diff --git a/docs/unity/changelog.html b/docs/unity/changelog.html index a744be19..580ff155 100644 --- a/docs/unity/changelog.html +++ b/docs/unity/changelog.html @@ -67,6 +67,143 @@

Changelog for Unity Plugin

*   added mulit-touch support to HFTInput via the standard `GetTouch` function
+    as well as `axes` and `buttons`
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH0_X = 13;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH0_Y = 14;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH1_X = 15;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH1_Y = 16;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH2_X = 17;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH2_Y = 18;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH3_X = 19;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH3_Y = 20;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH4_X = 21;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH4_Y = 22;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH5_X = 23;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH5_Y = 24;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH6_X = 25;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH6_Y = 26;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH7_X = 27;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH7_Y = 28;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH8_X = 29;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH8_Y = 30;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH9_X = 31;
+        public const int AXIS_TOUCH9_Y = 32;
+        public const int BUTTON_TOUCH0 = 18;
+        public const int BUTTON_TOUCH1 = 19;
+        public const int BUTTON_TOUCH2 = 20;
+        public const int BUTTON_TOUCH3 = 21;
+        public const int BUTTON_TOUCH4 = 22;
+        public const int BUTTON_TOUCH5 = 23;
+        public const int BUTTON_TOUCH6 = 24;
+        public const int BUTTON_TOUCH7 = 25;
+        public const int BUTTON_TOUCH8 = 26;
+        public const int BUTTON_TOUCH9 = 27;
+    Note: The Touch.rawPosition is currently in screen pixels of Unity
+    not the controller. It's not clear what the best way to handle this
+    is.
+    The Unity `Input` API says those value are in pixels but they are
+    assuming the game is running on the phone. In the case of HappyFunTimes
+    though each phone is different so having it be in phone screen pixels
+    would make no sense unless you also knew the resolution of each phone.
+    I could provide that but that would make it more complicated for you.
+    Personally I'd prefer normalized values (0.0 to 1.0). If you want those
+    then take  `Touch.rawPosition` and divide `x` by `Screen.width` and `y` by `Screen.height`
+    as in
+        HFTInput.Touch touch = m_hftInput.GetTouch(0);
+        float normalizedX = touch.x / Screen.width;
+        float normalziedY = touch.y / Screen.height;
+    Also note the AXIS versions of these are already normalized to
+    a -1.0 to +1.0 range.
+*   Changed sample HFTGamepad code to not issue an error if it's not actually
+    connected to a controller.
+    Users often leave a prefab in their scene. That prefab would generate
+    errors because it's not actually connected to a controller and was
+    trying to access the controllers `NetPlayer`.