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Releases: armanbilge/calico


10 May 18:24
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This is the second release in the 0.1.x series of calico and is binary-compatible with v0.1.0 and published for Scala 3.1+ and Scala.js 1.8+.

This release introduces a new calico-frp module that is cross-compiled for JS and JVM and included by default in calico core. It provides a Monad instance for Signal which you can import like so:

import calico.frp.given

For example, the TodoMVC example uses it to compose the SignallingRef for the selected filter (all/active/completed) with the SignallingRef for the list of todo items.

User-facing PRs

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1


18 Apr 03:13
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I'm pleased to announce the first stable release of Calico 🎉 Of course, there is still much work to do, but I feel confident that we can continue to evolve the API backwards-compatibly from here. Yes, that's a "we"! I'm looking to you for your help: please try it out and contribute bug reports, feature requests, and code :)

The milestone that prompted this release was the implementation of the TodoMVC project with Calico. Please check it out at