This page lists planned and dreamed features along with other notes and thoughts, in no particular order. Known bugs can be found on the Github issue tracker.
- on connecting a study or uploading a PGN, ask if the moves are new or known. if known, start interval at 1 day. warn when adding many new moves.
- styling: make /study look good on non-mobile
- styling: make the move sheet double-column
- go through the new-user flow to make sure all steps make sense
- proper error logging
- repertoire: regenerate preview board on update
- study: when no due cards, display time until next due
- round up for e.g. "3 moves in 5 min" or "24 moves tomorrow"
- study: "skip to first due move" button
- study: "skip end of line" should play it through quickly instead of jumping
- set time zone per user (day currently wraps at 00:00 GMT)
- pgn upload: guess repertoire color and display parse issues before submitting form
- when studies/PGNs don't start from the initial position, warn and fail gracefully
- repertoire: check for repertoire updates regularly while logged in, notify with banner/message in header
- internal: maybe prisma client should only be instantiated once?
- keep track of user's lichess games and notify on out-of-repertoire moves
- internal: integration tests (create account, import study and /study)
- practice specific study/PGN/chapter (whether due or not)
- should wrong-moves here always affect scheduling? or only if the move was due?
- repertoire: visualization (tree?) of repertoire with all variations
- color-coded for move maturity?
- hover to show move or position?
- subtab of /rep
- /rep/study/[studyId]
- tree view for the specific study
- split into study chapters?
- Lichess link
- study: display PGN comments
- study: display "variations due" (in addition to "moves due")
- profile page (/me?)
- show lichess username
- set time zone
- "calendar" with a cross/checkmark every day the user studied (current month? current+past?)
- current+best streak
- move log-out button here ?
- identify leeches (keep count of lapses?)
- monitor lichess API responses for 429s and respond properly
- allow inputing repertoire on Chessdriller. (can the Lichess study code be reused?)
- handle studies that don't start from the initial position
- animation feedback on wrong move (board/piece shake? flash board reddish?)
- animation feedback on variation finished
- some prop background image on each page? book? pipe? coffe cup? glasses? chess pieces? chessboard? score sheet?
- special rewarding correct-move stamp at the max interval
- incorrect answer decreases move ease, but when to increase?
- line-scheduling issues
- a short transposition / move-order swap will lead to the entire line being tested twice, with each variation.
- possible solution: just quiz until the last due move, not to the end of the line
- counter-issue: when in learning, a line will "trickle in" to the due-queue, and if reviewed before it's finished trickling, stopping at the last due move would leave the rest for the due-queue in a couple minutes.
- moves "reviewed early" are simply pushed forward at the current interval. should be handled better, maybe increase the interval (proportionally?) if they're reviewed >50% through.
- should big intervals grow more slowly? e.g. 0.7 ease above 30 days (but smooth transition)