diff --git a/genindex.html b/genindex.html
index 54c3386..94fa167 100644
--- a/genindex.html
+++ b/genindex.html
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
- - load_msg() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)
- decode_msg() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)
- load_rig() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)
diff --git a/searchindex.js b/searchindex.js
index 6d6ca4e..9cf8cda 100644
--- a/searchindex.js
+++ b/searchindex.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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[2, 4], "add_motors_from_config": [2, 4], "add_pin": [2, 4], "add_sequ": [2, 4], "from_config": [2, 4], "get_motor_po": [2, 4], "goto_posit": [2, 4], "load_sequ": [2, 4], "motor_fn": [2, 4], "move_motor_id": [2, 4], "move_motor_nam": [2, 4], "power_up": [2, 4], "reconfig": [2, 4], "reset_posit": [2, 4], "arduinorobot": [2, 4], "position_ev": [2, 4], "motormessag": [2, 4], "get_fram": [2, 4], "read_ev": [2, 4], "dynamixelrobot": [2, 4], "access_param": [2, 4], "add_motor": [2, 4], "param_ev": [2, 4], "velocity_ev": [2, 4], "motor": [2, 3, 4], "calibrate_homing_offset": [2, 4], "from_motor": [2, 4], "get_param": [2, 4], "set_mod": [2, 4], "set_motor_config": [2, 4], "set_param": [2, 4], "assign_handl": [2, 4], "disconnect": [2, 4], "emit": [2, 4, 5], "handle_ev": [2, 4], "unassigned_handl": [2, 4], "messag": [2, 4, 5], "init_gadget": [2, 4], "mobilepag": [2, 4], "on_device_mot": [2, 4], "on_catch_al": [2, 4], "on_record": [2, 4, 5], "start": [2, 4, 5], "pygamegadget": [2, 4], 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[3, 1, 1, "", "joy2midi"], [3, 1, 1, "", "joy2mouse_button"], [3, 1, 1, "", "joy2mouse_move"], [3, 1, 1, "", "key2cam"], [3, 1, 1, "", "key2mic"], [3, 1, 1, "", "motion2ardmotor"], [3, 1, 1, "", "motion2midi"], [3, 1, 1, "", "msg_func"], [3, 1, 1, "", "text2prompt"], [3, 1, 1, "", "text2yes_no_prompt"]], "r0b0.cables.ps2014": [[3, 1, 1, "", "ps2014app"]], "r0b0.gadgets": [[4, 0, 0, "-", "arduino"], [4, 0, 0, "-", "camera"], [4, 0, 0, "-", "dxl_robot"], [4, 0, 0, "-", "gadget"], [4, 0, 0, "-", "page"], [4, 0, 0, "-", "pygame_gadget"], [4, 0, 0, "-", "rtc"], [4, 0, 0, "-", "tape"], [4, 0, 0, "-", "tape_player"]], "r0b0.gadgets.arduino": [[4, 2, 1, "", "ArduinoGadget"], [4, 2, 1, "", "ArduinoRobot"], [4, 2, 1, "", "MotorMessage"]], "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget": [[4, 3, 1, "", "add_motors_from_config"], [4, 3, 1, "", "add_pins"], [4, 3, 1, "", "add_sequence"], [4, 3, 1, "", "from_config"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_motor_pos"], [4, 3, 1, "", "goto_position"], [4, 3, 1, "", "load_sequence"], [4, 3, 1, "", "motor_fn"], [4, 3, 1, "", "move_motor_id"], [4, 3, 1, "", "move_motor_name"], [4, 3, 1, "", "power_up"], [4, 3, 1, "", "reconfig"], [4, 3, 1, "", "reset_position"]], "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoRobot": [[4, 3, 1, "", "position_event"]], "r0b0.gadgets.camera": [[4, 2, 1, "", "Camera"]], "r0b0.gadgets.camera.Camera": [[4, 3, 1, "", "get_frame"], [4, 3, 1, "", "read_event"]], "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot": [[4, 2, 1, "", "DynamixelRobot"], [4, 2, 1, "", "Motor"]], "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot": [[4, 3, 1, "", "access_param"], [4, 3, 1, "", "add_motor"], [4, 3, 1, "", "add_motors_from_config"], [4, 3, 1, "", "param_event"], [4, 3, 1, "", "position_event"], [4, 3, 1, "", "velocity_event"]], "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor": [[4, 3, 1, "", "access_param"], [4, 3, 1, "", "calibrate_homing_offset"], [4, 3, 1, "", "from_motor"], [4, 3, 1, "", "get_param"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_mode"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_motor_config"], [4, 3, 1, "", "set_param"]], "r0b0.gadgets.gadget": [[4, 2, 1, "", "Gadget"], [4, 2, 1, "", "Message"], [4, 1, 1, "", "init_gadget"]], "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget": [[4, 3, 1, "", "assign_handlers"], [4, 3, 1, "", "disconnect"], [4, 3, 1, "", "emit"], [4, 3, 1, "", "handle_events"], [4, 3, 1, "", "unassigned_handler"]], "r0b0.gadgets.page": [[4, 2, 1, "", "MobilePage"], [4, 2, 1, "", "Page"]], "r0b0.gadgets.page.MobilePage": [[4, 3, 1, "", "on_device_motion"]], "r0b0.gadgets.page.Page": [[4, 3, 1, "", "on_catch_all"], [4, 3, 1, "", "on_record"], [4, 3, 1, "", "start"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget": [[4, 2, 1, "", "PyGameGadget"], [4, 2, 1, "", "PyGameJoystick"], [4, 2, 1, "", "PyGameKeys"], [4, 2, 1, "", "PyGameMouse"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameJoystick": [[4, 3, 1, "", "emit"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameKeys": [[4, 3, 1, "", "key_event"], [4, 3, 1, "", "mouse_event"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameMouse": [[4, 3, 1, "", "mouse_event"]], "r0b0.gadgets.rtc": [[4, 2, 1, "", "RTCGadget"]], "r0b0.gadgets.rtc.RTCGadget": [[4, 3, 1, "", "handle_offer"], [4, 3, 1, "", "negotiate"], [4, 3, 1, "", "start"]], "r0b0.gadgets.tape": [[4, 2, 1, "", "Tape"]], "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape": [[4, 3, 1, "", "get_frame"], [4, 3, 1, "", "load"], [4, 3, 1, "", "open"], [4, 3, 1, "", "play"], [4, 3, 1, "", "save"], [4, 3, 1, "", "start"], [4, 3, 1, "", "write"]], "r0b0.gadgets.tape_player": [[4, 2, 1, "", "Mouse"]], "r0b0.gadgets.tape_player.Mouse": [[4, 3, 1, "", "load_event"], [4, 3, 1, "", "play_event"]], "r0b0.rigs": [[5, 0, 0, "-", "host"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "rig"]], "r0b0.rigs.host": [[5, 2, 1, "", "Host"]], "r0b0.rigs.host.Host": [[5, 3, 1, "", "add_emit"], [5, 3, 1, "", "add_url"], [5, 3, 1, "", "answer"], [5, 3, 1, "", "broadcaster"], [5, 3, 1, "", "candidate"], [5, 3, 1, "", "emit"], [5, 3, 1, "", "get_tapes"], [5, 3, 1, "", "offer"], [5, 3, 1, "", "on_load"], [5, 3, 1, "", "on_play"], [5, 3, 1, "", "on_record"], [5, 3, 1, "", "play"], [5, 3, 1, "", "watcher"]], "r0b0.rigs.rig": [[5, 2, 1, "", "Rig"]], "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig": [[5, 3, 1, "", "add_cable"], [5, 3, 1, "", "add_gadget"], [5, 3, 1, "", "multi_handler"], [5, 3, 1, "", "power_off"], [5, 3, 1, "", "power_on"], [5, 3, 1, "", "pygame_event_handler"]], "r0b0.utils": [[6, 0, 0, "-", "loaders"]], "r0b0.utils.loaders": [[6, 1, 1, "", "dump_msg"], [6, 1, 1, "", "load_config"], [6, 1, 1, "", "load_gadget"], [6, 1, 1, "", "load_msg"], [6, 1, 1, "", "load_rig"], [6, 1, 1, "", "load_yaml"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:function", "2": "py:class", "3": "py:method"}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "function", "Python function"], "2": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "3": ["py", "method", "Python method"]}, "titleterms": {"welcom": 0, "r0b0": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "": 0, "document": 0, "indic": 0, "tabl": 0, "packag": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "subpackag": 2, "submodul": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "config": 2, "modul": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "content": [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "cabl": 3, "blsm": 3, 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"Subpackages": [[2, "subpackages"]], "Submodules": [[2, "submodules"], [3, "submodules"], [4, "submodules"], [5, "submodules"], [6, "submodules"]], "r0b0.config module": [[2, "module-r0b0.config"]], "Module contents": [[2, "module-r0b0"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets"], [5, "module-r0b0.rigs"], [6, "module-r0b0.utils"]], "r0b0.cables package": [[3, "r0b0-cables-package"]], "r0b0.cables.blsm module": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.blsm"]], "r0b0.cables.midi_funcs module": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.midi_funcs"]], "r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs module": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs"]], "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs module": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.msg_funcs"]], "r0b0.cables.ps2014 module": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.ps2014"]], "r0b0.gadgets package": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-package"]], "r0b0.gadgets.arduino module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.arduino"]], "r0b0.gadgets.camera module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.camera"]], "r0b0.gadgets.chatbot module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-chatbot-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot"]], "r0b0.gadgets.gadget module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.gadget"]], "r0b0.gadgets.mediapipe_gadget module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-mediapipe-gadget-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.microphone module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-microphone-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.midi_controller module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-midi-controller-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.mouse module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-mouse-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.page module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.page"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pi_button module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-pi-button-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pi_camera module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-pi-camera-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pi_gadget module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-pi-gadget-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pi_screen module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-pi-screen-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget"]], "r0b0.gadgets.rtc module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.rtc"]], "r0b0.gadgets.tape module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.tape"]], "r0b0.gadgets.tape_player module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.tape_player"]], "r0b0.gadgets.test_gadget module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-test-gadget-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.test_joystick module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-test-joystick-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.test_message module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-test-message-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.test_robot module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-test-robot-module"]], "r0b0.rigs package": [[5, "r0b0-rigs-package"]], "r0b0.rigs.host module": [[5, "module-r0b0.rigs.host"]], "r0b0.rigs.rig module": [[5, "module-r0b0.rigs.rig"]], "r0b0.utils package": [[6, "r0b0-utils-package"]], "r0b0.utils.loaders module": [[6, "module-r0b0.utils.loaders"]]}, "indexentries": {"get_timestamp() (in module r0b0)": [[2, "r0b0.get_timestamp"]], "module": [[2, "module-r0b0"], [2, "module-r0b0.config"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables.blsm"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables.midi_funcs"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables.msg_funcs"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables.ps2014"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.arduino"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.camera"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.gadget"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.page"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.rtc"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.tape"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.tape_player"], [5, "module-r0b0.rigs"], [5, "module-r0b0.rigs.host"], [5, "module-r0b0.rigs.rig"], [6, "module-r0b0.utils"], [6, "module-r0b0.utils.loaders"]], "r0b0": [[2, "module-r0b0"]], "r0b0.config": [[2, "module-r0b0.config"]], "button2cam() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.button2cam"]], "cc2ard() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.cc2ard"]], "cc2motor() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.cc2motor"]], "joy2ardmotor() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.joy2ardmotor"]], "joy2dxlmotor() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.joy2dxlmotor"]], "joy2midi() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.joy2midi"]], "joy2mouse_button() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.joy2mouse_button"]], "joy2mouse_move() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.joy2mouse_move"]], "joy2rover() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.joy2rover"]], "joy2vel() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.joy2vel"]], "key2cam() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.key2cam"]], "key2mic() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.key2mic"]], "key2mouse_place() (in module r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs.key2mouse_place"]], "midi_rel2position() (in module r0b0.cables.midi_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.midi_funcs.midi_rel2position"]], "motion2ardmotor() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.motion2ardmotor"]], "motion2arduino_motor() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.motion2arduino_motor"]], "motion2midi() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.motion2midi"]], "motion2motor() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.motion2motor"]], "motion2motor320() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.motion2motor320"]], "motion2velocity() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.motion2velocity"]], "msg_func() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.msg_func"]], "ps2014app() (in module r0b0.cables.ps2014)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.ps2014.ps2014app"]], "r0b0.cables": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables"]], "r0b0.cables.blsm": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.blsm"]], "r0b0.cables.midi_funcs": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.midi_funcs"]], "r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs"]], "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.msg_funcs"]], "r0b0.cables.ps2014": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.ps2014"]], "response2blsm() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.response2blsm"]], "text2prompt() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.text2prompt"]], "text2yes_no_prompt() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.text2yes_no_prompt"]], "arduinogadget (class in r0b0.gadgets.arduino)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget"]], "arduinorobot (class in r0b0.gadgets.arduino)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoRobot"]], "camera (class in r0b0.gadgets.camera)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.camera.Camera"]], "dynamixelrobot (class in r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot"]], "gadget (class in r0b0.gadgets.gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget"]], "message (class in r0b0.gadgets.gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Message"]], "mobilepage (class in r0b0.gadgets.page)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.page.MobilePage"]], "motor (class in r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor"]], "motormessage (class in r0b0.gadgets.arduino)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.MotorMessage"]], "mouse (class in r0b0.gadgets.tape_player)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape_player.Mouse"]], "page (class in r0b0.gadgets.page)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.page.Page"]], "pygamegadget (class in r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameGadget"]], "pygamejoystick (class in r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameJoystick"]], "pygamekeys (class in r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameKeys"]], "pygamemouse (class in r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameMouse"]], "rtcgadget (class in r0b0.gadgets.rtc)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.rtc.RTCGadget"]], "tape (class in r0b0.gadgets.tape)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape"]], "access_param() (dynamixelrobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot.access_param"]], "access_param() (motor method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.access_param"]], "add_motor() (dynamixelrobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot.add_motor"]], "add_motors_from_config() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.add_motors_from_config"]], "add_motors_from_config() (dynamixelrobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot.add_motors_from_config"]], "add_pins() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.add_pins"]], "add_sequence() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.add_sequence"]], "assign_handlers() (gadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget.assign_handlers"]], "calibrate_homing_offset() (motor method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.calibrate_homing_offset"]], "disconnect() (gadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget.disconnect"]], "emit() (gadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget.emit"]], "emit() (pygamejoystick method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameJoystick.emit"]], "from_config() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.from_config"]], "from_motor() (motor class method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.from_motor"]], "get_frame() (camera method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.camera.Camera.get_frame"]], "get_frame() (tape method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.get_frame"]], "get_motor_pos() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.get_motor_pos"]], "get_param() (motor method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.get_param"]], "goto_position() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.goto_position"]], "handle_events() (gadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget.handle_events"]], "handle_offer() (rtcgadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.rtc.RTCGadget.handle_offer"]], "init_gadget() (in module r0b0.gadgets.gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.init_gadget"]], "key_event() (pygamekeys method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameKeys.key_event"]], "load() (tape class method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.load"]], "load_event() (mouse method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape_player.Mouse.load_event"]], "load_sequence() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.load_sequence"]], "motor_fn() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.motor_fn"]], "mouse_event() (pygamekeys method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameKeys.mouse_event"]], "mouse_event() (pygamemouse method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameMouse.mouse_event"]], "move_motor_id() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.move_motor_id"]], "move_motor_name() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.move_motor_name"]], "negotiate() (rtcgadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.rtc.RTCGadget.negotiate"]], "on_catch_all() (page method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.page.Page.on_catch_all"]], "on_device_motion() (mobilepage method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.page.MobilePage.on_device_motion"]], "on_record() (page method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.page.Page.on_record"]], "open() (tape method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.open"]], "param_event() (dynamixelrobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot.param_event"]], "play() (tape method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.play"]], "play_event() (mouse method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape_player.Mouse.play_event"]], "position_event() (arduinorobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoRobot.position_event"]], "position_event() (dynamixelrobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot.position_event"]], "power_up() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.power_up"]], "r0b0.gadgets": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets"]], "r0b0.gadgets.arduino": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.arduino"]], "r0b0.gadgets.camera": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.camera"]], "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot"]], "r0b0.gadgets.gadget": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.gadget"]], "r0b0.gadgets.page": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.page"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget"]], "r0b0.gadgets.rtc": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.rtc"]], "r0b0.gadgets.tape": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.tape"]], "r0b0.gadgets.tape_player": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.tape_player"]], "read_event() (camera method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.camera.Camera.read_event"]], "reconfig() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.reconfig"]], "reset_position() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.reset_position"]], "save() (tape method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.save"]], "set_mode() (motor method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.set_mode"]], "set_motor_config() (motor method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.set_motor_config"]], "set_param() (motor method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.set_param"]], "start() (page method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.page.Page.start"]], "start() (rtcgadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.rtc.RTCGadget.start"]], "start() (tape method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.start"]], "unassigned_handler() (gadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget.unassigned_handler"]], "velocity_event() (dynamixelrobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot.velocity_event"]], "write() (tape method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.write"]], "host (class in r0b0.rigs.host)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host"]], "rig (class in r0b0.rigs.rig)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig"]], "add_cable() (rig method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig.add_cable"]], "add_emit() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.add_emit"]], "add_gadget() (rig method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig.add_gadget"]], "add_url() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.add_url"]], "answer() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.answer"]], "broadcaster() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.broadcaster"]], "candidate() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.candidate"]], "emit() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.emit"]], "get_tapes() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.get_tapes"]], "multi_handler() (rig method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig.multi_handler"]], "offer() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.offer"]], "on_load() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.on_load"]], "on_play() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.on_play"]], "on_record() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.on_record"]], "play() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.play"]], "power_off() (rig method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig.power_off"]], "power_on() (rig method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig.power_on"]], "pygame_event_handler() (rig method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig.pygame_event_handler"]], "r0b0.rigs": [[5, "module-r0b0.rigs"]], "r0b0.rigs.host": [[5, "module-r0b0.rigs.host"]], "r0b0.rigs.rig": [[5, "module-r0b0.rigs.rig"]], "watcher() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.watcher"]], "dump_msg() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)": [[6, "r0b0.utils.loaders.dump_msg"]], "load_config() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)": [[6, "r0b0.utils.loaders.load_config"]], "load_gadget() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)": [[6, "r0b0.utils.loaders.load_gadget"]], "load_msg() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)": [[6, "r0b0.utils.loaders.load_msg"]], "load_rig() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)": [[6, "r0b0.utils.loaders.load_rig"]], "load_yaml() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)": [[6, "r0b0.utils.loaders.load_yaml"]], "r0b0.utils": [[6, "module-r0b0.utils"]], "r0b0.utils.loaders": [[6, "module-r0b0.utils.loaders"]]}})
\ No newline at end of file
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[2, 4], "add_motors_from_config": [2, 4], "add_pin": [2, 4], "add_sequ": [2, 4], "from_config": [2, 4], "get_motor_po": [2, 4], "goto_posit": [2, 4], "load_sequ": [2, 4], "motor_fn": [2, 4], "move_motor_id": [2, 4], "move_motor_nam": [2, 4], "power_up": [2, 4], "reconfig": [2, 4], "reset_posit": [2, 4], "arduinorobot": [2, 4], "position_ev": [2, 4], "motormessag": [2, 4], "get_fram": [2, 4], "read_ev": [2, 4], "dynamixelrobot": [2, 4], "access_param": [2, 4], "add_motor": [2, 4], "param_ev": [2, 4], "velocity_ev": [2, 4], "motor": [2, 3, 4], "calibrate_homing_offset": [2, 4], "from_motor": [2, 4], "get_param": [2, 4], "set_mod": [2, 4], "set_motor_config": [2, 4], "set_param": [2, 4], "assign_handl": [2, 4], "disconnect": [2, 4], "emit": [2, 4, 5], "handle_ev": [2, 4], "unassigned_handl": [2, 4], "messag": [2, 4, 5], "init_gadget": [2, 4], "mobilepag": [2, 4], "on_device_mot": [2, 4], "on_catch_al": [2, 4], "on_record": [2, 4, 5], "start": [2, 4, 5], "pygamegadget": [2, 4], 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1, "", "Rig"]], "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig": [[5, 3, 1, "", "add_cable"], [5, 3, 1, "", "add_gadget"], [5, 3, 1, "", "multi_handler"], [5, 3, 1, "", "power_off"], [5, 3, 1, "", "power_on"], [5, 3, 1, "", "pygame_event_handler"]], "r0b0.utils": [[6, 0, 0, "-", "loaders"]], "r0b0.utils.loaders": [[6, 1, 1, "", "encode_msg"], [6, 1, 1, "", "load_config"], [6, 1, 1, "", "load_gadget"], [6, 1, 1, "", "decode_msg"], [6, 1, 1, "", "load_rig"], [6, 1, 1, "", "load_yaml"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:function", "2": "py:class", "3": "py:method"}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "function", "Python function"], "2": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "3": ["py", "method", "Python method"]}, "titleterms": {"welcom": 0, "r0b0": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "": 0, "document": 0, "indic": 0, "tabl": 0, "packag": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "subpackag": 2, "submodul": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "config": 2, "modul": [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "content": [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], "cabl": 3, "blsm": 3, 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"Subpackages": [[2, "subpackages"]], "Submodules": [[2, "submodules"], [3, "submodules"], [4, "submodules"], [5, "submodules"], [6, "submodules"]], "r0b0.config module": [[2, "module-r0b0.config"]], "Module contents": [[2, "module-r0b0"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets"], [5, "module-r0b0.rigs"], [6, "module-r0b0.utils"]], "r0b0.cables package": [[3, "r0b0-cables-package"]], "r0b0.cables.blsm module": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.blsm"]], "r0b0.cables.midi_funcs module": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.midi_funcs"]], "r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs module": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs"]], "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs module": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.msg_funcs"]], "r0b0.cables.ps2014 module": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.ps2014"]], "r0b0.gadgets package": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-package"]], "r0b0.gadgets.arduino module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.arduino"]], "r0b0.gadgets.camera module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.camera"]], "r0b0.gadgets.chatbot module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-chatbot-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot"]], "r0b0.gadgets.gadget module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.gadget"]], "r0b0.gadgets.mediapipe_gadget module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-mediapipe-gadget-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.microphone module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-microphone-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.midi_controller module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-midi-controller-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.mouse module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-mouse-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.page module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.page"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pi_button module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-pi-button-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pi_camera module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-pi-camera-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pi_gadget module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-pi-gadget-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pi_screen module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-pi-screen-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget"]], "r0b0.gadgets.rtc module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.rtc"]], "r0b0.gadgets.tape module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.tape"]], "r0b0.gadgets.tape_player module": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.tape_player"]], "r0b0.gadgets.test_gadget module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-test-gadget-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.test_joystick module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-test-joystick-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.test_message module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-test-message-module"]], "r0b0.gadgets.test_robot module": [[4, "r0b0-gadgets-test-robot-module"]], "r0b0.rigs package": [[5, "r0b0-rigs-package"]], "r0b0.rigs.host module": [[5, "module-r0b0.rigs.host"]], "r0b0.rigs.rig module": [[5, "module-r0b0.rigs.rig"]], "r0b0.utils package": [[6, "r0b0-utils-package"]], "r0b0.utils.loaders module": [[6, "module-r0b0.utils.loaders"]]}, "indexentries": {"get_timestamp() (in module r0b0)": [[2, "r0b0.get_timestamp"]], "module": [[2, "module-r0b0"], [2, "module-r0b0.config"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables.blsm"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables.midi_funcs"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables.msg_funcs"], [3, "module-r0b0.cables.ps2014"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.arduino"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.camera"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.gadget"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.page"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.rtc"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.tape"], [4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.tape_player"], [5, "module-r0b0.rigs"], [5, "module-r0b0.rigs.host"], [5, "module-r0b0.rigs.rig"], [6, "module-r0b0.utils"], [6, "module-r0b0.utils.loaders"]], "r0b0": [[2, "module-r0b0"]], "r0b0.config": [[2, "module-r0b0.config"]], "button2cam() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.button2cam"]], "cc2ard() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.cc2ard"]], "cc2motor() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.cc2motor"]], "joy2ardmotor() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.joy2ardmotor"]], "joy2dxlmotor() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.joy2dxlmotor"]], "joy2midi() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.joy2midi"]], "joy2mouse_button() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.joy2mouse_button"]], "joy2mouse_move() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.joy2mouse_move"]], "joy2rover() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.joy2rover"]], "joy2vel() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.joy2vel"]], "key2cam() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.key2cam"]], "key2mic() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.key2mic"]], "key2mouse_place() (in module r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs.key2mouse_place"]], "midi_rel2position() (in module r0b0.cables.midi_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.midi_funcs.midi_rel2position"]], "motion2ardmotor() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.motion2ardmotor"]], "motion2arduino_motor() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.motion2arduino_motor"]], "motion2midi() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.motion2midi"]], "motion2motor() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.motion2motor"]], "motion2motor320() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.motion2motor320"]], "motion2velocity() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.motion2velocity"]], "msg_func() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.msg_func"]], "ps2014app() (in module r0b0.cables.ps2014)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.ps2014.ps2014app"]], "r0b0.cables": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables"]], "r0b0.cables.blsm": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.blsm"]], "r0b0.cables.midi_funcs": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.midi_funcs"]], "r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.mouse_funcs"]], "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.msg_funcs"]], "r0b0.cables.ps2014": [[3, "module-r0b0.cables.ps2014"]], "response2blsm() (in module r0b0.cables.blsm)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.blsm.response2blsm"]], "text2prompt() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.text2prompt"]], "text2yes_no_prompt() (in module r0b0.cables.msg_funcs)": [[3, "r0b0.cables.msg_funcs.text2yes_no_prompt"]], "arduinogadget (class in r0b0.gadgets.arduino)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget"]], "arduinorobot (class in r0b0.gadgets.arduino)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoRobot"]], "camera (class in r0b0.gadgets.camera)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.camera.Camera"]], "dynamixelrobot (class in r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot"]], "gadget (class in r0b0.gadgets.gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget"]], "message (class in r0b0.gadgets.gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Message"]], "mobilepage (class in r0b0.gadgets.page)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.page.MobilePage"]], "motor (class in r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor"]], "motormessage (class in r0b0.gadgets.arduino)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.MotorMessage"]], "mouse (class in r0b0.gadgets.tape_player)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape_player.Mouse"]], "page (class in r0b0.gadgets.page)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.page.Page"]], "pygamegadget (class in r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameGadget"]], "pygamejoystick (class in r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameJoystick"]], "pygamekeys (class in r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameKeys"]], "pygamemouse (class in r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameMouse"]], "rtcgadget (class in r0b0.gadgets.rtc)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.rtc.RTCGadget"]], "tape (class in r0b0.gadgets.tape)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape"]], "access_param() (dynamixelrobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot.access_param"]], "access_param() (motor method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.access_param"]], "add_motor() (dynamixelrobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot.add_motor"]], "add_motors_from_config() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.add_motors_from_config"]], "add_motors_from_config() (dynamixelrobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot.add_motors_from_config"]], "add_pins() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.add_pins"]], "add_sequence() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.add_sequence"]], "assign_handlers() (gadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget.assign_handlers"]], "calibrate_homing_offset() (motor method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.calibrate_homing_offset"]], "disconnect() (gadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget.disconnect"]], "emit() (gadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget.emit"]], "emit() (pygamejoystick method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameJoystick.emit"]], "from_config() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.from_config"]], "from_motor() (motor class method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.from_motor"]], "get_frame() (camera method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.camera.Camera.get_frame"]], "get_frame() (tape method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.get_frame"]], "get_motor_pos() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.get_motor_pos"]], "get_param() (motor method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.get_param"]], "goto_position() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.goto_position"]], "handle_events() (gadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget.handle_events"]], "handle_offer() (rtcgadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.rtc.RTCGadget.handle_offer"]], "init_gadget() (in module r0b0.gadgets.gadget)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.init_gadget"]], "key_event() (pygamekeys method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameKeys.key_event"]], "load() (tape class method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.load"]], "load_event() (mouse method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape_player.Mouse.load_event"]], "load_sequence() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.load_sequence"]], "motor_fn() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.motor_fn"]], "mouse_event() (pygamekeys method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameKeys.mouse_event"]], "mouse_event() (pygamemouse method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget.PyGameMouse.mouse_event"]], "move_motor_id() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.move_motor_id"]], "move_motor_name() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.move_motor_name"]], "negotiate() (rtcgadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.rtc.RTCGadget.negotiate"]], "on_catch_all() (page method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.page.Page.on_catch_all"]], "on_device_motion() (mobilepage method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.page.MobilePage.on_device_motion"]], "on_record() (page method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.page.Page.on_record"]], "open() (tape method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.open"]], "param_event() (dynamixelrobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot.param_event"]], "play() (tape method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.play"]], "play_event() (mouse method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape_player.Mouse.play_event"]], "position_event() (arduinorobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoRobot.position_event"]], "position_event() (dynamixelrobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot.position_event"]], "power_up() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.power_up"]], "r0b0.gadgets": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets"]], "r0b0.gadgets.arduino": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.arduino"]], "r0b0.gadgets.camera": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.camera"]], "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot"]], "r0b0.gadgets.gadget": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.gadget"]], "r0b0.gadgets.page": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.page"]], "r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.pygame_gadget"]], "r0b0.gadgets.rtc": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.rtc"]], "r0b0.gadgets.tape": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.tape"]], "r0b0.gadgets.tape_player": [[4, "module-r0b0.gadgets.tape_player"]], "read_event() (camera method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.camera.Camera.read_event"]], "reconfig() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.reconfig"]], "reset_position() (arduinogadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.arduino.ArduinoGadget.reset_position"]], "save() (tape method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.save"]], "set_mode() (motor method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.set_mode"]], "set_motor_config() (motor method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.set_motor_config"]], "set_param() (motor method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.Motor.set_param"]], "start() (page method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.page.Page.start"]], "start() (rtcgadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.rtc.RTCGadget.start"]], "start() (tape method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.start"]], "unassigned_handler() (gadget method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.gadget.Gadget.unassigned_handler"]], "velocity_event() (dynamixelrobot method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.dxl_robot.DynamixelRobot.velocity_event"]], "write() (tape method)": [[4, "r0b0.gadgets.tape.Tape.write"]], "host (class in r0b0.rigs.host)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host"]], "rig (class in r0b0.rigs.rig)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig"]], "add_cable() (rig method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig.add_cable"]], "add_emit() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.add_emit"]], "add_gadget() (rig method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig.add_gadget"]], "add_url() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.add_url"]], "answer() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.answer"]], "broadcaster() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.broadcaster"]], "candidate() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.candidate"]], "emit() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.emit"]], "get_tapes() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.get_tapes"]], "multi_handler() (rig method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig.multi_handler"]], "offer() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.offer"]], "on_load() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.on_load"]], "on_play() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.on_play"]], "on_record() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.on_record"]], "play() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.play"]], "power_off() (rig method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig.power_off"]], "power_on() (rig method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig.power_on"]], "pygame_event_handler() (rig method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.rig.Rig.pygame_event_handler"]], "r0b0.rigs": [[5, "module-r0b0.rigs"]], "r0b0.rigs.host": [[5, "module-r0b0.rigs.host"]], "r0b0.rigs.rig": [[5, "module-r0b0.rigs.rig"]], "watcher() (host method)": [[5, "r0b0.rigs.host.Host.watcher"]], "encode_msg() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)": [[6, "r0b0.utils.loaders.encode_msg"]], "load_config() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)": [[6, "r0b0.utils.loaders.load_config"]], "load_gadget() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)": [[6, "r0b0.utils.loaders.load_gadget"]], "decode_msg() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)": [[6, "r0b0.utils.loaders.decode_msg"]], "load_rig() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)": [[6, "r0b0.utils.loaders.load_rig"]], "load_yaml() (in module r0b0.utils.loaders)": [[6, "r0b0.utils.loaders.load_yaml"]], "r0b0.utils": [[6, "module-r0b0.utils"]], "r0b0.utils.loaders": [[6, "module-r0b0.utils.loaders"]]}})
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