
  • line_length_linter: check the line length of both comments and code is less than length.
  • missing_argument_linter: check that no missing argument is supplied to function calls.
  • missing_package_linter: check that no packages loaded by library(), require(), loadNamespace(), and requireNamespace() are missing.
  • namespace_linter: check if there are missing packages and symbols in namespace calls with :: and :::.
  • no_tab_linter: check that only spaces are used, never tabs.
  • nonportable_path_linter: check that file.path() is used to construct safe and portable paths.
  • object_length_linter: check that function and variable names are not more than length characters.
  • object_name_linter: check that object names conform to a single naming style, e.g. CamelCase, camelCase, snake_case, SNAKE_CASE,, lowercase, or UPPERCASE.
  • object_usage_linter: check that closures have the proper usage using codetools::checkUsage(). Note this runs base::eval() on the code, so do not use with untrusted code.
  • open_curly_linter: check that opening curly braces are never on their own line and are always followed by a newline.
  • paren_body_linter: check that there is a space between right parenthesis and a body expression.
  • paren_brace_linter: check that there is a space between right parenthesis and an opening curly brace.
  • pipe_call_linter: force explicit calls in magrittr pipes.
  • pipe_continuation_linter: Check that each step in a pipeline is on a new line, or the entire pipe fits on one line.
  • semicolon_terminator_linter: check that no semicolons terminate statements.
  • seq_linter: check for 1:length(...), 1:nrow(...), 1:ncol(...), 1:NROW(...), and 1:NCOL(...) expressions. These often cause bugs when the right hand side is zero. It is safer to use seq_len() or seq_along() instead.
  • single_quotes_linter: check that only single quotes are used to delimit string constants.
  • spaces_inside_linter: check that parentheses and square brackets do not have spaces directly inside them.
  • spaces_left_parentheses_linter: check that all left parentheses have a space before them unless they are in a function call.
  • sprintf_linter: check that the numbers of arguments are correct and types of arguments are compatible in sprintf("string", ...) calls.
  • todo_comment_linter: check that the source contains no TODO comments (case-insensitive).
  • trailing_blank_lines_linter: check there are no trailing blank lines.
  • trailing_whitespace_linter: check there are no trailing whitespace characters.
  • T_and_F_symbol_linter: avoid the symbols T and F (for TRUE and FALSE).
  • undesirable_function_linter: report the use of undesirable functions, e.g. options or sapply and suggest an alternative.
  • undesirable_operator_linter: report the use of undesirable operators, e.g. ::: or <<- and suggest an alternative.
  • unneeded_concatenation_linter: check that the c function is not used without arguments nor with a single constant.


Most of the default linters are based on Hadley Wickham's The tidyverse style guide.

Running lintr

There are several ways to use lintr.

When inside an R session, lintr can analyse all the R code in a file (using lintr::lint(file_path)), package (lintr::lint_package(pkg_path)) or directory (lintr::lint_dir(dir_path)).

Similarly, lintr can be run from the command line using Rscript -e "lintr::lint_package(commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))" pkg_path (linux/mac; for windows use Rscript.exe).

Advanced users may run lintr during continuous-integration, or within their IDE or text editor.

Project Configuration

Lintr supports per-project configuration of the following fields. The config file (default file name: .lintr) is in Debian Control Field Format.

  • linters - see ?with_defaults for example of specifying only a few non-default linters.
  • exclusions - a list of filenames to exclude from linting. You can use a named item to exclude only certain lines from a file.
  • exclude - a regex pattern for lines to exclude from linting. Default is "# nolint"
  • exclude_start - a regex pattern to start exclusion range. Default is "# nolint start"
  • exclude_end - a regex pattern to end exclusion range. Default is "# nolint end"
  • encoding - the encoding used for source files. Default inferred from .Rproj or DESCRIPTION files, fallback to UTF-8

.lintr File Example

Below is an example .lintr file that uses:

  • 120 character line lengths
  • Excludes a couple of files
  • Disables a specific linter, and;
  • Sets different default exclude regexes
  • Specifies the file encoding to be ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1)
linters: with_defaults(
  commented_code_linter = NULL
exclusions: list("inst/doc/creating_linters.R" = 1, "inst/example/bad.R", "tests/testthat/exclusions-test")
exclude: "# Exclude Linting"
exclude_start: "# Begin Exclude Linting"
exclude_end: "# End Exclude Linting"
encoding: "ISO-8859-1"

With the following command, you can create a configuration file for lintr that ignores all linters that show at least one error:

# Create configuration file for lintr
# Source this file in package root directory

# List here files to exclude from lint checking, as a character vector
excluded_files <- c(
    list.files("data",      recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE),
    list.files("docs",      recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE),
    list.files("inst/doc",  recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE),
    list.files("man",       recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE),
    list.files("vignettes", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)

### Do not edit after this line ###


# Make sure we start fresh
if (file.exists(".lintr")) { file.remove(".lintr") }

# List current lints
lintr::lint_package() %>% %>%
    group_by(linter) %>%
    tally(sort = TRUE) %$%
    sprintf("linters: with_defaults(\n    %s\n    dummy_linter = NULL\n  )\n",
            paste0(linter, " = NULL, # ", n, collapse = "\n    ")) %>%
    cat(file = ".lintr")

sprintf("exclusions: list(\n    %s\n  )\n",
        paste0('"', excluded_files, '"', collapse = ",\n    ")) %>%
    cat(file = ".lintr", append = TRUE)

# Clean up workspace

The resulting configuration will contain each currently failing linter and the corresponding number of hits as a comment. Proceed by successively enabling linters, starting with those with the least number of hits. Note that this requires lintr or later.

If you are developing a package, you can add ^\.lintr$ to your .Rbuildignore file using usethis::use_build_ignore(".lintr").

Continuous integration

You can configure lintr to run as part of continuous integration (either for a package or a general project containing R files) in order to automatically check that commits and pull requests do not deteriorate code style.

For packages

GitHub Actions

If your package is on GitHub, the easiest way to do this is with GitHub Actions. The workflow configuration files use YAML syntax. The usethis package has some great functionality, that can help you with workflow files. The most straightforward way to add a lint workflow to your package is to use the r-lib/actions's lint example. To do this with usethis, you need to call


This will create a workflow file called lint.yaml and place it in the correct location, namely in the .github/workflows directory of your repository. This file configures all the steps required to run lintr::lint_package() on your package.

lintr-bot will then add comments to the commit or pull request with the lints found and they will also be printed as annotations along side the status check on GitHub. If you want to disable the commenting you can set the environment variable LINTR_COMMENT_BOT=false.

If your project is in a subdirectory and you would like to use GitHub Actions annotations, you can set options(lintr.github_annotation_project_dir = "path/to/project") which will make sure that the annotations point to the correct paths.

Travis CI

If you want to run lintr on Travis-CI, you will need to have Travis install the package first. This can be done by adding the following line to your .travis.yml

  - jimhester/lintr

We recommend running lintr::lint_package() as an after_success step in your build process]

Just like with GitHub Actions, lintr-bot will then add comments to the commit or pull request with the lints found and they will also be printed on Travis-CI. If you want to disable the commenting you can set the environment variable LINTR_COMMENT_BOT=false.

Non-failing Lints
  - Rscript -e 'lintr::lint_package()'

Live example of a package using this setup: hibpwned, lintr-bot commenting on a PR.

For projects

You are not limited you using lintr for packages only, you can use it in combination with continuous integration for any other project.

GitHub Actions

If your project is on GitHub, you could take advantage of GitHub Actions and the usethis functionality. r-lib/actions includes a lint-project example, which you can use by calling:


Installation of development version

To install the latest development version of lintr from GitHub


Editors setup


lintr lints are automatically displayed in the RStudio Markers pane, Rstudio versions (> v0.99.206). RStudio Example


Install lintr, type install.packages("lintr") in the Console.

In order to show the "Markers" pane in RStudio: Menu "Tools" -> "Global Options...", a window with title "Options" will pop up. In that window: Click "Code" on the left; Click "Diagnostics" tab; check "Show diagnostics for R".

To lint a source file test.R type in the Console lintr::lint("test.R") and look at the result in the "Markers" pane.

This package also includes two addins for linting the current source and package. To bind the addin to a keyboard shortcut navigate to Tools > addins > Browse Addins > Keyboard Shortcuts. It's recommended to use Alt+Shift+L for linting the current source code and Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L to code the package. These are easy to remember as you are Alt+Shift+L(int) ;)


lintr has built-in integration with flycheck versions greater than 0.23. Emacs Example


lintr is fully integrated into flycheck when using ESS. See the installation documentation for those packages for more information.


You can also configure what linters are used. e.g. using a different line length cutoff.

  • M-x customize-option -> flycheck-lintr-linters -> with_defaults(line_length_linter(120))

Vim - syntastic

lintr can be integrated with syntastic for on the fly linting.

Vim Example


Put the file syntastic/lintr.vim in syntastic/syntax_checkers/r. If you are using pathogen this directory is ~/.vim/bundles/syntastic/syntax_checkers/r.

You will also need to add the following lines to your .vimrc.

let g:syntastic_enable_r_lintr_checker = 1
let g:syntastic_r_checkers = ['lintr']


You can also configure what linters are used. e.g. using a different line length cutoff.

let g:syntastic_r_lintr_linters = "with_defaults(line_length_linter(120))"

Vim - ALE

lintr can be integrated with ALE for on the fly linting.


lintr is integrated with ALE and requires no additional installation.


You can configure what linters are used. e.g. using a different line length cutoff.

let g:ale_r_lintr_options = "with_defaults(line_length_linter(120))"

You can also configure whether lint or lint_package is used. Set to 1 for lint_package and 0 (default) for lint.

let g:ale_r_lintr_lint_package = 1

See :h ale_r_lintr for more information.

Note that configuration through .lintr files are not supported.

Sublime Text 3

lintr can be integrated with Sublime Linter for on the fly linting.

Sublime Example


Simply install sublimeLinter-contrib-lintr using Package Control.

For more information see Sublime Linter Docs


You can also configure what linters are used. e.g. disabling the assignment linter and using a different line length cutoff. In the SublimeLinter User Settings

  "linters": {
    "lintr": {
      "linters": "with_defaults(assignment_linter = NULL, line_length_linter(120))"


lintr can be integrated with Linter for on the fly linting.

Atom Example


Simply install linter-lintr from within Atom or on the command line with:

apm install linter-lintr

For more information and bug reports see Atom linter-lintr.

Visual Studio Code

In Visual Studio Code, vscode-R presents the lintr diagnostics from languageserver.

VS Code Example


Installing languageserver package in R and vscode-R extension in VS Code will enable lintr in VS Code by default or run the following command lines:

Rscript -e 'install.packages("languageserver")'
code --install-extension ikuyadeu.r