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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 15 revisions

[b]V1 - October 18, 2009[/b]

The following library can be used to get shipping rates from UPS (United Parcel Service). You will need an account with UPS to get a developer's account and access key. Put your access key and account username/password into the configuration at the top of the class. The output is an array of services/prices from your zip code to the destination.

Blessings, Brian Gottier [url=]Brian's Web Design - Temecula, CA[/url]


  1. Request a single service rate, or leave empty to "shop" for rates.
  2. Uses cURL to make the request
  3. Uses php5's simpleXML

[h3]Tested Environment[/h3]

  1. [b]CodeIgniter 1.7.2[/b]
  2. PHP versions greater than 5.2.0

[code] <?php class United_parcel_service { // ========== CHANGE THESE VALUES TO MATCH YOUR OWN ===========

private $access_key =                'your-access-key';        // Your UPS Online Tools Access Key
private $ups_account_username =     'your-username';                // Your UPS Account Username
private $ups_account_password =     'your-password';            // Your UPS Account Password
private $zip_code =                 '60504';                // Zipcode you are shipping FROM
private $ups_account_number =         'your-account-number';                // Your UPS Account Number

// ============================================================

public function get_rate( $destination_zip , $service_type , $weight , $length , $width , $height , $insured_value )
    if($service_type == '')
        $request_option = 'Shop';
        $request_option = 'Rate';
    $data ="&lt;?xml version=\"1.0\"?&gt;
                <AccessRequest xml:lang=\"en-US\">
                    <AccessLicenseNumber>" . $this->access_key . "</AccessLicenseNumber>
                    <UserId>" . $this->ups_account_username . "</UserId>
                    <Password>" . $this->ups_account_password . "</Password>
                &lt;?xml version=\"1.0\"?&gt;
                <RatingServiceSelectionRequest xml:lang=\"en-US\">
                            <CustomerContext>Rate Request From " . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "</CustomerContext>
                                <PostalCode>" . $this->zip_code . "</PostalCode>
                            <ShipperNumber>" . $this->ups_account_number . "</ShipperNumber>
                                <PostalCode>" . $this->zip_code . "</PostalCode>

    $ch = curl_init("");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
    $result=curl_exec &#40;$ch&#41;;

    //echo '&lt;!-- '. $result. ' --&gt;'; // uncomment to debug

    $data = strstr($result, '&lt;?');
    $shipping_types = array(
        '01' => 'UPS Next Day Air',
        '02' => 'UPS Second Day Air',
        '03' => 'UPS Ground',
        '07' => 'UPS Worldwide Express',
        '08' => 'UPS Worldwide Expedited',
        '11' => 'UPS Standard',
        '12' => 'UPS Three-Day Select',
        '13' => 'Next Day Air Saver',
        '14' => 'UPS Next Day Air Early AM',
        '54' => 'UPS Worldwide Express Plus',
        '59' => 'UPS Second Day Air AM',
        '65' => 'UPS Saver'
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($data);
    if($xml->Response->ResponseStatusCode == '1')
        foreach($xml->RatedShipment as $shipping_choice)
            $k = $shipping_types[(string) $shipping_choice->Service->Code];
            $shipping_choices[$k] = (string) $shipping_choice->TotalCharges->MonetaryValue;
        print_r( $shipping_choices );
        return FALSE;

} [/code]


[code] <?php // parameters are in order // 1. Zip code shipping TO // 2. A service type, or leave empty for shop mode // 3. The weight in US pounds // 4. The length of the package // 5. The width of the package // 6. The height of the package // 7. The insured value of the package $this->load->library('United_parcel_service'); $this->united_parcel_service->get_rate(60504,'',1,6,6,6,99); [/code]

[h3]Wiki Categories[/h3]

Category:Libraries::Shipping Category:Contributions::Libraries::Shipping

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