When writing component/integration tests, the web server should be started by the tests in the same process - this opens the door for many desirable testing features like mocking, coverage, and more. In a multi-process test runner, multiple web server instances will be opened. If these instances try to open the same port, they will collide. In testing only, let the server randomize a port to prevent collisions. This can easily achieved by providing an ephemeral port, the number zero, so the operating system will allocate an available port
// api-under-test.js
const initializeWebServer = async () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Fixed port in production, a zero port (ephemeral) for testing
const webServerPort = process.env.PORT ? process.env.PORT : 0;
expressApp = express();
connection = expressApp.listen(webServerPort, () => {
// No port
// test.js
beforeAll(async () => {
expressApp = await initializeWebServer(); // No port