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GeoJSON Parsing

Why do we need a GeoJson parser? Won't a regular JSON parser do?

While the GeoJSON spec is well defined RFC, the specification is none the less very loose. This presents 2 challenges that are not common in JSON parsing where the schema is strictly defined.

  1. Polymorphic nature of fields (coordinates),

A Point

         "type": "Point",
         "coordinates": [40, 10]

A Polygon

        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
            [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0],
            [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0]

Notice the structure in terms of fields is completely the same, but the value type is very different. For Point coordinates are an array of exactly 2 numbers of decimal type and for the Polygon it is an array-of-array of such point coordinates (itself represented as arrays).

This presents a unique challenge for mapping Java objects in a way that preserves type safety while still has room to accommodate different types.

  1. Polymorphic nature of fields (geometry, geometries and features).

a. A GeometryWithCoordinates (all geometries except GeometryCollection) have coordinates. b. A Feature has one associated geometry, while a GeometryCollection has several assocated nested geometries. c. A FeatureCollection could have several associated features. d. GeometryCollections can nest GeometryCollections recursively.


A Feature containing a LineString

  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "LineString",
    "coordinates": [
      [-122.009566, 37.33531],[-122.031007,37.390535],[-122.028932,37.332451]

A recursively nested GeometryCollection

    "type": "GeometryCollection",
    "geometries": [
            "type": "GeometryCollection",
            "geometries": [
                    "type": "GeometryCollection",
                    "geometries": [
                            "type": "GeometryCollection",
                            "geometries": [

Since the building block of a Geometry is itself highly dynamic, this dynamism "leaks" into all other major structures like Features, FeatureCollections and GeometryCollections. A challenge that is not suited for regular JSON parsing.

  1. Very liberal specification

The RFC supports the concept of foreign fields and fields like properties are entirely foreign. This means that implementations that rely heavily in foreign fields would have to map the properties section to a map-of-map-of-map... or it's like. This makes coding against it difficult and also introduces bugs the the compiler cannot protect against due to loss of type-safety.


  "type": "Feature",
  "bbox": [ ... ],
  "geometry": { ... },
  "properties": {
    "featureChangeType": "ADD",
    "metadata": {
      "somekey1": "some value 1",
      "somekey2": "some value 2"
    "description": {
      "type": "UPDATE",
      "descriptors": [
          "name": "TAG",
          "type": "ADD",
          "key": "c",
          "value": "3"
          "name": "TAG",
          "type": "UPDATE",
          "key": "b",
          "value": "2a",
          "originalValue": "2"
          "name": "TAG",
          "type": "REMOVE",
          "key": "a",
          "value": "1"
          "name": "GEOMETRY",
          "type": "ADD",
          "position": "5/5",
          "afterView": "LINESTRING (-122.028932 37.332451, -122.052138 37.317585, -122.0304871 37.3314171)"
          "name": "GEOMETRY",
          "type": "REMOVE",
          "position": "0/5",
          "beforeView": "LINESTRING (-122.052138 37.317585, -122.0304871 37.3314171, -122.028932 37.332451)"
          "name": "PARENT_RELATION",
          "type": "ADD",
          "afterView": "3"
          "name": "PARENT_RELATION",
          "type": "REMOVE",
          "beforeView": "1"
          "name": "START_NODE",
          "type": "UPDATE",
          "beforeView": "1",
          "afterView": "10"
          "name": "END_NODE",
          "type": "UPDATE",
          "beforeView": "2",
          "afterView": "20"
    "entityType": "EDGE",
    "completeEntityClass": "org.openstreetmap.atlas.geography.atlas.complete.CompleteEdge",
    "identifier": 123,
    "tags": {
      "b": "2a",
      "c": "3"
    " relations": [
    "startNode": 10,
    "endNode": 20,
    "WKT": "LINESTRING (-122.009566 37.33531, -122.031007 37.390535, -122.028932 37.332451, -122.052138 37.317585, -122.0304871 37.3314171)",
    "bboxWKT": "POLYGON ((-122.052138 37.317585, -122.052138 37.390535, -122.009566 37.390535, -122.009566 37.317585, -122.052138 37.317585))"

Notice how difficult it would be to access the originalValue inside properties#decription#descriptor[index] without type information.

In my exploration I didn't come across a framework that solves these problems to my satisfaction. In fact tools that deal with JsonSchema and JsonSchema-to-Java mapping seems to break due to the complexity of the geojson schema.

What does this GeoJSON parser support?

  1. Map GeoJSON to all standard types defined in the specification, including Feature, FeatureCollection, Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, MultiPolygon.
  2. Support complex coordinates structures.
  3. Support for 2D and 3D Bboxes.
  4. Full support for Foreign Fields.
  5. Highly functional "auto"-mapper for properties, that automatically maps properties to your user-defined bean (subject to some restrictions).

How do I use it?

If you are just interested in the standard types and do not rely heavily on Foreign Fields or properties you just need one line of code.

        final GeoJsonItem geoJsonItem = GeoJsonParserJacksonImpl.instance.deserialize(json);

If you do wish to map your properties to a deep nested bean or pojo, you will need an additional line while accessing properties (assume MyClass is your deep-nested POJO),

        final MyClass myObj = geoJsonItem.getProperties().asType(MyClass.class);

What is (will) not (be) supported?

Very detailed validations to ensure validation of the geometries. Example, southwardly to northwardly, Anti-meridian. These feature are available in AtlasEntity-ies. Only basic structural validations are added here.

A note on Mutability

GeoJSONs i.e all Geometry-ies, Features and FeatureCollections, and their constituents like Coordinates, Bbox, Position, etc are immutable. However your custom class which will be auto-mapped from the properties requires setter methods.

A note of properties auto-mapping

Properties in the GeoJSONItem can be automatically mapped to a user-defined POJO or bean. This doesn't require the user to explicitly call setters/getters. Under the hood the auto-mapper is a custom recursive BeanUtilsBean#copyProperties which is collection and nexted structure aware.

This means that for the auto-mapper to work you need to follow the JavaBean standards and some additional restrictions.

Properties auto-mapping support and restrictions

Data-Types supported

  • Scalar Values
  • 1D Arrays of Scalar Values.
  • A Java Bean that contains the above.
  • 1D arrays of Java Beans.
  • A Map of scalar values in it's key and value.

Parsed Geo JSON Geometry to Atlas Geometry mapping

Geo Json Geometry Atlas Geometry
Point Location
MultiPoint List<Location>
LineString PolyLine
MultiLineString List<PolyLine>
Polygon Polygon
MultiPolygon List<Polygon>
GeometryCollection N/A (Non-GeometryCollection children can be converted to the above.)


Restriction Reason Workaround
Public Constructor and setters Needed for reflectively constructing and setting data in the bean NA
Arrays instead of Lists or Sets This makes auto mapping of Nested structures easier, since generic info is lost at runtime. * Expose a getter method that converts the array to your Collection
Maps of scalars only Keys in JSON cannot cantain objects. Values may contain objects but the generic info is lost in Java. * May be supported in the future, if the use case presents. In the mean while you can construct an array of Pairs as a workaround.

* The loss of generic info at runtime in Java is due to Type Erasure. While there are workarounds available to get that at runtime, they are awkward and would make the API complicated.