This example covers
- lmd config string interpolation feature (_.template style)
"name": "Config interpolation example: v${version}, ie=<%= ie %>",
"disclaimer": "lang is a user defined property it is not inheritable",
"lang": "ru",
"output": "../index.lmd-<%= version %><%= lang === 'ru' ? '-ru_RU' : '' %>.js",
"version": "0.0.1",
"ie": false
will be interpolated to
"name": "Config interpolation example: v0.0.1, ie=false",
"output": "../index.lmd-0.0.1-ru_RU.js",
"version": "0.0.1",
"ie": false
note that lang
and disclaimer
are user fields, they will be lost
- localStorage cache- 3-party modules