Starting with CP-Ansible 5.5.0, we have included testing via the Molecule framework, and strongly advise its usage before submitting a Pull Request.
- Python3 installed with PIP
- Docker installed
Note: We recommend increasing your docker memory to at least 20GB of RAM and your CPU count to 10.
To install the Molecule and Docker libraries
pip install molecule docker
Note: If using Molecule version 3.1.0 or later use the following command to install:
pip3 install molecule molecule-docker
At times, pip installation of molecule can lead to errors:
ImportError: No module named docker.common
As a workaround you can use molecule in a container.
In your current shell create an alias to start molecule in a container:
git clone
cd cp-ansible
alias molecule="docker run -it --rm --dns="" -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" -v ~/.cache:/root/.cache -v "$CP_ANSIBLE_PATH:$CP_ANSIBLE_PATH" -w "$CP_ANSIBLE_PATH/roles/confluent.test" molecule"
To make the alias permanent, add the following to your bashrc file:
export CP_ANSIBLE_PATH=<Replace this with the repo path>
alias molecule="docker run -it --rm --dns="" -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" -v ~/.cache:/root/.cache -v "$CP_ANSIBLE_PATH:$CP_ANSIBLE_PATH" -w "$CP_ANSIBLE_PATH/roles/confluent.test" molecule"
Now the molecule command will run a container, but function as it should.
The following is a list of the most common commands used with Molecule.
Molecule allows for testing a role and will live inside a role's directory in a sub directory named molecule. Currently, most tests reside inside a special role called confluent.test in sub directories which use the following naming convention:
<functionality tested>-<security mechanism>-<OS>
To get a list of the scenarios:
ls roles/confluent.test/molecule
To the run scenarios:
cd roles/confluent.test
molecule converge -s <scenario name>
Each docker container is named inside the molecule.yml file, copy the name and run:
molecule login -s <scenario name> -h <container-name>
To run the test cases, which are defined in the verify.yml playbooks, run:
molecule verify -s <scenario name>
Simply run:
molecule destroy -s <scenario name>
Within roles/confluent.test/molecule
you can find a series of directories, which can be referred to as scenarios. Use a scenario as an inventory file, you can configure docker containers, ansible groups, variables, etc. When developing new features for the role you can create a new scenario simply by duplicating the default one and customizing. Edit the verify.yml to have test assertions for your scenario.
More details on building scenarios can be found here.
To confirm that your code does not break any tests make sure to test all scenarios for a role with:
molecule test --all