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Alexander Maassen edited this page May 22, 2023 · 8 revisions

title: "Message"

Messages are present in channels and can be anything from a cross post to a reply and a regular message.


name type description
id string id of the message
channel_id string id of the channel the message was sent in
channel Channel channel the message was sent in
guild_id string or null the unique identifier of the guild that the channel the message was sent in belongs to
guild Guild or null the guild that the message was sent in
content string content of the message
type int, Message constants type of the message
mentions Collection of Users users mentioned in the message
author User the author of the message
user_id string id of the user that sent the message
member Member the member that sent this message, or null if it was in a private message
mention_everyone bool whether @everyone was mentioned
timestamp Carbon timestamp the time the message was sent
edited_timestamp Carbon timestamp or null the time the message was edited or null if it hasn't been edited
tts bool whether text to speech was set when the message was sent
attachments Collection of Attachments array of attachments
embeds Collection of Embeds embeds contained in the message
nonce string randomly generated string for client
mention_roles Collection of Roles any roles that were mentioned in the message
mention_channels Collection of Channels any channels that were mentioned in the message
pinned bool whether the message is pinned
reactions reaction repository any reactions on the message
webhook_id string id of the webhook that sent the message
activity object current message activity, requires rich present
application object application of the message, requires rich presence
application_id string if the message is a response to an Interaction, this is the id of the interaction's application
message_reference object message that is referenced by the message
referenced_message Message the message that is referenced in a reply
interaction object the interaction which triggered the message (application commands)
thread Thread the thread that the message was sent in
components Component sent if the message contains components like buttons, action rows, or other interactive components
sticker_items Sticker stickers attached to the message
flags int message flags, see below 5 properties
crossposted bool whether the message has been crossposted
is_crosspost bool whether the message is a crosspost
suppress_emeds bool whether embeds have been supressed
source_message_deleted bool whether the source message has been deleted e.g. crosspost
urgent bool whether message is urgent
has_thread bool whether this message has an associated thread, with the same id as the message
ephemeral bool whether this message is only visible to the user who invoked the Interaction
loading bool whether this message is an Interaction Response and the bot is "thinking"
failed_to_mention_some_roles_in_thread bool this message failed to mention some roles and add their members to the thread

Reply to a message

Sends a "reply" to the message. Returns the new message in a promise.


name type description
text string text to send in the message
$message->reply('hello!')->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

Crosspost a message

Crossposts a message to any channels that are following the channel the message was sent in. Returns the crossposted message in a promise.

$message->crosspost()->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

Reply to a message after a delay

Similar to replying to a message, also takes a delay parameter in which the reply will be sent after. Returns the new message in a promise.


name type description
text string text to send in the message
delay int time in milliseconds to delay before sending the message
// <@message_author_id>, hello! after 1.5 seconds
$message->delayedReply('hello!', 1500)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

React to a message

Adds a reaction to a message. Takes an Emoji object, a custom emoji string or a unicode emoji. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
emoticon Emoji or string the emoji to react with
$message->react($emoji)->done(function () {
    // ...

// or

$message->react(':michael:251127796439449631')->done(function () {
    // ...

// or

$message->react('😀')->done(function () {
    // ...

Delete reaction(s) from a message

Deletes reaction(s) from a message. Has four methods of operation, described below. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
type int type of deletion, one of Message::REACT_DELETE_ALL, Message::REACT_DELETE_ME, Message:REACT_DELETE_ID, Message::REACT_DELETE_EMOJI
emoticon Emoji, string, null emoji to delete, require if using DELETE_ID, DELETE_ME or DELETE_EMOJI
id string, null id of the user to delete reactions for, required by DELETE_ID

Delete all reactions

$message->deleteReaction(Message::REACT_DELETE_ALL)->done(function () {
    // ...

Delete reaction by current user

$message->deleteReaction(Message::REACT_DELETE_ME, $emoji)->done(function () {
    // ...

Delete reaction by another user

$message->deleteReaction(Message::REACT_DELETE_ID, $emoji, 'member_id')->done(function () {
    // ...

Delete all reactions of one emoji

$message->deleteReaction(Message::REACT_DELETE_EMOJI, $emoji)->done(function () {
    // ...

Delete the message

Deletes the message. Returns nothing in a promise.

$message->delete()->done(function () {
    // ...

Edit the message

Updates the message. Takes a message builder. Returns the updated message in a promise.

    ->setContent('new content'))->done(function (Message $message) {
        // ...

Note fields not set in the builder will not be updated, and will retain their previous value.

Create reaction collector

Creates a reaction collector. Works similar to Channel's reaction collector. Takes a callback and an array of options. Returns a collection of reactions in a promise.


At least one of time or limit must be specified.

name type description
time int or false time in milliseconds until the collector finishes
limit int or false amount of reactions to be collected until the collector finishes
$message->createReactionCollector(function (MessageReaction $reaction) {
    // return true or false depending on whether you want the reaction to be collected.
    return $reaction->user_id == '123123123123';
}, [
    // will resolve after 1.5 seconds or 2 reactions
    'time' => 1500,
    'limit' => 2,
])->done(function (Collection $reactions) {
    foreach ($reactions as $reaction) {
        // ...

Add embed to message

Adds an embed to a message. Takes an embed object. Will overwrite the old embed (if there is one). Returns the updated message in a promise.


name type description
embed Embed the embed to add
$message->addEmbed($embed)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...
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