Releases: clojure/clojurescript
Releases · clojure/clojurescript
Restores missing analysis and source map information for cljs.core
to the release artifact. Fixes and enhances support for Google Closure JS libraries that follow classpath conventions.
Fixes a critical issue with 0.0-3255 where JS sources were missing from the artifact.
Pre-release to address existing :libs
option issues.
This release includes pretty-printing via cljs.pprint and updated Closure Compiler and Closure Library dependencies.
CLJS-1216: regression, varargs not passed properly Calculation of max fixed arity did not consider the variadic signature
r3208 bug noticed by Kovas Boguta, cljs.analyzer/parse-ns needs to bind *cl…
This release coincides with Clojure 1.7.0-beta1
Depend on tools.reader 0.9.1
This pre-release includes the same conditional reading support as offered by Clojure 1.7.0-alpha6.
CLJS-1188: multi-arity fns hinder cross-module code motion This patch makes all top level function definitions completely static, we never issue an invoke to produce a top-level function value. This is accomplished by duplicating and further enhancing the fn emission logic in cljs.compiler at the macro level. The enhancements are entirely around eliminating invokes and any property aliasing. While useful in expression contexts, at the top level both of these approaches in cljs.compiler defeat cross module code motion. - test-simple should clean builds - cljs.analyzer * remove :method info, never used * read fn information from :top-fn meta if available - cljs.closure * enhance module build reporting - cljs.core * move clojure.core/defn macro + helpers directly into macro ns * handle top level multi-arity & variadic fns - cjls.compiler-tests * include some examples