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18.789062 L 17.214844 12.777344 L 17.214844 26.15625 C 17.214844 26.621094 16.828125 27 16.355469 27 L 15.644531 27 C 15.171875 27 14.785156 26.621094 14.785156 26.15625 L 14.785156 12.777344 L 8.894531 18.792969 C 8.558594 19.132812 8.007812 19.140625 7.671875 18.808594 L 7.179688 18.324219 C 6.84375 17.984375 6.84375 17.453125 7.179688 17.121094 Z M 0 30.375 L 0 5.625 C 0 3.761719 1.535156 2.25 3.429688 2.25 L 28.570312 2.25 C 30.464844 2.25 32 3.761719 32 5.625 L 32 30.375 C 32 32.238281 30.464844 33.75 28.570312 33.75 L 3.429688 33.75 C 1.535156 33.75 0 32.238281 0 30.375 Z M 2.285156 30.375 C 2.285156 30.992188 2.800781 31.5 3.429688 31.5 L 28.570312 31.5 C 29.199219 31.5 29.714844 30.992188 29.714844 30.375 L 29.714844 5.625 C 29.714844 5.007812 29.199219 4.5 28.570312 4.5 L 3.429688 4.5 C 2.800781 4.5 2.285156 5.007812 2.285156 5.625 Z M 2.285156 30.375'/></g></svg>") center center 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