Before you create an issue, please make sure you have read the FAQ. Common questions on API, no image etc are covered there. Please also read HOWTO REPORT ISSUES
Platform & OS Version
example: Android 7.1.1
The version of zmNinja you are reporting:
example: 1.3.050
The version and OS of ZoneMinder you are using:
example: 1.32.3, Ubuntu Xenial
Device details:
example: Moto G+
What is the nature of your issue
(one of Bug, Enhancement, Question)
Describe in detail. If its a bug, please describe what is happening, what should happen and how to reproduce if its not obvious
zmNinja Debug Logs
<insert debug logs here, please make sure they are within the ``` quotes so they are formatted properly>
Zoneminder Logs (if applicable)
Zoneminder syslogs at the time the error occurs. Please add context to the logs (don't just add 1-2 lines)
<insert debug logs here, please make sure they are within the ``` quotes so they are formatted properly>
Web Server Error Logs (if applicable, especially for streaming errors or API error)
typically tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log - change to your web server of choice