Imagine a vector of x,y,z. This is the location of an object. Now imagine a fourth variable b which represents the beauty of an object. The object exists at x,y,z,b
There are various things you can do with this extra vector, but one interesting thing is creating an alternative version of cartesian space whereby objects are nearer to you which are more beautiful. That is to say if you are at 0,0,0 and the object you are appreciating is at 10,10,10, 10 then I can apply the b function to reality and re-render it as at 1,1,1
To do this well requires multiple overlapping cartesian spaces and a sticky layer between them which we may in some cases refer to as "time." Time, in this construction, is effectively the function that implements the beauty function.
The existence of a b vector and associated b function does not need to be hypothesized or proven. It also does not require to have a single version. In fact, there is no need for any two people to have the same b vector. However, for each b vector that exists and each related b function that is applied, this effectively creates a new reality.
There are more complex ways of modeling these relationships, but, suffice to say, it is possible to have many different simultaneously existing Platonisms, each of which reveal different "hidden" aspects of an object that are not direct related in cartesian space and which, as such, can allow for transformation in time and cartesian space.