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File metadata and controls

174 lines (117 loc) · 5.43 KB

To use Geoconnect, please email [email protected] with the URL to your Dataverse installation._

Note: _These instructions need to be updated and should not be used if setting up a Dataverse installation because you would also need to install WorldMap, which is being rewritten. You should wait until the WorldMap rewrite is complete before considering installing Geoconnect.


GeoConnect works as a middle layer, allowing Dataverse files to be visualized on the Harvard WorldMap.

Boston Area Research Initiative project to connect the Dataverse to the Worldmap.

Use Cases

  • Add a GIS dataset to the Dataverse and visualize it on the WorldMap
  • From the WorldMap, search for Dataverse datasets in a given geographic area for a specific time period

geoconnect screenshot

Local Installation Instructions

Install pip

  • use sudo if needed
  • if on Windows, make sure python is installed.
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/

or, on windows, this might be helpful.

Pull down the geoconnect repository

Setup on the local machine

cd into the geoconnect repository

cd ~\geoconnect

Install the virtualenv and the requirements

This may take a minute or two. Xcode needs to be installed.

mkvirtualenv geoconnect
pip install -r requirements/local.txt

If you run into Xcode (or other errors) when running the install, google it. Sometimes the Xcode license agreement hasn't been accepted

Configure settings (still in ~\geoconnect)

vim $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate

On windows:

vim %VIRTUAL_ENV%\Scripts\activate.bat

'vim' may be any text editor

  • add these lines to the postactivate file and save the file
export DJANGO_DEBUG=True
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=geoconnect.settings.local

On windows:

set "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=geoconnect.settings.local"
  • Test the 'postactivate' script from the command line
workon geoconnect

On Windows, use:


You should see geoconnect.settings.local

Create/sync the database (still in ~\geoconnect)

#Create/sync the database (still in ~\geoconnect)
python migrate    # step 1 for a new database
python migrate --run-syncdb  # step 2 for a new database

#python  migrate --fake-initial # if the tables already exist
  • Add initial database
python loaddata --app registered_dataverse incoming_filetypes_initial_data.json
python loaddata --app layer_classification initial_data.json
  • To run on a localhost, add this data: python loaddata --app registered_dataverse registered_dv_localhost.json

  • Create a superuser

python createsuperuser

Run the test server (still in ~\geoconnect\geoconnect)

python runserver 8070
  1. Check if the server is up:
  2. Check if the admin page is available:
  • if (1) and (2), feel grateful to be alive

Re-run the test server

cd ~/geoconnect/ # example: cd /Users/mheppler/iqss-github/geoconnect
workon geoconnect
atom .  # to open in ATOM
python runserver 8070

Dataverse settings

Dataverse needs these settings to work on mapping.

Dataverse config settings

INSERT into setting VALUES (':GeoconnectCreateEditMaps', 'true');
INSERT into setting VALUES (':GeoconnectViewMaps', 'true');

Dataverse setting for the 'mapitlink'

  • If GEOCONNECT entry doesn't exist, use:
INSERT INTO worldmapauth_tokentype (contactemail, hostname, ipaddress, mapitlink, name, timelimitminutes, timelimitseconds, md5, created, modified)
VALUES ('[email protected]', '', '', '', 'GEOCONNECT', 30, 1800, '38c0a931b2d582a5c43fc79405b30c22', NOW(), NOW())
  • If GEOCONNECT entry already exists, use:
UPDATE worldmapauth_tokentype SET mapitlink = '' WHERE name = 'GEOCONNECT';