Cast is a package that can cast different go types to other types. You don't need to be worried about performance because this package doesn't use reflect package so it's fast enough
go get -u
This package has String, Int, Float, Duration, Bool and Uint functions than can cast different input type to specified type. Example:
castVal, _ := String(124) // "124"
castVal, _ := String(true) // "true"
castVal, _ := String(false) // "false"
castVal, _ := String(nil) // "false"
Also, there are equivalent MustString, MustInt, MustFloat, MustDuration, MustBool and MustUint functions which instead of returning error, make a panic error
castVal := MustString(124) // "124"
castVal := MustString(true) // "true"
castVal := MustString(false) // "false"
castVal := MustString(nil) // "false"
For more examples read tests
If you are interested in contributing to this project please create a pull request. I appreciate your help!