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Work Mode and Process for Claims & Credentials: Presentation Exchange

Addendum to the Claims and Credentials Working Group charter for the Presentation Exchange specification.



Maintainers handle the repository management as described in the Work Mode and Process (below).

Maintainer selection

Maintainers must be Working Group Participants, and be selected by Working Group Participants via consensus. At least 3 maintainers must be to be active at any given time. Maintainers MUST have different organizational affiliations to represent the diversity of the Working Group (i.e., no two maintainers may work for the same company, organization, or project).

Work Mode and Process

Process Summary

The following is a summary of the process used by the Claims and Credentials Working Group for the Presentation Exchange Specification. Greater detail may be found below.

  1. The group determines the version number of the next release of the specification.
  2. The group triages repository issues into two categories:
    1. Issues that should be resolved before the next version of the specification is published, or
    2. Issues that may be part of some future version.
  3. After all issues for a particular version have been addressed, the working group votes whether to change thw status of that version and begin the publication process.
  4. If the group does not achieve consensus to change the status, they should identity a specific set of additional issues that must be addressed in order to reach agreement.

Process Detail

Specification Formatting Requirements

  • 80-char fixed-width columns (aka "hard wraps") are required by this specification.

Specification Versioning

The Working Group determines the version number of the next release of the specification. Version numbers for the specification indicate the relationship of the specification to previous versions according to the guidelines of the Semantic Versioning Specification.

Issue triage

Issue triage occurs during spec drafting meetings to determine which version of the specification should resolve a particular issue (e.g., the next version or some future version). Triage should roughly follow these guiding principles:

  1. Consensus should be easy - this means that if any group participant feels strongly that an issue should be included in the next version of the specification, then it should be included, otherwise it may be included in some future version.
  2. An expectation of doing - this means that any group participant who feels strongly that an issue should be included in the next version of the specification should also be the one to propose concrete changes and work to bring the group to consensus about the changes.

Specification Status and Publishing

In addition to a version number, the specification has a status:

  1. Pre-Draft - The status of the specification is Pre-Draft until changed by the Working Group.
  2. Draft - This status indicates the specification is ready for feedback from other decentralized identity-related and -adjacent communities. Ideally, these inputs will lead to issues for consensual/deliberative resolution. Further validation and improvement of the specification should be done via implementation and testing. Once the Working Group approves a version of the specification as a Draft Deliverable (i.e. it has been given Draft status), the Draft Deliverable becomes the basis for all work going forward on that version (in accordance with the DIF Charter Deliverable Development Process).
  3. Working Group Approved - Once the Working Group has refined the Draft Deliverable and believes it has addressed all pertinent issues, it may progress the Draft Deliverable to Working Group Approved status (in accordance with the DIF Charter Deliverable Development Process).

A specification with the Working Group Approved status indicates that all of the following conditions are met:

  • There is quality code that demonstrates the concepts it describes.
  • There are test vectors which may be used to test implementations.
  • There are no outstanding issues that the Working Group Participants consider substantive.
  • There are at least 2 conforming implementations, at least 1 of which originated outside of the Working Group.
Changing Status

The vote to change the status of a version of the specification may occur during a spec drafting meeting, or during a regular Working Group meeting. At least 48 hours notice must be given to group participants in advance of a meeting during which a vote will be held. This notice should be sent via the Working Group mailing list.

The decision to change the status must be made by the consensus of the group. If there are group participants who object to the change, they must provide a set of issues to be addressed before the change should be made. If a supermajority (as determined by the Working Group chairs) of group participants disagrees with the set of additional issues, a decision to change the status to Draft may proceed, but changing the specification status to Working Group Approved requires the consensus of the group.

At the time the Working Group decides to change the specification status to Working Group Approved, it must also determine the publication location and the terms under which the specification is made available (see below).

Publishing the Specification (in accordance with the DIF Charter Deliverable Development Process)

Upon a Draft deliverable reaching Working Group Approved status, the Executive Director or his/her designee will present that Working Group Approved deliverable to the Steering Committee for Approval. Upon Approval by the Steering Committee, the deliverable will be designated an Approved Deliverable.

Upon the designation of a deliverable as an Approved Deliverable, the Executive Director will publish the Approved Deliverable in a manner agreed upon by the Working Group Participants (i.e., Project Participant only location, publicly available location, Project maintained website, Project member website, etc.). The publication of an Approved Deliverable in a publicly accessible manner must include the terms under which the Approved Deliverable and/or source code is being made available under, as set forth in the applicable Working Group Charter.

Work Mode

The work mode for the Presentation Exchange Specification covers the following:

  1. Work and Meetings
  2. Pull Requests
  3. Issues
  4. Objections

Work and Meetings

The primary work of writing the Presentation Exchange Specification occurs outside of regular meetings and consists of activities on GitHub, namely raising PRs and issues, commenting on issues, reviewing PRs, and working toward consensus about PRs and issues.

A weekly spec drafting meeting will be held. The meeting time may be used to:

  1. Triage and assign a group member to take the lead on new issues.
  2. Move forward issues and PRs that require group discussion.
  3. Merge PRs and close issues if consensus is reached to do so by group participants.
  4. Vote on publishing a version of the specification.

Pull requests

Pull requests fall into roughly two categories:

  1. PRs which are substantive. Example include PRs that restructure the document, add to or modify normative spec language, or otherwise materially change the specification. These PRs should be associated with GitHub issues. They should only be merged after a minimum of two approving reviews by group participants (in addition to the PR author), and only after a review period of 7 days (to allow time for objections). If a decision to merge the PR finds consensus during the weekly spec drafting meeting, then the PR may be merged before the end of the review period.
  2. PRs which are not substantive. Examples include PRs that improve wording, clarify diagrams, update hyperlinks, fix spelling and punctuation, or which adjust the specification publishing tooling, etc. These PRs may be merged after a minimum of two approving reviews by group participants.


Issues may be raised by anyone, but are triaged and assigned to group participants. The assigned group participant is expected to take the lead in resolving the issue, whether by inviting discussion, proposing solutions, or raising PRs which address the issue, and may be called upon during spec drafting meetings to provide a status update for the issue.


We strive for consensus in group decisions. During spec drafting meetings, and through GitHub issues, PRs, and conversation, group participants will have opportunity to share opinions, concerns, and proposals. The points of view of all participants should be carefully considered, and objections should be taken seriously.

The work mode and process described here strives to allow ample opportunity for an engaged group participant to make their views known. However, there may be times when group participants are unable to take part in a decision. Any group participant who objects to a decision reached by the consensus of the working group should raise an issue outlining their objection within 7 days of the group's decision. The Working Group can then discuss the objection during subsequent spec drafting meetings.