More detailed instructions are now on my wiki page: ExpaCalendar wiki page
Generator of pdf calendars using Google Calendar API.
Create a Google API application with access to Calendar API and create OAuth 2 credentials for it. Download credentials.json file to access this application.
The code for generating the calendar is in the file. You can create this simple configuration object that you then create the ExpaCalendar
object with.
Note that some of these configurations are not fully utilised, and will be extended in future updates.
class Config:
def __init__(self):
self.calendar_link = '<your full calendar link>'
self.calendar_shortlink = '<your calendar shortlink to be displayed under the QR code>'
self.output_folder = 'programy' = 'Mikroexpedice' # a name to show in the header of the calendar
self.start_date = '2024;10;25'
self.end_date = '2024;10;28'
self.qr_size = 40
self.lang = 'cz' = 49.971980
self.lng = 16.271130
self.tmz = 'Europe/Prague'
self.timezone = 'Europe/Prague'
self.min_elevation = 10
self.satellite_names = ['NOAA 15', 'NOAA 18', 'NOAA 19', 'METEOR-M 2', 'ISS (ZARYA)']
self.rick_probability = 5 # 5% chance of Rick Astley appearing in the QR code
from ExpaCalendar import ExpaCalendar
calendar = ExpaCalendar(Config())
events = calendar.get_calendar_events()
Don't forget to install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt