This is a sample to sync information between rails applications using RabbitMQ
Create manually the required network to share rabbitMQ accross Rails applications (just if not exist):
docker network create shared_app_services
Start RabbitMQ server
cd samples/app1 && docker-compose up pubsub
In another tab access to App2 to listen notifications (Wait for step 2 until ready)
Access to the folder
cd samples/app2
Build docker and start listener (Received notifications will be printed here)
docker-compose run listener
- In another tab access to App1 to publish notifications (Wait for step 2 until ready)
Access to the application
cd samples/app1
Build docker and enter rails console
docker-compose run app bash -c "rails db:migrate && rails c"
Create a sample user
user = User.create!(name: 'User 1', posts_attributes: [{ title: 'Post 1' }, { title: 'Post 2' }])
Note: Check app2 console to see notifications (from step3: 3 notifications)
Note2: Access app2 console to see user and its posts (Check step #Extra) -
Update previous user
user.update!(name: 'User 1 changed', posts_attributes: { |post| { id:, title: "#{post.title} changed" } })
Note: Check app2 console to see notifications (from step 3: 3 notifications)
Note2: Access app2 console to see changes for user and its posts (Check step #Extra) -
Destroy previous user
Extra (inspect synced data)
- Access to the application2
cd samples/app2
- Access to the application console
docker-compose run listener bash -c "rails c"
- Inspect synced data
customer = Customer.last customer.posts
- Access to the application2