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Building HDMI2USB-litex-firmware on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

These scripts are designed to bootstrap a firmware build environment on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and also works on 16.04 though with less testing. This is only required if you wish to make changes to the firmware. For using a HDMI2USB board, prebuilt versions of the firmware are available in the HDMI2USB-firmware-prebuilt repository.

Table of Contents

  • Prerequisite (Xilinx)
  • Bootstrap HDMI2USB-litex-firmware and dependencies
  • Working with the firmware
      1. Enter the environment
      1. Build the gateware
      1. Configure your board
      • Configuring the Opsis
        • Jumpers Configuration
        • Cables
        • JTAG mode
      • Configuring the Atlys
        • Jumpers Configuration
        • Cables
      1. Loading temporarily
      • Common Errors
        • unable to open ftdi device
          • device not found
          • inappropriate permissions on device
        • Warn: Bypassing JTAG setup events due to errors
      1. Testing
      1. Loading permanently
  • Footnotes
  • Files

Prerequisite (Xilinx)

Install Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.7 + activate a licence:

tar xvf Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_14.7_1015_1.tar
cd Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_14.7_1015_1
sudo ./xsetup

NOTE: We are aware that Xilix has End-of-Lifed ISE Design Suite, and they change their download page from time to time. Submit a bug report if there is no product by this name on the given page.

  • Register with Xilinx (free) and get a (free) "ISE WebPACK License" from [] Your license, once generated, will be emailed to you. It can also be recovered as follows. Go to []. Log in if required. Confirm your profile details. Upon submission you should end up at the "Product Licensing" page. Use the "Manage Licenses" tab to see your existing licenses.

  • Copy your license into ~/.Xilinx/Xilinx.lic

  • Ensure licence is activated by checking ISE:

source /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/

Go to Help > Manage Licence..., ensure on the Manage License tab you can see your WebPACK licence and it is green. The WebPACK license will be named something like WebPACK, V_WebPack or Web_Package (depending on when you got your license you might have all of them!).

Bootstrap HDMI2USB-litex-firmware and dependencies

Run the bootstrap script to build an environment required for building the firmware:

curl -fsS | bash

If you are not building from timvideos or the master branch set GITHUB_USER and GIT_BRANCH before running a bootstrap command like below;

export GIT_BRANCH=nextgen
export GITHUB_USER=mithro
curl -fsS$GITHUB_USER/HDMI2USB-litex-firmware/$GIT_BRANCH/scripts/ | bash

Check that the final line of output is:

Bootstrap: Set up complete, you're good to go!

This clones the HDMI2USB-litex-firmware repository, adds the timvideos fpga-support PPA, installs packages required then downloads litex and its dependencies. Depending on your connection speed this could take a while to download.

This script will object if you alredy have cloned the HDMI2USB-litex-firmware repo in the same directory so rename it if required.

NOTE: This script requires sudo access (and will ask for your sudo password) to install required software and dependencies. See scripts/ to see what is installed.

Working with the firmware

1) Enter the environment

Before being able to run any of the build steps you must first enter the development environment.

Set the type of board you want to use.

export PLATFORM=opsis

Set-up the environment:

cd HDMI2USB-litex-firmware
source scripts/

If your environment is set up correctly your prompt should change to look something like:

(H2U P=opsis) #

If your prompt does not change, then check the output to see whether there are any errors.

On failure

You may also find it helpful to rerun the following commands and check those for errors. (These are originally run by the scripts/ script recommended for use to set up your environment in the previous step.)

Fix any errors reported (including install failures from apt) before continuing.

cd HDMI2USB-litex-firmware
sudo scripts/

2) Build the gateware

Once you have entered the environment, you can build things.

Building the full HDMI2USB gateware takes roughly between 5 minutes and 15 minutes on a modern fast machine.

make gateware

At the end of running the build command, you should end up with;

Creating bit map...
Saving bit stream in "top.bit".
Saving bit stream in "top.bin".
Bitstream generation is complete.
Firmware 56008 bytes (9528 bytes left)

The built gateware will be in build/opsis_hdmi2usb_lm32/gateware/

3) Configure your board

Before loading onto your board, you need to ensure that your board is in the correct state.

Configuring the Opsis

To use the Opsis, you need to set the jumpers correctly, connect cables correctly and then put the board into JTAG mode.

FIXME: Put something here about the Opsis.

Jumpers Configuration

The jumpers as set on the Opsis when it ships work.

FIXME: Put picture showing correct jumper configuration.


The programming computer must be connected to the USB-B port.

JTAG mode

By default the Opsis will boot into HDMI2USB mode. To load gateware onto the board it must be switched into JTAG mode.

FIXME: Add instructions for switching the Opsis into JTAG mode.

  • HDMI2USB-mode-switch then run:

    hdmi2usb-mode-switch --mode=jtag
  • Connect to console and use fx2 switch command.

Configuring the Atlys

Before loading the gateware you need to set the jumpers correctly and connect the cables correctly.

FIXME: Put something here about the Atlys.

Jumpers Configuration

As the HDMI2USB firmware manipulates the EDID information the following jumpers must be removed;

JP2/SDA (which connects the EDID lines from J1/HDMI IN to JA/HDMI OUT).
JP6 and JP7 (which connects the EDID lines from J3/HDMI IN to J2/HDMI OUT).


  • Plug board in using PROG port & switch on. If using a VM, ensure the device is passed through.

  • The other UART port is for the controlling the firmware. Recommend plugging :w his in too so you can use/test the device.

4) Loading temporarily

You can load gateware and firmware onto your device temporarily for testing. If you power cycle the device after this step it will go back to the state before this step.

Load the gateware and firmware - see [1] if using a VM:

make gateware-load

On the Opsis, while loading the Blue LED (D1 / Done) and Green LED (D2) will light up. After it has finished, both LED will turn off.

The output will look like this;

Info : usb blaster interface using libftdi
Info : This adapter doesn't support configurable speed
Info : JTAG tap: xc6s.tap tap/device found: 0x44028093 (mfg: 0x049 (Xilinx), part: 0x4028, ver: 0x4)
loaded file build/opsis_hdmi2usb-hdmi2usbsoc-opsis.bit to pld device 0 in 31s 983152us

Load fx2 firmware to enable USB capture:

make load-fx2

Common Errors

unable to open ftdi device

device not found

This error means that a HDMI2USB board in JTAG mode was not detected. Power cycle the board and make sure you have followed the 3) Configure your board section.

Warn : Adapter driver 'usb_blaster' did not declare which transports it allows; assuming legacy JTAG-only
Info : only one transport option; autoselect 'jtag'
Warn : incomplete ublast_vid_pid configuration
Info : usb blaster interface using libftdi
Error: unable to open ftdi device: device not found
inappropriate permissions on device

This error means that your user doesn't have permission to talk to the HDMI2USB board. This is normally caused by not installing the udev rules which come with HDMI2USB-mode-switch.

Warn : Adapter driver 'usb_blaster' did not declare which transports it allows; assuming legacy JTAG-only
Info : only one transport option; autoselect 'jtag'
Warn : incomplete ublast_vid_pid configuration
Info : usb blaster interface using libftdi
Error: unable to open ftdi device: inappropriate permissions on device!

Warn: Bypassing JTAG setup events due to errors

If you get an error like this;

Info : This adapter doesn't support configurable speed
Info : JTAG tap: xc6s.tap tap/device found: 0x03030303 (mfg: 0x181 (Solectron), part: 0x3030, ver: 0x0)
Warn : JTAG tap: xc6s.tap       UNEXPECTED: 0x03030303 (mfg: 0x181 (Solectron), part: 0x3030, ver: 0x0)
Error: JTAG tap: xc6s.tap expected 1 of 13: 0x04000093 (mfg: 0x049 (Xilinx), part: 0x4000, ver: 0x0)
Error: JTAG tap: xc6s.tap expected 2 of 13: 0x04001093 (mfg: 0x049 (Xilinx), part: 0x4001, ver: 0x0)
Error: JTAG tap: xc6s.tap expected 3 of 13: 0x04002093 (mfg: 0x049 (Xilinx), part: 0x4002, ver: 0x0)
Error: JTAG tap: xc6s.tap expected 4 of 13: 0x04004093 (mfg: 0x049 (Xilinx), part: 0x4004, ver: 0x0)
Error: JTAG tap: xc6s.tap expected 5 of 13: 0x04024093 (mfg: 0x049 (Xilinx), part: 0x4024, ver: 0x0)

It means the JTAG firmware on the FX2 has gotten confused. Use mode-switch tool to switch to serial mode and then back to the jtag mode like this;

hdmi2usb-mode-switch --mode=serial
hdmi2usb-mode-switch --mode=jtag

Load the firmware

make firmware-load

If you see no output, press ‘Enter’ a few times. You can then kick off the firmware loading process again:

BIOS> serialboot
Booting from serial...
Press Q or ESC to abort boot completely.
[FLTERM] Received firmware download request from the device.
[FLTERM] Uploading kernel (86484 bytes)...
[FLTERM] Upload complete (10.6KB/s).
[FLTERM] Booting the device.
[FLTERM] Done.
Executing booted program at 0x40000000
HDMI2USB firmware booting...

opsis_eeprom: Init...finished.

hardware version info
           DNA: 0137be87d98719f0
           MAC: d8:80:39:57:04:94

gateware version info
      platform: opsis
        target: video
      revision: 5f07955beabcf9cebe0e896c4e51242075566cb6

firmware version info
      platform: opsis
        target: video
    git commit: 5f07955beabcf9cebe0e896c4e51242075566cb6
    git branch: master
  git describe: v0.0.4-203-g5f07955
    git status:
    ?? ../../../../HDMI2USB-mode-switch/

         built: May 31 2018 10:43:25
        uptime: 00:00:00
MDIO mode: 1000Mbps / link: down

5) Testing

Connect to lm32 softcore to send direct commands to the HDMI2USB such as changing resolution:

make firmware-connect

Set a mode/capture - type 'help' and read instructions.

You likely need to enable a video mode, frame buffer & encoder.

'status' helps to see what the firmware is doing.

The following commands are an example of what is needed;

encoder on
encoder quality 85
video_matrix connect input1 output0
video_matrix connect input1 output1
video_matrix connect input1 encoder

The following commands are an example to view the video output on monitor

H2U 00:01:28>i0 on
Enabling input0
H2U 00:02:24>i1 on
Enabling input1
H2U 00:02:26>o0 on
Enabling output0
H2U 00:02:30>o1 on
Enabling output
H2U 00:04:20>x c pattern output0 # You should see the pattern on the monitor
Connecting pattern to output0
H2U 00:04:48>x c input0 output0 #  You should see your desktop on the monior
Connecting input0 to output0

View the video output on your computer with your preferred tool.

The scripts/ script will try and find a suitable tool to display.

make view
# or

6) Loading permanently

If you are happy with the firmware you can load it onto the board so that if persists after power cycle.

make flash


[1] If you are in a VM, during flashing the device will change USB UUID's up to 3 times. You can just run the command above again until you see "Programming successful!" (you may need to choose the new USB vendor/device ID in your hypervisor to pass through).

[2] Note firmware is only temporarily flashed to the device and is lost if HDMI2USB is power cycled, so has to be reflashed. You can use the '' script metioned in step 9.


  • script to run on a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 LTS install

  • called from bootstrap (gets and installs software)

  • called from bootstrap and runs as root.

  • script to run after installation to enter environment

  • test script to view HDMI2USB output