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An overview of HOL Light

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HOL Light from a perspective of OCaml programmer

The thm type

The goal of using HOL Light is to logically prove that a proposition is true. A proposition is typically represented as a term data structure of OCaml, and proving the proposition is equivalent to creating an instance of a thm OCaml type describing the proposition. The thm OCaml type is private, meaning that a programmer cannot freely create an arbitrary instance of thm. This prevents users from proving a false theorem (consistency of the system of logic). To be concrete, let's dive into the definition of type thm in (link):

module type Hol_kernel =
    type thm

module Hol : Hol_kernel = struct
  type thm = Sequent of (term list * term)

As shown above, thm's constructor Sequent is not visible to the users outside module Hol.

The only way to create a valid thm instance is through the functions inside the Hol module which have access to the Sequent constructor. Among those, 10 are primitive inference rules that constitute the logical foundation of HOL Light (link). A user can prove the interested theorem using these axioms in theory, but in practice this is tough because a typical proof tree can grow very large. There are two more functions: new_axiom and new_basic_definition. new_axiom creates a new thm instance and it can indeed be used to create a false theorem. To check whether any axiom has been introduced in the past, the return value of axioms() can be checked. Note that HOL Light introduces three axioms by default: INFINITY_AX, ETA_AX, and SELECT_AX. new_basic_definition adds a new definition of form x = e and returns it as a thm instanace. Using it does not introduce inconsistency in the logical system.

Writing a proof in HOL Light

There are two generic styles of proofs in HOL Light. The first style is interactive proof-writing style using subgoal packages. A subgoal package contains several OCaml functions like g and e that allows users to interactively set the goal term and prove step-by-step. g is an OCaml function that takes a term and sets it as a goal. e is an OCaml function that receives a tactic OCaml instance and applies it to the current goal, refining it to a possibly smaller subgoal(s). In this proof-writing style, OCaml REPL is often used to type commands and read the next goal state. If writing proof is successfully finished, function top_thm will return the thm instance that represents the proven theorem.

The second style is using a prove function. It takes a pair of (1) goal term, and (2) one large tactic that is supposed to prove the goal in one shot. If the tactic proves the goal, prove returns a new thm instance. Otherwise, it raises an exception. The one large tactic is typically a series of tactics concatenated with THEN, or a tree-structure of tactics concatenated with THENL if it creates multiple subgoals in the proof.

The first style is convenient for writing a proof, it is verbose because it has to repeat e(..) and each e only applies to one of the subgoals. Also, in some cases, it is slower than prove because e checks validity of a tactic (VAILD, link). The second style is more succinct because (1) it omits e(..), and (2) t1 THEN t2 allows you to apply t2 to all subgoals of t1. Also, it does not have to go through validity check. However, it is fundamentally not interactive because it is a single OCaml expression rather than multiple ;;-separated OCaml statements. Therefore, a natural flow would be to first write the proof in g-e style, then after it is complete convert it into the THEN form and invoke prove with it. However, this conversion is laborsome and unfortunately error-prone if done by hand. For this reason, what I typically do is to just write a proof in the THEN style from the beginning, then use an editor that supports automatic conversion of a selected text into the e(..) form and running it. hol-light plugin of VSCode supports this.

Interesting facts

  • Proposition is simply bool.
    • Truth has a bool type (type_of `T` is bool)
    • TAUT allows excluded middle. Double negation elimination (~~P -> P) is allowed
  • Allows functional extensionality.
  • Unbound variables are considered as universally quantified variables
    • ex) Goal x + 0 = x is valid, and it means !x. x + 0 = x
  • !P (which is forall x, P x in Coq) is equivalent to (P = \x. true).
    • Therefore, ! is \P. (P = \x. true).
  • Unlike Coq, you cannot define a type of an empty element (False in Coq)
  • Uses a simply typed lambda calculus. (See
  • match does not have to be a total function; conversion will fail if there is no matching pattern instead.

Basic Syntax

  • `..` is a HOL Light term which is in fact parse_term("..").
  • // .. is an inline comment. This can be changed by manipulating some configuration.


  • :A: type A
  • A pair of :num type: :num#num
  • Optional num: :num option
  • List: :num list
  • A function definition with its type explicitly specified: new_definition `(f:num->num) x = x + 1`
  • Bit-vector: :8 word, :N word


  • Let binding: let x = e in y
  • If-then-else: if c then e1 else e2

OCaml Definitions

Types, terms and theorems:

(* Location: *)
(* type is a type *)
type hol_type = Tyvar of string
              | Tyapp of string *  hol_type list

(* term is a mathematical expression *)
type term = Var of string * hol_type
          | Const of string * hol_type
          | Comb of term * term         (* e1 e2 *)
          | Abs of term * term          (* \x. e *)

(* thm (theorem) is a proven fact *)
type thm = Sequent of (term list * term)

Definitions for interactive proof-writing:

(* Location: *)
(* A goal consists of named hypotheses ((string * thm) list) and yet unproven conclusion *)
type goal = (string * thm) list * term;;

(* A goalstate is ((meta variables list, instantiation), goals, justification).
   Justification is a function that reconstructs the original theorem from
   the theorems that correspond to the goals. *)
type goalstate = (term list * instantiation) * goal list * justification;;

(* a tactic for writing a backward proof. The definition of goalstate is kind of complicated. *)
type tactic = goal -> goalstate;;

type thm_tactic = thm -> tactic;;

Conversion from a term to a theorem:

(* Location: *)
(* conv (conversion) is simply an inference rule of type term -> thm that when given
   a term t, always returns (assuming it doesn’t fail) an equational theorem of the form
   `t = t′, that is, it proves that the term it was given is equal to some other term,
   possibly the same as the original. *)
type conv = term->thm;;

Tactic of HOL Light

Tactic is a function from goal to goalstate. goal is a pair of named assumptions and conclusion term. goalstate is a complex data structure that has a list of subgoals, and one goalstate is created after a e() function call. Note that a tactic is only applied to the first goal of a goalstate.

How does it eventually reconstruct a thm object?

Tactic allows writing a proof in a backward style by breaking a large goal into smaller, more tractable goal. However, since it is the thm type that represents a proven fact in HOL Light, tactic must be able to reconstruct the thm instance in the end.

To understand how tactic reconstructs a thm instance, we need to look at the justification type in

(* *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A justification function for a goalstate [A1 ?- g1; ...; An ?- gn],       *)
(* starting from an initial goal A ?- g, is a function f such that for any   *)
(* instantiation @:                                                          *)
(*                                                                           *)
(*   f(@) [A1@ |- g1@; ...; An@ |- gn@] = A@ |- g@                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type justification = instantiation -> thm list -> thm;;

It takes

  1. instantiation which is a mapping from variables to their expressions. This is also a return type of a term_match function.
  2. thm list which is a list of proven theorems. Each item of this list will be the theorem created after each subgoal is finally proven.

Each goalstate carries its growing justification function object, as shown from the previous OCaml definition of goalstate. One e() function call will create a new goalstate with possibly 'smaller' goals and grown justification. Once the initial goal is fully proven, the goalstate will contain an empty subgoal and fully grown justification. The full theorem then can be reconstructed by invoking the justification function with empty instantiation (null_inst) and empty theorems ([]). The top_thm function as well as a part of prove function does this.