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200 lines (192 loc) · 5.83 KB

File metadata and controls

200 lines (192 loc) · 5.83 KB

Feature List for BETA

  • Highlights

    • Easy to use
    • Fast
    • Powerful
    • Lightweight
    • One import
    • One class
    • One object per document
    • Zero non-stdlib dependencies
    • Zero Installation hassles
    • Trivially learned syntax
    • All use ok: commercial or otherwise. Free!
    • No inherent ads or other mal/anchor-ware
    • No reporting and no tracking
    • Patent-, trademark-, copyright-, and license-clean black-box design
  • Custom styles: {customName options} syntax

    • Capable of almost unlimited range of functionality
      • Examples
        • Counting
        • Alternation
        • Conditionality
        • Mathematics
        • Parameter parsing
        • Literal / Scalar discrimination (e.g. literal / $variable)
        • Custom escape sequences
    • Can replace any built-in (see built-ins, below)
    • Fully independent namespace
    • Utility list function (creates data list of currently defined style)
    • Can output a style verbatim in HTML without processing for reference
  • Built-ins: [builtIn options] syntax

    • Text styling
      • Bold
      • Italic
      • Underline
      • Quoting
      • To uppercase conversion
      • To lowercase conversion
      • Foreground text color
      • Background text color (in HTML 4.01s mode only)
      • Paragraphs
      • pretty-printing aa_macro source code
      • pretty-printing Python source code
      • pretty-printing c code
      • pretty-printing objective c code
      • pretty-printing c++ code
      • encryption and decryption, double-lock box capable
    • Linking
      • Optional verbiage
      • Optional stock phrasing
    • Images
      • Optional title+alt tags
      • Optional encompassing link
      • Width and height tag handling
    • HTML Lists
      • Ordered
      • Unordered
      • Line-Item to List switching capable
    • Data lists
      • set up a list
      • copy lists
      • split lines into list
      • sort list
        • case-sensitive
        • case-insensitive
        • by integer at start of item
        • by ham radio callsign at start of item
      • append an item
      • change an item
      • length of list
      • list slicing
      • list concatination
      • lists as stacks (push,pop)
      • output a list, each item wrapped in a style
      • output a list item
      • create an 8-bit character map
      • translate by the character map
    • Data dictionaries
      • Create dictionary
      • Copy dictionaries
      • Retrieve dictionary keys to a list
      • Set dictionary value
      • Retrieve dictionary value
    • Tables
      • Header cells / lines
      • Standard cells / lines
      • Fully nestable
      • Table, row and cell level HTML option tag specification
    • Parsing and text manipulation
      • Multiple parameter splitting on any separator
      • Multiple parameter wrapping using any custom style
      • Text slicing
      • Preloading of specific parameter treatments
      • Whitespace stripping
      • String duplication
      • Find (sub)string in string
      • Replace (sub)string with string
      • Left and right justification
      • Centering
      • Length in lines, words or characters
      • Word-wrapping
      • Substring counting
      • Word casing - Tropic Of Consumption
      • Sentence casing - Tropic of consumption
      • Title casing - Tropic of Consumption
      • Special casing - html to HTML, internet to Internet, etc.
      • Word/keyword expansion/replacement
      • Multi-element replacement
      • Soundex coding
      • HTML tag stripping
      • String interspersion
      • sort lines:
        • case-sensitive
        • case-insensitive
        • by integer at start of line
        • by ham radio callsign at start of line
    • Variables
      • Locals suitable for by-page processing
      • Globals suitable for by-document processing
      • Fully clearable within object
    • General Stack
      • Push on
      • Push N deep
      • Pop
      • Fetch with offset
      • Flush
    • Math and number processing
      • Add
      • Subtract
      • Multiply
      • Divide
      • Max
      • Min
      • Increment
      • Decrement
      • Integer comma separation (e.g. 1234 = 1,234)
      • Float comma separation (e.g. 1234.56 = 1,234.56)
      • Decimal to Roman numeral conversion (e.g. 17 = "xvii")
      • Decimal to character conversion (e.g. 49 = "A")
      • Decimal to base 16, 8 and 2 conversion, optional length control
      • Base 16, 8 and 2 conversion to decimal, optional length control
      • stage values between ranges to any number of steps
    • Conditionals
      • On parameter match
      • On parameter non-match
      • On parameter present
      • On parameter non-present
      • On parameter odd
      • On parameter even
      • On Parameter less than or equal
      • On Parameter greater than or equal
    • Miscellaneous
      • switch, case, for and in operators
      • "Include" files
      • Embrace, extend or supercede any built-in function
      • Comments (do not appear in output)
      • Escapes for all processor encodings
      • HTML 3.2 and 4.01s modes
      • time and date
      • execute shell command and incorporate output
      • forward-reference resolution
  • Utilities

    • Built-in example suite
    • Comprehensive unit test
    • Markdown conversion
    • Parameter sanitation
    • Local dump (text, html, table dump options)
    • Global dump (text, html, table dump options)
    • Style dump (text, html, table dump options)
  • Of Special Note

    • Independent of both LORAN and the GPS constellation
    • No ultraviolet radiation emissions whatsoever
    • Fully Functional at any depth or altitude
    • Created exclusively using NY-Style Pizza
    • Never requires lubrication before use
    • Packed with Wholesome Goodness
    • Will not attract mosquitos
    • Diet neutral: 0 calories
    • Gluten-free
    • Unisex
    • Pet safe
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Zero landfill impact
    • Indescribably Delicious
    • Will not fray or stain lingerie
    • 100% pro-feline production environment*
    • Contains no GMOs, vaccines, or fluoridation
    • Rainbow-friendly: Spectrum-In == Spectrum Out
    • Fully Organic Production Methods used throughout
    • Transport on aircraft will not result in chemtrails

* Endorsed by Leo
