- PHP 7.4+
- Redis 6.0+
First, follow the installation instructions to set up the Relay extension for PHP.
Next, clone the Relay repository and install the Composer dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/cachewerk/relay.git
cd relay
composer install
If Composer isn't available on the system, download it:
wget https://getcomposer.org/download/latest-stable/composer.phar
./composer.phar install
To run a set of quick, default benchmarks, execute:
composer run bench
# Use 8 workers, run for 5s per iteration
composer run bench -- --workers=8 --duration=5
# List all available options
composer run bench -- --help
Caveat 1: The results on Silicon are misleading, run the benchmarks on actual production infrastructure.
Caveat 2: New Relic, Blacfire, Xdebug and similar profilers will significantly slow down Relay and skew the benchmarks.
# Non-default Redis host and port
./run -h -p 7000
# Use unix socket
./run -h /var/redis.sock
# Specify a password
./run -a p4ssw0rd
# Specify ACL username and password
./run --user picard --pass p4ssw0rd
# Run one (or more) specific benchmark
./run BenchmarkHMGET.php
./run BenchmarkHMGET.php BenchmarkHGETALL.php
# Specify the number of worker threads
./run --workers=24
# Specify the number of runs and duration in seconds for each run
./run --runs=5 --duration=10
# Run only "hash read" benchmarks
./run --key-type=hash --command-type=read
# Run benchmarks with only Relay and Predis
./run --filter '^(Relay|Predis)'
# Output JSON
./run --json
# Output verbose information
./run -v [--verbose]