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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 13 revisions


Hello CI coders, this is my first contribution to CI so please bare with me on this one. Ok, this is a plugin to help on your website SEO, it helps your create an autocompressed (.gz) sitemap for google or others search engines. This plugin is based in a class from [b]Svetoslav Marinov[/b]


  • Google webmaster tools account

First save the following code as "google_sitemap_pi.php" in your plugin folder

[code] <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); /** A class for generating simple google sitemaps *@author Svetoslav Marinov [email protected] *@copyright 2005 *@version 0.1 *@access public *@package google_sitemap *@link */ class google_sitemap { var $header = "<\x3Fxml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"\x3F>\n\t<urlset xmlns="\">"; var $charset = "UTF-8"; var $footer = "\t\n"; var $items = array();

/** Adds a new item to the channel contents. *@param google_sitemap item $new_item *@access public */ function add_item($new_item){ //Make sure $new_item is an 'google_sitemap item' object if(!is_a($new_item, "google_sitemap_item")){ //Stop execution with an error message trigger_error("Can't add a non-google_sitemap_item object to the sitemap items array"); } $this->items[] = $new_item; }

/** Generates the sitemap XML data based on object properties. *@param string $file_name ( optional ) if file name is supplied the XML data is saved in it otherwise returned as a string. *@access public *@return [void|string] */ function build( $file_name = null ) { $map = $this->header . "\n";

foreach($this->items as $item)
    $item->loc = htmlentities($item->loc, ENT_QUOTES);
  $map .= "\t\t<url>\n\t\t\t<loc>$item->loc</loc>\n";

  // lastmod
  if ( !empty( $item->lastmod ) )
      $map .= "\t\t\t<lastmod>$item->lastmod</lastmod>\n";

  // changefreq
  if ( !empty( $item->changefreq ) )
      $map .= "\t\t\t<changefreq>$item->changefreq</changefreq>\n";

  // priority
  if ( !empty( $item->priority ) )
      $map .= "\t\t\t<priority>$item->priority</priority>\n";

  $map .= "\t\t</url>\n\n";

$map .= $this->footer . "\n";

  $fh = fopen&#40;$file_name, 'w'&#41;;
  fwrite($fh, $map);
  return $map;



/** A class for storing google_sitemap items and will be added to google_sitemap objects. *@author Svetoslav Marinov [email protected] *@copyright 2005 *@access public *@package google_sitemap_item *@link @version 0.1 / class google_sitemap_item { / Assigns constructor parameters to their corresponding object properties. *@access public *@param string $loc location *@param string $lastmod date (optional) format in YYYY-MM-DD or in "ISO 8601" format *@param string $changefreq (optional)( always,hourly,daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,never ) *@param string $priority (optional) current link's priority ( 0.0-1.0 ) */ function google_sitemap_item( $loc, $lastmod = '', $changefreq = '', $priority = '' ) { $this->loc = $loc; $this->lastmod = $lastmod; $this->changefreq = $changefreq; $this->priority = $priority; } } ?> [/code]

Ok, so now we will create a controller to make the sitemap.xml.gz and ping google to let him know that there's a new sitemap on our website for him to fetch and update googlebot. Of course you can autoload the plugin, but in our example let's justkeep it simple.

[code] <?php class My_controller extends Controller { function My_controller() { parent::Controller(); $this->load->helper(array('text','url')); $this->load->plugin('google_sitemap'); //Load Plugin }

function index()
    $sitemap = new google_sitemap; //Create a new Sitemap Object
    $item = new google_sitemap_item(base_url()."MY_WEBSITE_URL",date("Y-m-d"), 'weekly', '0.8' ); //Create a new Item
    $sitemap->add_item($item); //Append the item to the sitemap object
    $sitemap->build("./sitemap.xml"); //Build it...
     //Let's compress it to gz
    $data = implode("", file&#40;"./sitemap.xml"&#41;);
    $gzdata = gzencode($data, 9);
    $fp = fopen&#40;"./sitemap.xml.gz", "w"&#41;;
    fwrite($fp, $gzdata);

    //Let's Ping google

function _pingGoogleSitemaps( $url_xml )
   $status = 0;
   $google = '';
   if( $fp=@fsockopen&#40;$google, 80&#41; )
      $req =  'GET /webmasters/sitemaps/ping?sitemap=' .
              urlencode( $url_xml ) . " HTTP/1.1\r\n" .
              "Host: $google\r\n" .
              "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; " .
              PHP_OS . ") PHP/" . PHP_VERSION . "\r\n" .
              "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
      fwrite( $fp, $req );
      while( !feof($fp) )
         if( @preg_match('~^HTTP/\d\.\d (\d+)~i', fgets($fp, 128), $m) )
            $status = intval( $m[1] );
      fclose( $fp );
   return( $status );

} [/code]

As you can see, this is very simple to implement, you can fetch data from your database and create your urls on the fly, you can even create a cron job on your server to auto create the sitemap and ping google like: wget , then your controller will generate a new sitemap.xml.gz and submit it to [p]

I use this on my website and it's perfectly running, I hope this would help you in anyway. [p]

PS: Make sure you have permissions to read/write on ./sitemap.xml and ./sitemap.xml.gz [p]

Cheers, Henrique Barroso

Download it here if you are lazy:

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