The release was done based on this tutorial: Distribute Project Artifacts in Maven Central with Nexus OSS
The official guide is located here and for signing the jar, this was very helpfully
Following the tutorial above
- Install gpg Gpg4win
- Install git git for windows
- Install Maven Binary zip Add the binaries to the PATH variables. Hint: The gpg installation only add the path ```...\GnuPG\pub```` to the Environment variables.
Add following to the maven settings file (.m2/settings.xml
On Windows I could not managed it connect with ssh to github (upload with git and ssh worked, but not with the maven release plugin). So the https connection is used inside the pom.xml
with that in place, the release can be done as follow
mvn clean deploy
mvn release:clean release:prepare -Dusername=github_user_id -Dpassword=gitbub_passwird
mvn release:perform