GeoSlick is an experimental library that adds support for PostGIS to Slick
To support geometry columns have your tables mix in the Postgis
trait or extend PostgisTable
. To declare a geometry column you
use the geoColumn
method with the JTS type, field name and SRID:
def geom = geoColumn[Polygon]("geom", 4326)
Pretty much all PostGIS functions are supported except for PostGIS Geometry Editor extensions (
import geoslick.PostgisDriver.simple._
import Database.threadLocalSession
object City extends Table[(Int,String,Geometry)]("cities") with Postgis {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def name = column[String]("name")
def geom = geoColumn[Point]("geom", 4326)
def * = id ~ name ~ geom
def fac() = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel(), 4326)
def wkt[T <: Geometry](s: String) = new WKTReader(fac).read(s).asInstanceOf[T]
user="user", password="adam") withSession {
City.insert(1,"Philadelphia","POINT(-75.25 39.88)")
City.insert(2,"Pittsburgh","POINT(-79.93 40.35)")
val (n,g) = (for { c <- City if === 2 } yield (,c.geom)).first
val q2 = for {
c <- City if c.geom.distance(g) < 1.2
} yield (, c.geom, c.geom.distance(g))
q2 foreach {
case (name, geom, d) => println("found: %s at %s (%f degs)" format (name, geom, d))
Note that c.geom.distance(g)
is turned into a PostGIS function. The select
statement for q2 looks something like:
select x2."name",
ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(-79.93 40.35)'))
from "cities" x2
where ST_Distance(ST_AsEWKB(x2."geom"),
ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(-79.93 40.35)')) < 1.2