All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Define Entity by Jakarta NoSQL
Define inheritance by Jakarta NoSQL
Define MappedSuperclass by Jakarta NoSQL
Define Embeddable by Jakarta NoSQL
Update Jakarta API to after the Big-bang
Define high level API
Change the package name to "jakarta.nosql"
Add select mapper using fluent-API on Template
Add delete mapper using fluent-API on Template
Add Jakarta Data as dependency
Create a CHANGELOG file to track the specification evolution
Move the default documentation to ASCIIDOC
Add supplier at Settings API
Change the Configurations APIs to be a supplier
Update the nomenclature on the Document and Column APIs
Remove JNoSQL logo from repositories
Remove "Artemis" references in the package and use "mapping" instead
Remove "diana" references in the package name and use "communication" instead.
Update Cassandra library to use DataStax OSS