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Problem with bundle install never completing #62

Capncavedan opened this issue Aug 5, 2021 · 2 comments

Problem with bundle install never completing #62

Capncavedan opened this issue Aug 5, 2021 · 2 comments


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Capncavedan commented Aug 5, 2021

I'm unable to get a bundle install for this project to complete, either on macOS (Big Sur), or on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.1)

I've tried various versions of bundler, 2.1.x to a few different 2.2.x versions, on macOS, and under ruby 2.5.7 and 2.7.4.

On Linux, I've tried ruby 2.5.7 and bundler 2.2.25

On both platforms, the issue is that the "Resolving dependencies" process emits dots seemingly forever. I've allowed it to run for well over 24 hours, more than once, with no change.

For what it's worth, I see a similar behavior with thoughtbot's original paperclip repository.

I am able to successfully bundle install other open source ruby projects, including factory_bot and shoulda-matchers from thoughtbot, so my ruby installation may not be the issue.

I tried clearing the rubygems cache from ~/.bundle/cache/compact_index ... no change.

Are there any tips or tricks to bundling this project?


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Capncavedan commented Aug 5, 2021

Here is output of rvm info and bundle -V on macOS

➜  kt-paperclip git:(danb/make-bundle-install-work) ✗ git status
On branch danb/make-bundle-install-work
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
➜  kt-paperclip git:(danb/make-bundle-install-work) ✗ ruby -v
ruby 2.7.4p191 (2021-07-07 revision a21a3b7d23) [x86_64-darwin20]
➜  kt-paperclip git:(danb/make-bundle-install-work) ✗ bundle -v
Bundler version 2.2.25
➜  kt-paperclip git:(danb/make-bundle-install-work) ✗ rvm info


    uname:        "Darwin danb2018mbp.local 20.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Wed Jun 23 00:26:31 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7195.141.2~5/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64"
    name:         "OSX"
    version:      "11.5"
    architecture: "x86_64"
    bash:         "/bin/bash => GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin20)"
    zsh:          "/bin/zsh => zsh 5.8 (x86_64-apple-darwin20.0)"
    remote_path:  "osx/11.5/x86_64"
    xcode:        "12.5.1"

    version:      "1.29.12-next (master)"
    updated:      "26 days 23 hours 44 minutes 39 seconds ago"
    path:         "/Users/danb/.rvm"
    autolibs:     "[enable] Allow RVM to use package manager if found, install missing dependencies, install package manager (only OS X)."

    interpreter:  "ruby"
    version:      "2.7.4p191"
    date:         "2021-07-07"
    platform:     "x86_64-darwin20"
    patchlevel:   "2021-07-07 revision a21a3b7d23"
    full_version: "ruby 2.7.4p191 (2021-07-07 revision a21a3b7d23) [x86_64-darwin20]"

    gem:          "/Users/danb/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.4@ktpaperclip"
    ruby:         "/Users/danb/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.4"

    ruby:         "/Users/danb/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.4/bin/ruby"
    irb:          "/Users/danb/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.4/bin/irb"
    gem:          "/Users/danb/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.4/bin/gem"
    rake:         "/Users/danb/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.4@ktpaperclip/bin/rake"

    PATH:         "/Users/danb/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.4@ktpaperclip/bin:/Users/danb/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.4@global/bin:/Users/danb/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.4/bin:/Users/danb/.rvm/bin:/Users/danb/bin/google-cloud-sdk/bin:/Users/danb/.yarn/bin:/Users/danb/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/.bin:/Users/danb/.nvm/versions/node/v8.16.0/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Applications/"
    GEM_HOME:     "/Users/danb/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.4@ktpaperclip"
    GEM_PATH:     "/Users/danb/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.4@ktpaperclip:/Users/danb/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.4@global"
    MY_RUBY_HOME: "/Users/danb/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.4"
    IRBRC:        "/Users/danb/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.7.4/.irbrc"
    RUBYOPT:      ""
    gemset:       "ktpaperclip"

➜  kt-paperclip git:(danb/make-bundle-install-work) ✗ bundle -V
Running `bundle install --verbose` with bundler 2.2.25
Found changes from the lockfile, re-resolving dependencies because the dependencies in your gemfile changed, you added a new platform to your gemfile, the gemspecs for path gems changed
HTTP 206 Partial Content
Fetching gem metadata from
Looking up gems ["activerecord", "appraisal", "aruba", "aws-sdk-s3", "bundler", "capybara", "cucumber-expressions", "cucumber-rails", "fakeweb", "fog-aws", "fog-local", "generator_spec", "launchy", "nokogiri", "railties", "rake", "shoulda", "timecop", "pry", "activerecord-import", "bootsnap", "builder", "listen", "rspec", "rubocop", "rubocop-rails", "sprockets", "activemodel", "activesupport", "mime-types", "marcel", "terrapin"]
Looking up gems ["arel", "tzinfo", "activerecord-deprecated_finders", "aws-sdk-core", "aws-sdk-kms", "aws-sigv4", "thor", "cucumber", "rack-test", "rails", "rexml", "webrick", "culerity", "database_cleaner", "rack", "selenium-webdriver", "celerity", "xpath", "addressable", "mini_mime", "regexp_parser", "uglifier", "background_process", "childprocess", "bcat", "rdiscount", "ffi", "rspec-expectations", "contracts", "event-bus", "rcov", "configuration", "spoon", "hoe", "weakling", "mini_portile", "mini_portile2", "pkg-config", "racc", "fog-core", "fog-json", "fog-xml", "ipaddress", "rspec-rails", "actionpack", "rack-ssl", "rdoc", "method_source", "msgpack", "snappy", "shoulda-context", "shoulda-matchers", "term-ansicolor", "rainbow", "parser", "backports", "powerpack", "json", "ruby-progressbar", "astrolabe", "tins", "unicode-display_width", "parallel", "jaro_winkler", "psych", "rubocop-ast", "ruby_parser", "coderay", "win32console", "yard", "slop", "rb-fchange", "rb-fsevent", "rb-inotify", "rb-kqueue", "celluloid", "celluloid-io", "ruby_dep", "hike", "tilt", "multi_json", "concurrent-ruby", "mimemagic", "rspec-core", "rspec-mocks", "mime-types-data", "climate_control", "i18n", "bcrypt-ruby", "memcache-client", "minitest", "thread_safe", "zeitwerk"]
Looking up gems ["aws-eventstream", "diff-lcs", "polyglot", "treetop", "json_pure", "gherkin", "multi_test", "cucumber-core", "gherkin3", "cucumber-wire", "cucumber-formatter-dots", "cucumber-gherkin", "cucumber-html-formatter", "cucumber-cucumber-expressions", "cucumber-messages", "sys-uname", "cucumber-create-meta", "multi_xml", "jamespath", "jmespath", "aws-partitions", "http-2", "database_cleaner-active_record", "actionmailer", "activeresource", "actionwebservice", "sprockets-rails", "actionview", "activejob", "actioncable", "activestorage", "actionmailbox", "actiontext", "rubyzip", "libwebsocket", "websocket", "public_suffix", "therubyracer", "execjs", "rspec-support", "rubyforge", "RubyInline", "gemcutter", "net-ftp", "excon", "formatador", "net-scp", "net-ssh", "xmlrpc", "erubis", "rack-mount", "rack-cache", "journey", "rails-deprecated_sanitizer", "rails-dom-testing", "rails-html-sanitizer", "webrat", "rspec-collection_matchers", "snappy-jars", "sexp_processor", "ast", "bourne", "sync", "strscan", "jar-dependencies", "ParseTree", "timers", "facter", "celluloid-essentials", "celluloid-extras", "celluloid-fsm", "celluloid-pool", "celluloid-supervision", "dotenv", "nenv", "rspec-logsplit", "nio4r", "win32-api", "functional-ruby", "ref", "bcrypt", "ZenTest", "atomic"]
Looking up gems ["spruz", "cucumber-tag_expressions", "cucumber-tag-expressions", "trollop", "c21e", "facets", "os", "google-protobuf", "protobuf-cucumber", "mail", "text-format", "rails-observers", "activemodel-serializers-xml", "database_cleaner-core", "erubi", "activemodel-globalid", "globalid", "coffee-rails", "em-hiredis", "faye-websocket", "redis", "websocket-driver", "libv8", "net-protocol", "time", "needle", "jruby-pageant", "bcrypt_pbkdf", "rbnacl", "rbnacl-libsodium", "abstract", "multimap", "loofah", "hpricot", "mocha", "SexpProcessor", "celluloid-gems", "coveralls", "CFPropertyList", "sys-admin", "win32-dir", "windows-api", "windows-pr", "win32-security", "hocon", "ruby-maven", "hitimes", "test-unit", "dotenv-deployment"]
Looking up gems ["curses", "text-hyphen", "middleware", "tlsmail", "hiredis", "eventmachine", "coffee-script", "websocket-extensions", "thin", "io-wait", "timeout", "crass", "metaclass", "colorize", "rest-client", "simplecov", "libxml-ruby", "ffi-win32-extensions", "maven-tools", "ruby-maven-libs", "mkrf", "power_assert"]
Looking up gems ["rake-compiler", "coffee-script-source", "daemons", "netrc", "http-cookie", "http-accept", "simplecov-html", "docile", "lockfile", "simplecov_json_formatter", "virtus", "pattern-match"]
Looking up gems ["domain_name", "sqlite3", "descendants_tracker", "axiom-types", "coercible", "equalizer"]
Looking up gems ["ice_nine", "adamantium", "unf"]
Looking up gems ["memoizable", "unf_ext"]
Resolving dependencies...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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I was able to make a bit of progress; I got a bundle install to complete by copying gemfiles/6.0.gemfile to the project root as Gemfile, and commenting out the path: argument on the gemspec line. Tests then run and pass.

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