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title: "The "Cloud" in a NUT-SHELL"
seoTitle: "top characteristics of cloud"
seoDescription: "top major essential characteristics of cloud"
datePublished: Mon Oct 23 2023 05:51:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
cuid: clo2hbvke001109mi885u669d
slug: the-cloud-in-a-nut-shell-part-1
tags: cloud, cloud-computing


Hey folks, AI, IoT, Blockchain, and analytic technologies primarily work with massive amounts of data we couldn't even imagine in addition to that need huge storage space & computational power.

Have you ever wondered where this much amount of data going? If so, then the answer is "Cloud". It is the only viable way to perform tasks like this.

Let's learn the Cloud Computing First!🙂

What is Cloud Computing?

It is the delivery of on-demand computing resources everything from applications to data centers over the Internet on a pay-for-use basis.

Let's imagine a scenario where you have a great idea to build an application that requires a lot of storage, and networking yes you can build everything from the starch. But here is the catch what if you do get everything you want as a service? Sounds cool right !!🤩

🤠This is where the cloud comes into the picture.

Essential Characteristics ⚠️

Defining characteristics varies from organization to organization sometimes from person to person.

Here I just filtered out the 5 essential and the most common characteristics of the cloud.

1.On-demand Self-Service

As I said earlier we can access resources such as processing power, storage, & network using a simple interface. Users no longer rely on that particular cloud service provider to get access.

2.Broad Network Acess

You can access cloud services over the network & on portable devices like mobile phones, tablets, laptops & desktop computers.

It was one of the best ways to get access to your cloud services regardless of the device you using.

3.Resource Pooling

It is nothing but multiple customers can share physical resources using multi-tenant mode it allows customers to share the same application or infrastructure while maintaining privacy & security.

4.Rapid Elasticity

Probably it is one of the main reasons why the cloud evolved so quickly. Cloud resources are dynamically assigned & reassigned according to the demand without customers needing to concern themselves with the physical location.

It simply puts you can access more resources when you need them & scale back when you don't.

5.Measured Services

You can only pay for what you use. Mostly it will be in subscription if you want to extend more you can. The users need to pay the resources they used at the end of the month.

In the next blog, we will learn the 3 essential deployment models in the cloud. So, be in touch with us by following us on the socials.

See ya 👋

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