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Using Rewrite Tactic in HOL Light

1. How to find the right rewrite rule

The first thing that you will want to do when using REWRITE_TAC or its family tactic is to find out which rewrite rules to apply.

A. Using search

If you think someone has already proven the rewrite rule as a lemma because it is a well known property, you can search it using the search command. The search command takes a list of patterns and prints the theorems containing all of them.

# search [`x + y + z`; `(x + y) + z`];;

val it : (string * thm) list =
    |- m + n = n + m /\ (m + n) + p = m + n + p /\ m + n + p = n + m + p);
   ("ADD_ASSOC", |- !m n p. m + n + p = (m + n) + p)]

You can also give name "..." as an argument to search to choose theorems that have the string in their names. The help document has more info.

B. Building the rewrite rule on-the-fly

If you think the rewrite rule that you want to use is too specific to the case, you can build the rewrite rule on-the-fly using various *_RULE functions.

For example, if you want to apply a rewrite rule x * (y + z + w) = x * y + x * z + x * w on some natural number expression, you can use ARITH_RULE as follows:

e(REWRITE_TAC[ARITH_RULE `x * (y + z + w) = x * y + x * z + x * w`]);;

Useful rules are:

  • ARITH_RULE: for natural numbers
  • INT_ARITH: for integers
  • REAL_ARITH: for real numbers
  • TAUT: for tautology (see TAUT)
  • MESON[], METIS[]: for first-order logic (see MESON, METIS)


Assuming that some equality e = e' is the rewrite rule that you want to create on-the-fly, if e' is supposed to be a typical result of some known simplicification of e, you can use conversions. For example, NUM_REDUCE_CONV `1 + 2` returns a new rewrite rule `1 + 2 = 3`, and you can use it to rewrite any 1 + 2 in the conclusion with 3.

# NUM_REDUCE_CONV `1 + 2`;;
val it : thm = |- 1 + 2 = 3

Note that ARITH_RULE `1 + 2 = 3` will create the same rewrite rule too. However, unlike NUM_REDUCE_CONV, you need to explicitly give the result of addition at the right-hand side, which can be cumbersome.

  • NUM_REDUCE_CONV: takes a term t which is a numerical expression and creates t = t' where t' is the calculated result of t.
  • REWRITE_CONV[]: a conversion to create a rewrite rule using other rewrite rules on the fly! (see REWRITE_CONV)

C. Deriving the rewrite rule from existing rules on-the-fly

If you could find rewrite rules that look relevant to what you wanted, you can try to derive your wanted rule using them.

  • GSYM: If you found my_thm saying e1 = e2, but you wanted e2 = e1, GSYM my_thm will return e2 = e1.
val it : thm = |- !m n p. m + n + p = (m + n) + p
val it : thm = |- !m n p. (m + n) + p = m + n + p
  • TRANS: If you found thm1 which is e1 = e2 and thm2 which is e2 = e3, TRANS thm1 thm2 will return e1 = e3.
# TRANS (ARITH_RULE `1 + 1 = 2`) (ARITH_RULE `2 = 0 + 2`);;
val it : thm = |- 1 + 1 = 0 + 2
  • MATCH_MP: If thm1 is P ==> e1 = e2 and thm2 is P, MATCH_MP thm1 thm2 will return e1 = e2. MATCH_MP can specialize universally quantified variables.
# MOD_LT;;
val it : thm = |- !m n. m < n ==> m MOD n = m
val it : thm = |- 1 MOD 2 = 1
  • REWRITE_RULE: REWRITE_RULE[rewrite_rules] rule0 returns a new rewrite rule that is a result of rewriting rewrite_rules at rule0 (see REWRITE_RULE).

D. Choosing an assumption as a rewrite rule

If the rewrite rule you want to apply already exists as an assumption, you can use it using a proper tactic.

If you want to apply all available rewrite rules in assumption, ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] is the right tactic.

If you want to pick the assumption "H0" and use that, USE_THEN "H0" can be used. (if you want to know how to name assumptions, please refer to

# e(USE_THEN "H0" (fun th -> REWRITE_TAC[th]));;

Alternatively, if there is an assumption x + y = z and you want to pick that, you can use REWRITE_TAC[ASSUME `x + y + z`]. has more info about how to utilize assumptions.

2. How to apply at a right place

REWRITE_TAC[<rewrite_rules>] will recursively traverse the conclusion from top to down (root to leafs) and rewrite the subexpression whenever it matches one of the rewrite rules. If you want to apply one of the rewrite rules only once, ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[<rewrite_rules>] will work. The order of rules in <rewrite_rules> should not matter (see ONCE_REWRITE_TAC).

If you want to apply, e.g., ADD_SYM which is |- !m n. m + n = n + m only when m is 1, the rewrite rule can be specialized using SPEC as follows.

# SPEC `1` ADD_SYM;;
val it : thm = |- !n. 1 + n = n + 1

This can be used as REWRITE_TAC[SPEC `1` ADD_SYM], or like this using the let binding in OCaml:

e(let add_sym_1 = SPEC `1` ADD_SYM in

If you want to specialize multiple quantifiers, you can use SPECL [<list of exprs>] <theorem>.


To explicitly designate the locations to rewrite, GEN_REWRITE_TAC <location> [<rewrite_rules>] can be used (see: GEN_REWRITE_TAC). Unlike REWRITE_TAC, this does not recursively traverse the expression by default. Instead, it precisely rewrites at the given <location> (which is a function from conv to conv) with respect to the root node. Making it recursively traverse can be done by composing <location> with a family of DEPTH_CONV, which will be explained later.

A few interesting <location> are:

  • LAND_CONV (LAND_CONV) applies the rewrites to the left-hand argument of binary operator. Note that, in the following example, y + x in the left-hand side expression isn't rewritten to x + y because GEN_REWRITE_TAC does not recursively traverse into the subexpression.
val it : thm = |- !m n. m + n = n + m

# g `(y + x) + z = z + (x + y)`;;
Warning: Free variables in goal: x, y, z
val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`(y + x) + z = z + x + y`

val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`z + y + x = z + x + y`
  • Similarly, RAND_CONV (RAND_CONV) applies to the right-hand side of binary operator. Actually, this applies to any operand of an application because binop l r = (binop l) r.
  • RATOR_CONV (RATOR_CONV) applies to the operator f of an application f x. If the expression is f x y, this applies to f x because f x y is (f x) y.
  • PAT_CONV <pattern> (PAT_CONV) specifies the subexpression to rewrite using <pattern> which is a lambda function. The parameter of lambda function works as a 'placeholder' to the pattern to match.
# g `(x - x) + (x - x) = (x - x)`;;
Warning: Free variables in goal: x
val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`x - x + x - x = x - x`

# e(GEN_REWRITE_TAC (PAT_CONV `\x. x + a = b`) [ARITH_RULE `x - x = 0`]);;
val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`0 + x - x = x - x`
  • PATH_CONV <path> (PATH_CONV) specifies the subexpression to rewrite using a string <path>. PATH_CONV starts from the root node and follows which child to take according to <path>. <path> is a string of one of three characters l (for operator), r (for operand) and b (for the body of an abstraction).
  • And many more _CONV functions!

These locations can be composed together using the o operator. For example, LAND_CONV o RAND_CONV points to the right-hand argument of the left-hand argument of the binary operator.

Recursive traversal.

To make GEN_REWRITE_TAC recursively traverse the expression, the above *_CONV functions can be composed with a family of DEPTH_CONV functions.

# g `!x (f:num->num). f ((x - x) + (x - x)) = f(x - x)`;;
val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`!x f. f (x - x + x - x) = f (x - x)`

val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`f (x - x + x - x) = f (x - x)`

# e(GEN_REWRITE_TAC (PAT_CONV `\x. x + a`) [ARITH_RULE `x - x = 0`]);;
  (* This fails because GEN_REWRITE_TAC does not recursively traverse the conclusion by default. *)
Exception: Failure "REWRITES_CONV".

# e(GEN_REWRITE_TAC (DEPTH_CONV o (PAT_CONV `\x. x + a`)) [ARITH_RULE `x - x = 0`]);;
val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`f (0 + x - x) = f (x - x)`

DEPTH_CONV traverses in bottom-up order (DEPTH_CONV). It can be slow because it repeats traversal until there is no applicable rewrite. To reduce its cost, cheaper functions (ONCE_DEPTH_CONV, TOP_DEPTH_CONV, TOP_SWEEP_CONV, ...) can be considered.

DEPTH_BINOP_CONV conditionally traverses the expression only if its operator is exactly a given symbol:

(* Given a goal that is `w1:int64 = w2 /\ w3:int64 = w4`, convert this to
   `val w1 = val w2 /\ val w3 = val w4` using `GSYM VAL_EQ`.
   This works even if the goal has more than one conjunction. *)
GEN_REWRITE_TAC (DEPTH_BINOP_CONV `(/\):bool->bool->bool`) [GSYM VAL_EQ]

3. How to use conditional rewrite rules

Given a rewrite rule P ==> e1 = e2, you might want to replace e1 with e2 using that. Its simple solutions can be categorized into two classes.

  1. Use tactics that always rewrite e1 with e2, leaving the necessary precondition P unproven, and prove it later to show that the rewrite(s) was okay.
  2. Prove P first, making e1 = e2 by modus ponens, and then safely rewrite e1 with e2.

If there are multiple subexpressions that match e1, and replacing all of them with e2 is safe, the first solution is simpler in general because it provides specialized expressions of P for each rewrite occurrence. If the second solution was to be used in this case, you will have to manually specialize P for each matching of e1, which will be laborsome. However, the first solution may inadvertantly rewrite e1 with e2 even if the precondition may not hold in that case. In this case, the first solution must be avoided because this will make the goal not provable.

A. Rewriting first and proving the necessary condition(s) later

IMP_REWRITE_TAC[<the_rule>] rewrites the expression and leaves the condition P at the conclusion as a conjunction.

val it : thm =
  |- !m n p.
         m < p /\ n < p
         ==> (m + n) MOD p = (if m + n < p then m + n else (m + n) - p)

# g `(x + y) MOD 10 = 0`;;
Warning: Free variables in goal: x, y
val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`(x + y) MOD 10 = 0`

val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`(if x + y < 10 then x + y else (x + y) - 10) = 0 /\ x < 10 /\ y < 10`

If the conclusion was implication Q ==> R and the rewritten part was in Q, P is added as an assumption of Q like this.

# MOD_LT;;
val it : thm = |- !m n. m < n ==> m MOD n = m

# g `(1 + 2) MOD 5 = 3 ==> 1 + 3 = 4`;;
val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`(1 + 2) MOD 5 = 3 ==> 1 + 3 = 4`

val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`(1 + 2 < 5 ==> 1 + 2 = 3) ==> 1 + 3 = 4`

1 + 2 < 5 can be focused using ANTS_TAC and then be proven. This will make the conclusion 1 + 2 = 3 ==> 1 + 3 = 4.

Here are variants of IMP_REWRITE_TAC:

  • If the order of rules to apply is important, SEQ_IMP_REWRITE_TAC is the tactic to use (see SEQ_IMP_REWRITE_TAC).
  • If you want to do a case analysis on its precondition P, you can use CASE_REWRITE_TAC. From a goal Q, it generates (P ==> Q') /\ (~P ==> Q) where Q' is derived from Q via the rewrites. See CASE_REWRITE_TAC.

When is this approach good? As described before, a benefit of this solution is that it automatically generates specialized preconditions. For example, MOD_LT's precondition m < n in the second example was automatically specialized to 1 + 2 < 5 according to its matched expression. Also, if there are more than one match, it generates multiple specialized preconditions:

# g `(x + y) MOD 10 = 0 /\ (x + y*2) MOD 20 = 0`;;
Warning: Free variables in goal: x, y
val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`(x + y) MOD 10 = 0 /\ (x + y * 2) MOD 20 = 0`

val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`(x + y = 0 /\ 0 < 10) /\ x + y * 2 = 0 /\ 0 < 20`

B. Proving the precondition first

SIMP_TAC[<rules>] tactic will try to prove the preconditions of conditional rewrite rules and then rewrite the goal using them. If assumptions in the goal can be used to prove the preconditions, or there is a conditional rewrite rule in assumptions, you can use ASM_SIMP_TAC (see SIMP_TAC and ASM_SIMP_TAC). An example from SIMP_CONV will give some insight:

val it : thm = |- !m n. n <= m ==> m - n + n = m

# SIMP_CONV[SUB_ADD; ARITH_RULE `0 < n ==> 1 <= n`]
        `0 < n ==> (n - 1) + 1 = n + f(k + 1)`;;
val it : thm =
|- 0 < n ==> n - 1 + 1 = n + f (k + 1) <=> 0 < n ==> n = n + f (k + 1)

If this automatic approach does not work, the precondition must be manually proven and be applied to the conditional rewrite rule. You can use either

  • MATCH_MP <conditional rule> <proof to the precondition>: it creates a rewrite rule with its precondition relaxed. You might want to refer to this section as well.

  • If the precondition needs a large proof that does not fit in few lines, MP_TAC <conditional rule> + ANTS_TAC + (proof of the precondition) + DISCH_THEN(fun th -> REWRITE_TAC[th]) will work. If the conditional rule has universally quantified variables, MP_TAC (SPECL [..(exprs)..] <conditional rule>) will work.