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326 lines (219 loc) · 12.4 KB

File metadata and controls

326 lines (219 loc) · 12.4 KB

Release Notes

All notable changes to Eloquent Viewable will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Revert breaking change of remember method in Views contract. The $lifetime variable has now a default value of null.



  • Revert breaking change of remember method in Views class. The $lifetime variable has now a default value of null.


  • Added bool return typehint to record method in Views contract.
  • Added void return typehint to destroy method in Views contract.
  • The ViewRecordException will be thrown when trying to record a view for a viewable type.
  • The ViewRecorded event will be fired when a new view is recorded.
  • Added Views typehint to global views() function.
  • Added bool return typehint to isCrawler method in CrawlerDetector contract.


  • Set required PHP versions in composer.json to ^7.4|^8.0.
  • The creating of the View instance has been moved into its own method protected function createView(): View.
  • The $viewable argument of the forViewable method in Views contract cannot be nullable anymore.
  • Changed the method arguments of orderByViews and orderByUniqueViews query scope in Viewable contract and InteractsWithViews trait.
  • Changed the method arguments of withViewsCount query scope in InteractsWithViews trait.
  • Added nullable Period class typehint to $period argument of period method in Views contract.
  • Made $name argument nullable in Views contract.
  • Changed return typehint of ip method in Visitor contract to ?string.
  • Change DateTime typehint to DateTimeInterface in InvalidPeriod exception.


  • Removed lifetime_in_minutes option from config file.


  • Fixed count method of Views class to count all views, including the collections (#241).

v5.2.1 (2020-09-22)


  • Add support for Laravel 8


  • Use CyrildeWit\EloquentViewable\Contracts\Views to resolve Views instance from container.


  • Remove default value (null) for viewable in views() helper.


  • Added Views contract.
  • Added Visitor contract.
  • Added the Visitor class which represents the current visitor.
  • Added protected getViewableTypeSlug() to CacheKey::class.
  • Added orderByViews query scope to Viewable trait.
  • Added orderByUniqueViews query scope to Viewable trait.
  • Added withViewsCount query scope to Viewable trait.


  • The CyrildeWit\EloquentViewable\Viewable trait has been renamed to CyrildeWit\EloquentViewable\InteractsWithViews.
  • Renamed session.key to cooldown.key in configuration file.
  • Changed the Views class constructor arguments. Added the Visitor as first argument and removed VisitorCookieRepository $visitorCookieRepository, rawlerDetector $crawlerDetector and IpAddressResolver $ipAddressResolver.
  • Replaced calls to $this->crawlerDetector in Views with new Visitor class implementation.
  • Replaced calls to requestHasDoNotTrackHeader in Views with new Visitor class implementation.
  • Changed type of primary key from increments to bigIncrements in views table migration.
  • Bumped minimum requirements for Laravel framework components to ^6.0|^7.0.
  • Removed check for provided viewable type in getConnectionName(), getDatabaseName(), getModelSlug() and getKeySlug in CacheKey::class.
  • Renamed ViewSessionHistory class to CooldownMananger.
  • Changed constructor of CooldownManager class. The Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository has been added as first parameter and the cooldown key is now retrieved from this instance.
  • The Views class now implements the Views contract.
  • The constructor of the Views class has been changed.
  • Moved Facades/Views to src/ and renamed it to ViewsFacade.
  • The global views() helper now supports viewable types.


  • Dropped support for nesbot/carbon ^1.22.
  • Removed the deprecated overrideIpAddress method from the Views class.
  • Removed the deprecated overrideVisitor method from the Views class.
  • Removed requestHasDoNotTrackHeader method from Views class.
  • Removed $viewableType argument from constructor of CacheKey::class.
  • Removed static fromViewableType method from CacheKey::class.
  • Removed HeaderResolver contract and class.
  • Removed IpAddressResolver contract and class.
  • Removed uniqueVisitor() scope from View model.
  • Removed Enums\SortDirection class.
  • Removed OrderByViewsScope class.
  • Removed the countByType method from the Views class.
  • Removed the VisitorCookieRepository (logic is move to the Visitor class).

v4.1.1 (2019-10-18)


  • Update required dependencies in composer.json to adhere to new Laravel 6 verison scheme

v4.1.0 (2019-09-03)


  • Add support for Laravel 6

v4.0.0 (2019-07-01)


  • Added SortDirection enum class that contains a DESCENDING and ASCENDING constant
  • Added OrderByViewsScope class that can order a query by views based on some options
  • Added collection($collection) query scope to View model
  • Added the ability to pass a collection to the orderByViews and orderByUniqueViews query scope
  • Added a new CacheKey class with a new improved approach to making keys for the cache
  • Added getStartDateTimestamp and getEndDateTimestamp methods to the Period class for internal use
  • Added string $collection = null argument to push, createNamespaceKey and createViewableKey methods in ViewSessionHistory


  • Deprecated the overrideIpAddress method of the Views class. Please use the new useIpAddress(string $address) method instead.
  • Deprecated the overrideVisitor method of the Views class. Please use the new useVisitor(string $visitor) method instead.


  • Replaced inner code of the orderByViews and orderByUniqueViews query scope with the new OrderByViewsScope class
  • Removed the string type declaration from the getTable method in the View model class #165


  • Removed the Support\Key class with its references

v3.2.0 (2019-03-03)


  • Add support for Laravel 5.8


  • Use String and Array classes instead of the helper functions

v3.1.0 (2019-01-29)


  • Fixed the ability to pass an integer to the delayInSession method without getting an error
  • Type cast the cached views count otherwise PHP's type hint will fail


  • Added the ability to override the visitor's unique ID that's used to distinguish unique views
  • Added the ability to specify a cache store that should be used by this package

v3.0.2 (2018-12-25)


  • The method delayInSession isn't working properly

v3.0.1 (2018-12-25)


  • Publishing package migrations results in error (#133)

v3.0.0 (2018-12-17)


  • Added Views class with facade
  • Added IpAddressResolver contract with implementation
  • Added HeaderResolver contract with implementation
  • Added VisitorCookieRepository class
  • Added global helper views
  • Added collection column to views table shema
  • Added withinPeriod scope to View model
  • Added uniqueVisitor scope to View model


  • Bumped minimum required PHP version to ^7.1
  • Require viewable models to implement the Viewable contract
  • Added global views() helper
  • Remove IP address as fallback for visitor cookie when it doesn't exists
  • Changed the isBot method name to isCrawler in CrawlerDetector contract and updated the CrawlerDetectAdapter
  • Changed the visibility of the $detector property from protected to private
  • Add support for 5.7.* of illuminate/config to composer.json
  • Moved config file from publishable/config to config/
  • Replace create_views_table stub with real migration file and load it inside the service provider
  • Allow strings to be passed to the constructor of the Period class
  • Extracted key generation logic from Period class to the Key class


  • Removed the ViewTracker class
  • Removed the ViewableService class
  • Removed the ProcessView job
  • Removed the update_views_table migration file from resources/database/migrations
  • Removed illuminate/bus as dependency
  • Removed illuminate/queue as dependency
  • Removed illuminate/routing as dependency

[v2.5.0] (2018-12-03)


  • orderByViewsCount scope doesn't adhere to connection prefix

v2.4.3 (2018-10-21)


  • Data too long for column visitor

v2.4.2 (2018-10-21)


  • ProcessView job is always failing

v2.4.1 (2018-09-12)


  • View is saved before ProcessViews job is ran

v2.4.0 (2018-09-11)


  • Add support for Laravel 5.7


  • Deprecated the CyrildeWit\Support\IpAddress class
  • Deprecated the CyrildeWit\Viewtracker class
  • Deprecated the scopeOrderByViewsCount method in the Viewable trait
  • Deprecated the scopeOrderByUniqueViewsCount method in the Viewable trait

v2.3.0 (2018-07-23)


  • Add orderByUniqueViewsCount scope to Viewable trait

v2.2.0 (2018-07-23)


  • Add the ability to add a delay between views from the same session (#73)


  • Caching is now turned off as default

v2.1.0 (2018-06-06)

This release accidentally contains no updates.

v2.0.0 (2018-05-28)

This major version contains some serious breaking changes! See the upgrade guide for more information!


  • Added visitor collumn to the create_views_table migration stub


  • Changed the package name from cyrildewit/laravel-page-view-counter to cyrildewit/eloquent-viewable
  • Renamed the HasPageViewCounter trait to Viewable
  • Renamed the PageViewCounterServiceProvider class to EloquentViewableServiceProvider
  • Changed the namespace from CyrildeWit\PageViewCounter\xxx to 'CyrildeWit\EloquentViewable'
  • Added new options to the config file and changed the structure
  • Replaced the addPageView method with addView in the Viewable trait
  • Replaced all getPageViews<suffix> methods with getViews in the Viewable trait


  • Removed the addPageViewThatExpiresAt method from the Viewable trait
  • The DateTransformer functionality has been removed

v5.2.1 (2020-09-22)