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$ flox activate
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λ (floxdocs) $ flox services start mkdocs
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The documentation should follow the divio philosophy with four clearly distinct approaches. A short summary:
learning oriented: learn by doing. You are the teacher. It's ok if it's low level: get the user started. Provide concrete steps to get a feel for the work, and no more (no tangents or digressions).
How To's
goal-oriented: solve a problem, e.g "I want to package my Rust project". Don't explain: just do. "A how-to guide should allow for slightly different ways of doing the same thing."
information-oriented: the only job of technical reference is to describe. Austere and to the point. Think wikipedia, not a blog. Don't explain concepts or expand a discussion. For some developers, the only documentation they ever need.
understanding-oriented: take a wider view, read this in a comfy armchair with a warm drink in hand. Consider things from multiple perspectives, add context, explore alternatives. Don't instruct, don't achieve a user's goal.
Pages go in the
subdirectory. Do not attempt to represent the logical structure of the documentation in the filesystem layout, we've done that before and it's a nightmare to reorganize things when you do that. -
Pages referenced from multiple places in the index (e.g. the installation doc is referenced from both the getting started and managing sections) should be placed in the
subdirectory and referenced from a document within thepages/
subdirectory. Each entry in the documentation index should correspond to a single document within thepages/
subdirectory, and no document in theinclude/
subdirectory should not be linked directly from the index. This is all to prevent the mkdocs navigation from jumping to a different section of the index when referencing a page linked from multiple places. -
Filenames shall use
delimiters in preference to_
. -
We strive to adopt Semantic Line Breaks as documented in
Avoid injecting trailing whitespace - please configure your editors/IDEs accordingly
We avoid embedding the title in the document itself (as preceded by a single "#") so that the title can be governed by the master index in mkdocs.yml. The document will inherit the title from the index.
You can run a check for external link breakage with this command
$ flox activate -- ./
$ git clone
$ python -m env env
$ ./env/bin/pip install --upgrade build twine
$ ./env/bin/python -m build
$ cp dist/mkdocs_material-*.tar.gz path/to/floxdocs