A hook that utilizes the ResizeObserver to monitor changes in the size of the supplied element and yields DOMRect data.
- Monitors variations asynchronously in the DOM Rect of the specified HTML Element.
- Automatically disposes of the observer once the component unmounts.
import { useRef } from 'react';
import { Input } from 'antd';
import useResizeObserver from 'beautiful-react-hooks/useResizeObserver';
const ResizeObserverExample = () => {
const ref = useRef();
const DOMRect = useResizeObserver(ref);
return (
<DisplayDemo title="useResizeObserver">
<div ref={ref}>
<Input.TextArea value="Resize me" />
{DOMRect && (
<ul style={{ margin: '20px 0 10px 0', textAlign: 'left', padding: 0 }}>
<li>Box width: {DOMRect.width}</li>
<li>Box height: {DOMRect.height}</li>
<li>Box left: {DOMRect.left}</li>
<li>Box right: {DOMRect.right}</li>
<li>Box top: {DOMRect.top}</li>
<li>Box bottom: {DOMRect.bottom}</li>
<ResizeObserverExample />
This hook employs a debounced callback to prevent extra-renders. By default, the timeout for the callback is set to 250ms. However, it's possible to supersede the default timeout by passing a numeric value to useResizeObserver, in lieu of the HTMLElement reference.
import { useRef } from 'react';
import useResizeObserver from 'beautiful-react-hooks/useResizeObserver';
const ResizeObserverExample = () => {
const ref = useRef();
const DOMRect = useResizeObserver(ref, 1000);
return (
<DisplayDemo title="useResizeObserver">
<div ref={ref}>
<Input.TextArea value="Resize me" />
{DOMRect && (
<ul style={{ margin: '20px 0 10px 0', textAlign: 'left', padding: 0 }}>
<li>Box width: {DOMRect.width}</li>
<li>Box height: {DOMRect.height}</li>
<li>Box left: {DOMRect.left}</li>
<li>Box right: {DOMRect.right}</li>
<li>Box top: {DOMRect.top}</li>
<li>Box bottom: {DOMRect.bottom}</li>
<ResizeObserverExample />
import { type RefObject } from 'react';
export type DOMRectValues = Pick<DOMRectReadOnly, 'bottom' | 'height' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'width'>;
* Uses the ResizeObserver API to observe changes within the given HTML Element DOM Rect.
* @param elementRef
* @param debounceTimeout
* @returns {undefined}
declare const useResizeObserver: <TElement extends HTMLElement>(elementRef: RefObject<TElement>, debounceTimeout?: number) => DOMRectValues | undefined;
export default useResizeObserver;