A material touchable area that provides the ripple effect. Inspired by the InkWell Flutter component.
You need to have already installed the following packages:
Open a Terminal in your project's folder and install the library using yarn
yarn add react-native-inkwell
or with npm
npm install react-native-inkwell
import InkWell from 'react-native-inkwell';
const YourRippleButton = () => (
width: 200,
height: 200,
backgroundColor: 'white',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
onTap={() => {
<Text>Tap Here</Text>
Indicates whether InkWell should be active or not.
Default: true
Decides the maximum radius of the Ripple Effect. By default the Ripple effect will determine the radius from the height and width of the component so that it can expand as much as possible.
Called when the InkWell is clicked. If the onDoubleTap callback is not specified, onTap will be called immediately, otherwise it will be called after maxDelayMs.
Called when the user taps down the InkWell.
Called when the user cancels a tap.
Called when the InkWell is clicked two consecutive times in less than maxDelayMs.
Called when the component is pressed for more than minDurationMs.
This property is inherited from maxDelayMs of the react-native-gesture-handler's TapGestureHandler.
Default: 500
This property is inherited from minDurationMs of the react-native-gesture-handler's LongPressGestureHandler.
Default: 500
The duration of ink scale animation.
Default: depends on the component's width and height.
The Reanimated EasingFunction.
Default: Easing.bezier(0.25, 0.5, 0.4, 1.0)
The splash color of the ripple effect.
Default: rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
The backgroundColor of the View when the InkWell is activated.
Default: rgba(0,0,0,0.03)
The React Native style of the content.
The component that could be contained in the InkWell.
Under the hood this hook is using useAnimatedRef from react-native-reanimated. When provided, it is used by the InkWell in order to measure the layout on the UI Thread.
Since the InkWell is built on top of the react-native-gesture-handler component TapGestureHandler, by default, upon clicking an InkWell inside another, the tap will be propagated to the parent as well.
Fortunately, this case study is easily handled.
First, a Ref
must be created and assigned to the InkWell
that is being nested. Once this is done, the Ref
must be added to the childrenRefs property of the InkWell
That's it.
const NestedInkWellUseCase = () => {
const onTapParent = React.useCallback(() => {
}, []);
const onTapChild = React.useCallback(() => {
}, []);
// 1. create the refs
const firstChildRef = useInkWellRef();
const secondChildRef = useInkWellRef();
return (
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}>
{/* Parent */}
childrenRefs={[firstChildRef, secondChildRef]} // <-- 4. add the childRef to the childrenRefs
{/* First nested InkWell */}
ref={firstChildRef} // <-- 2. assign the firstChildRef
style={[styles.button, styles.innerButton]}
{/* Second nested InkWell */}
ref={secondChildRef} // <-- 3. assign the secondChildRef
style={[styles.button, styles.innerButton]}
Here's the result:
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